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小保方学术不端被最后判决 精选

已有 20064 次阅读 2014-5-9 09:08 |个人分类:自然科学|系统分类:海外观察





昨天,理化研究所已经成立了一个独立的委员会,将决定对小保方晴子进行那种纪律处罚。理化研究所执行主任MinoruYonekura昨天下午在新闻发布会上说,委员会将大概一个月后提出最后决定。中国香港中文大学干细胞学家KennethKa-Ho Lee也恰逢今天在F1000Research在线发表了他们在徒劳验证小保方晴子论文方面的细节。但是文章的结论是他们无法重复出结果,可能是由于研究方法的问题。(In conclusion, we have not been able to replicate Obokata et al.’s findings to produce STAP stem cells from somatic cells. It appears that the method for producing STAP stem cells is not as simple and straight forward as has been reported.



Nevertheless, we have tried to replicate the first stages of Obokata’s findings using CD45+ splenocytes isolated from Oct4-GFP neonates, but could not activate the expression of the Oct4-GFP transgene. This is despite using their most updated protocol for producing STAP cells, which was reported in Protocol Exchange (Obokata et al., 2014c). We also tried using Oct4-GFP lung fibroblasts instead of splenocytes, but again we failed to detect Oct4-GFP expression after acid-treatment. Occasionally, there were cells that appeared GFP positive, but we later determined them to be autofluorescence from apoptotic cells. We made sure that the pH was exactly maintained at pH 5.7 during the experiments by measuring the pH before and after cell treatment. This is because the Protocol Exchange protocol placed a lot of emphasis on maintaining an optimal pH during the acid treatment of the cells. We found that there was a pH 0.1 increase after the acid buffer was added to treat the cells – so our starting pH was actually 5.6 to compensate. At the end of acid bath stimulation, we also measured the pH of the buffer to confirm that it was still pH 5.7. Therefore, our inability to produce STAP cells could not be attributed to changes in the pH during the cell stimulus procedures.

Another possibility why we could not replicate Obokata’s results might be the difference in the strains of Oct4-GFP transgenic mice used. We acquired our transgenic mice from The Jackson Laboratory (CBA-Tg (Pou5f1-EGFP) 2Mnn/j) while Obokata used transgenic mice generated by Ohbo et al., 2003. Their transgenic mice were developed from a C57BL.6J background, and carry the EGFP cDNA under the control of an Oct4 18-kb genomic fragment (consisting of a minimal promoter and proximal and distal enhancer). Perhaps the transgene in these mice is more easily activated than in our Jackson Laboratory mice. This could potentially explain why Obokata’s transgenic splenocytes, but not our transgenic splenocytes, expressed the EGFP reporter following acid bath treatment. Nevertheless, in the context of generating STAP stem cells, it is not the expression of the transgene that is important but rather the expression of the endogenous Oct4 gene - and related endogenous stemness genes, Sox2 and Nanog. Expression of these genes could not be demonstrated using qPCR analysis following splenocyte acid treatment and culture.

In conclusion, we have not been able to replicate Obokata et al.’s findings to produce STAP stem cells from somatic cells. It appears that the method for producing STAP stem cells is not as simple and straight forward as has been reported.


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