Hemodialysis International Article first published online: 26 NOV 2013
DOI: 10.1111/hdi.12112
Effect of a hydrogen(H2)-enriched solution on the albumin redox of hemodialysis patients
论文通讯作者为日本福岛医科大学血液透析中心的H. Terawaki博士。
Correspondence to: H. Terawaki,MD, PhD, Dialysis Center, Fukushima Medical University, 1 Hikariga-oka,Fukushima 960-1285, Japan. E-mail: terawaki@fmu.ac.jp
Elevated oxidative stress (OS) isassociated with severe cardiovascular disease and premature death amongpatients treated with hemodialysis (HD). Oxidative stress is enhanced bycontact between blood and dialysis membranes during HD sessions. This studyaimed to clarify whether hydrogen (H2), which is a knownantioxidant, is capable of suppressing increased OS induced during HD sessions.Eight patients on regular HD treatment were studied. Two HD sessions wereperformed in a cross-over design trial using standard and hydrogen-enrichedsolutions (mean of 50 p.p.b. H2; H2-HD). Blood sampleswere obtained from the inlet and outlet of the dialyzer during HD to determinechanges in plasma levels of glutathione, hydrogen peroxide, and albumin redoxstate as a marker of OS. Comparison of inlet and outlet blood revealedsignificant decreases in total glutathione and reduced glutathione, as well assignificant increases in hydrogen peroxide in both HD treatments. However, themean proportion of reversibly oxidized albumin in outlet serum wassignificantly lower than that in inlet serum following the H2-HDsession, whereas no significant changes were found in the standard solutionsession, suggesting that “intra-dialyzer” OS is reduced by H2-HD. Inconclusion, the application of H2-enriched solutions couldameliorate OS during HD.
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