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论文评审演变史 精选

已有 9707 次阅读 2016-4-20 09:23 |系统分类:海外观察


同行评议的操作由来已久,形式也多种多样。同行评议作为评价事物的一种方法,最早始于15世纪欧洲专利申请的查新。而论文评审的同行评议最开始的雏形可以追溯到17世纪中叶,英国皇家学会刊物 (ThePhilosophicalTransactions of the Royal Society, 简称为Phil. Trans. ) 的创刊时期。




1665  Henry Oldenburg, secretary of the RoyalSociety in London, creates the Philosophical Transactionsto simplify hiscorrespondence. He uses no referee system.

1665年,英国皇家学会秘书Henry Oldenburg创办《哲学会刊》PhilosophicalTransactionsto,接受来信投稿,没有审阅系统。

1699 France’s Royal Academy of Sciences isgiven power by Louis XIV (picturedcentre, with academy members) to report onand approvebooks for publication and bypass the royal censors.


1752  After vicious satires of the PhilosophicalTransactions, the Royal Society establishes a committee to vote on what topublish.

1752年,英国皇家学会成立委员会,以投票方式决定《哲学会刊》Philosophical Transactions接受发表论文。

1831  Cambridge professor William Whewell convincesthe Royal Society to commission public reports on manuscripts. Might refereesincrease the visibility of science?

1831年,剑桥教授William Whewell说服皇家学会,每半年对发表论文由同行著名学者进行综述,提出同行(评议)报告的概念。是为了增加科学传播力考虑。

1833  By now the reports have become private andanonymous.


1892  A pamphlet ‘On the Organisation of Science’published in London by ‘A Free Lance’ kick-starts a movement to standardize theselection and distribution of scientific papers. Might referees be guardians ofthe literature?


1892  A paper surfaces that was rejected by a RoyalSociety referee in 1845, outlining the kinetic theory of gases more than adecade before James Clerk Maxwell’s famous paper. Might referee systems befundamentally flawed?

1892年,英国皇家学会承认1845年拒绝了James Clerk Maxwell气体动力学理论的论文是个错误。这说明同行裁判系统存在根本缺陷。

1968  British physicistJohn Ziman describes the referee as “the lynchpin about which the wholebusiness of Science is pivoted”. Outside the United Kingdom and NorthAmerica, many editors and scientists remain largely unconvinced.

1973  External refereeing becomes a requirement forpublication in Nature10.


1991  An e-mail/FTP server at xxx.lanl.gov forfreely sharing unreviewed physics preprints goes live. Later relocated to theweb at arXiv.org, it becomes a touchstone for discussions about the end ofpeer-reviewed journals.


2006  PLoS ONE launches as an open-access journalthat eschews ‘importance’ as a factor in peer review.

2006年,PLoS ONE开放期刊起航,该杂志在同行评议中不考察论文的重要性。

2007–11  EMBO Journal, the Frontiers series and BMJOpen, among other journals, experiment with open peer review, publishingreviewers’ names or notes alongside papers.

200711月,EMBO Journal使用公布评审员信息的模式。


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