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《自然》接受STAP论文的背后细节 精选

已有 19597 次阅读 2014-9-12 10:35 |个人分类:自然科学|系统分类:海外观察



《科学》新闻小组收到了《自然》编辑和小保方之间的邮件复印件。信息显示这些论文曾经被其他杂志如《细胞》《科学》先后拒稿。这个邮件的日期是201344日,其中有关于论文详细的批评,并建议提供更多证据支持作者关于用简单方法诱导干细胞的观点。也就是说《自然》是拒绝了该稿件,但给了她继续申辩机会。 “Should further experimental data allow you to address these criticisms, we would be happy to look at a revised manuscript.” 10个月以后,这两篇论文真的被接受。

《自然》拒绝对这一问题评论。昨天Retraction Watch网站公布了《科学》拒收小保方论文的专家审阅意见。

《自然》的意见认为小保方的稿件描述了“非常有意思”“有潜在突破性”“highly provocative,”。三名《自然》审阅人意见最终结论是稿件提供的数据不能支持作者的观点。 “I would recommend the authors to be extremely cautious in their claims. … The authors should look into the actual effect that the treatment elicits in the genome and they should assess genomic instability,” one writes. “There are several issues that I consider should be clarified beyond doubt because of the potential revolutionary nature of the observations,”

“Of paramount importance for the legitimacy of this paper is that the authors provide a full step by step account of their method such that the community can rapidly validate the reproducibility of the findings. The present method description is minimal and key elements are not properly defined.” The reviewer notes that the methods mention the use of B27 medium, “but B27 is a medium supplement, not a medium itself.”

其中一个意见的小结是 “As it stands, and whereas this reviewer does not doubt the data presented, the process can be summarized as a 'magical' approach and none of the conclusions related to the 'next-generation' or amplifications in regenerative medicine is supported experimentally.”


论文作者之一Teruhiko Wakayama说当时小保方将审稿意见转发给其他作者,他建议修回补充杂合动物实验,这部分由他的实验室负责。



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