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Frontiers of Medicine编辑部招聘启事

已有 2725 次阅读 2017-12-29 10:10 |系统分类:生活其它

Frontiers of Medicine 是2007年由教育部主管、高等教育出版社出版、德国Springer公司负责海外发行的英文医学综合性学术期刊,以网络版和印刷版两种形式出版。Frontiers of Medicine 现为中国工程院院刊,由高等教育出版社、中国工程院和上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院联合主办。

Frontiers of Medicine主编为上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院上海血液学研究所陈赛娟院士、哈尔滨医科大学杨宝峰院士和华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院外科学系陈孝平院士。Frontiers of Medicine注重反映医学前沿领域的学术进展,关注国际研究热点,以及中国突出的研究成果。

Frontiers of Medicine已被SCI、MEDLINE、SCOPUS、EMBASE、中国科技核心期刊(中国科技论文统计源期刊)、CSCD(中国科学引文数据库)核心库收录。



1. 具有医学专业背景,获得相关专业博士学位,对科技期刊有浓厚的兴趣。有海外攻读博士学位及博士后研究经历者优先。

2. 年富力强(年龄在50岁以下优先考虑),身体健康。

3. 英文水平优秀,具有独立编辑出版内容的能力,并熟悉数字化期刊出版。

4. 应具有副高级或以上专业技术职称。具有在国内外知名科技期刊从事编辑出版工作经历者优先考虑。

5. 熟悉期刊出版的各项方针政策和法律法规。具有较强的团队精神、组织管理和国际交流能力。


1. 在主编的领导下,实施期刊中短期发展的规划和目标,配合主编及编委会制订年度选题计划,邀约高质量论文。把握医学领域的学术动态,保证期刊的学术前瞻性、学术公正性和学术开放性,对期刊的学术质量和学术内容负责。

2. 为期刊组织高质量稿源,制定并实现在国内外组稿目标。

3. 协助主编承担和负责稿件的日常审理,负责同行评议,使用编审平台送审稿件,监控稿件在审情况,协调和提醒责任编委的工作。

4. 为学术质量把关,对稿件取舍提出准确的意见,做好主编对稿件终审的参谋。

5. 负责提升期刊在国内外的学术影响力,在相关学术活动中进行期刊的宣传推广。




1. 申请信和个人中英文简历;

2. 博士学位和毕业证书复印件(面试时需提交原件查验);

3. 已发表的学术论文目录,以及代表性论文全文;

4. 其他获奖材料或工作经历证明;

5. 相关领域专家推荐信2封(需原件)

有意者请将应聘资料电子版本发送至yxy30535@rjh.com.cn,邮件主题请注明“Frontiers of Medicine 高级编辑人才应聘”。通过初审者将以电子邮件方式通知,面试时间另约。


联系人:Frontiers of Medicine 编辑部 严晓昱


传  真:86-21-64333548


Frontiers of Medicine is looking for a Senior Editor


Frontiers of Medicine is an international peer-reviewed journal of medical science and jointly published worldwide both in print and online on a quarterly basis by the Higher Education Press and Springer. The journal is currently sponsored by Higher Education Press, Chinese Academy of Engineering, and Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine.

Frontiers of Medicine publishes mainly original research articles and reviews on the latest developments in medicine. Subject areas include, but are not limited to, clinical medicine, basic medical sciences, epidemiology, traditional Chinese medicine, translational research, health policies, healthcare, and public health. Frontiers of Medicine has been indexed/abstracted in SCI(E), MEDLINE/PubMed, SCOPUS, EMBASE, CSCD (the Chinese science citation database), etc.

Position available: Senior Editor


1. To assist the Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board work out the journal development programs, keep abreast of latest developments in clinical medicine and medical research, focus on emerging topics, be responsible for the academic quality of the journal articles.

2. To commission high quality articles for the journal, organize special issues on hot topics with the Editorial Board.

3. To pre-review manuscripts, take charge of peer-review workflow using Manuscript central system.

4. To assist the Editor-in-Chief in making decisions on manuscripts and in other duties.

5. To improve the journal’s international influence and visibility around world.


1. Doctorate in a relevant subject area is required.

2. Presentable and fluent in both written and spoken English and Chinese.

3. Outstanding scientific achievements, preferably with the experience, at least three years, of serving as the editorial board member or reviewers, or working as editor in international journals.

4. Experience of conducting postdoc research in developed countries will be helpful.

5. Good communication and coordination skills, skillful in academic relationships.

6. Strong teamwork spirit, organization and management capacity, and international communication competence.

A competitive salary and other benefits will be offered based on candidate’s experience.

Application materials

1. A cover letter and curriculum vitae in both English and Chinese stating your current and expected salaries, contact details.

2. A photocopy of the certificate of doctor degree (the original copy should be verified when interviewed).

3. A catalog of published academic publications, as well as copies of one or two representative papers.

4. A photocopy of proofs for the awards or work experiences mentioned in curriculum vitae.

5. Two letters of recommendation.

Potential candidates who meet our requirements, please send the application materials to yxy30535@rjh.com.cn, and add job position in the subject of the application email. The qualified applicants will be notified, by email, of the time and place for interview.


Dr. Xiaoyu Yan

Shanghai Institute of Hematology

Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine

Tel: 86-21-34187218

Fax: 86-21-64333548

Email: yxy30535@rjh.com.cn  


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