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已有 3568 次阅读 2014-9-8 06:27 |个人分类:纪念沉默道钉(07-11)|系统分类:论文交流



黄安年文   黄安年的博客/201498发布


   北美华工与广东侨乡社会国际学术研讨会(InternationalSymposium on “The North America Chinese Laborers and Guangdong QiaoxiangSociety”)今天上午在中山大学永芳堂二楼学术讲演厅举行,这个学术研讨会是由中山大学历史学系、美国斯坦福大学历史系、《广东华侨史》编委会、美国斯坦福大学‘北美铁路华工研究工程’主办的。在第一个学术报告和讨论环节,大会安排我就提交的《美国铁路华工和广东侨乡基础性工程研究》论文发言,下面是该文的中英文摘要。




























11, 从中外网络数据库资料中寻找


, 结尾:推动广东侨乡尽人皆知,各尽所能








Groundwork ResearchProject of Chinese Railroad Workers in the USand the Hometowns of Overseas Chinese from Guangdong


(Paper submitted to the "InternationalSymposium on Chinese Railroad Workers in the USand the Hometowns of Overseas Chinese from Guangdong")


HUANG Annian, Beijing Normal University


2015 marks the150thanniversary for a large number of Chinese workers to participate in theconstruction of the American Central Pacific Railroad, and 2019 marked the150thanniversary of connection of tracks and opening for through traffic of FirstTranscontinental Railroad of the United States. The process of the constructionof US Pacific Railroad indicated that without the participation of Chineserailroad workers, the railroad could not have been completed seven years aheadof schedule. This spectacularproject that had once drawn the attention of the world, was an achievementjointly accomplished by the emerging and developing Americaand the migrant farmers from Chinaas an ancient civilization. It was alsoa landmark event that signified the rise of the United States into a Pacificcountry.

Studying therole of Chinese workers in the construction of North American railroads hassignificance in history, culture, economy, and China-US exchanges. Moreover, today,when construction a transcontinental railroad in South America is being planned,reviewing the hard times 150 years agomay inspire us in many ways.

The Chineserailroad workers in the United Statesmostly came from Wuyi, Guangdongand other hometowns of overseas Chinese in the Pearl RiverDelta.   The study of Chinese railroadworkers in the United Stateswill not be complete and deep enough without studying the contribution ofrailroad workers coming from Guangdongand their life.

The focus ofthis paper is to explore the relationship between the study of Chinese railroad workersin the United States and thegroundwork research project of the hometowns of overseas Chinese from Guangdong.


    I.  Stepping up the groundwork research projectis the first priority at the present

First, carrying out thegroundwork research of Chinese railroad workers in the United States is the unshirkable responsibility of scholars from both China and the US.

Second, China's groundwork research project of Chinese railroadworkers in the United Statesis still in the embryonic stage, and is much more imperative.

Third,Currently, we should strivefor project approval, and endeavor to make breakthroughs in the difficult andcontroversial problems.

II. Suggestions for expandingthe groundwork research project of Chinese railroad workers in the United Statesfrom Guangdong  Province  


Here,I will only give a fewsuggestions:

1. Search carefully government archives anddocuments

2. Search carefully the local records, townshiprecords, clan pedigree, and genealogy

3. Rake through the gravestone engravings

4. Pay attention to  the monographs, translated works, academicarticles, these and dissertations

5. Look for relevant materials from theperiodicals, newspapers, publications of overseas Chinese, and townshipbulletins

6. Look for valuable materials in thecollected documents of the libraries, and private letters, journals, notes, and manuscripts

7.Sear the ruins of the buildings

8.Note the oral history of the descendants of Chinese railroad workers in the US

9. Look for materials in the records ofthe associations and societies

10. Look for clues in the literary, film,and TV works, photos, and internet articles

11. Retrieve materials from the onlinedatabases in both Chinaand other countries

12. Appeal for establishment of an onlinedatabase platform of Chinese railroad workers in North  America


III. Conclusion: Enhance the awareness ofthe people in the hometowns of overseas Chinese about the research project, andsolicit the utmost help of everyone

The groundwork project of theChinese railroad workers in the United   States concerns the overallquality of the whole research project.  Ithink:

Firstly,The experts, the localinstitutions, and the civil societies must coordinate and join hands toimplement the project; and each party is indispensable. This requires the top-level design and careful organization of theOverseas Chinese Affairs Offices of Guangdongprovince .

Secondly, we should strengthenpublicity through TV, newspapers, and net media so as to enhance the awarenessof the people of the hometowns of the overseas Chinese of Guangdongand to coordinate the efforts of all.

Thirdly, I sincerely hope thatSunYat-senUniversity,JinanUniversity(Guangzhou)and Wuyi  Universitywill play the leading role in carrying out the project.

Finally,I'd like to emphasize that given the various difficulties of the groundworkresearch of Chinese railroad workers in the United States , preferentialpolicies in project approval, funding, and manpower support should be enacted.Moreover, the completion of the project requires down-to-earth and assiduousstudy and relentless efforts,andit requires the promotion of the heroism and resolution of the railroadworkers. I think that we should commemorate the forerunners of the overseasChinese--the "silent spikes"--half a century ago with extraordinaryachievements of the groundwork research!




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