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已有 4594 次阅读 2011-3-8 20:37 |个人分类:氢气生物学|系统分类:科研笔记| office, style

        刚发现刚出版的英文专著Gas Biology Research in Clinical Practice,主编是两个日本京都的学者: Yoshikawa, T. (Kyoto); Naito, Y. (Kyoto)。(很奇怪的是,关于氢气的章节,为什么没有就近请在东京日本医科大学的太田教授执笔,反而跑美国找Nakao教授来写,无论在学术水平和氢气本身的研究基础,前者都更合适,可能是考虑英语水平的问题。)

        该著作中有关于氢气的内容。其中的第四篇是氢气的医学应用。作者是美国匹兹堡大学的Atsunori Nakao,他写了本书的其中二篇,在第四篇全面介绍了氢气的研究进展。过去虽然有几本关于氢气生物学效应的书,但都是为宣传产品而写的商业味道很浓,虽然有一定科普价值,但都非常不严肃,学术价值非常小。现在这本专著是历史上首次把氢气的医学应用编写进来,具有十分重要的意义。

        第四篇的题目是氢气和医学应用Hydrogen and Medical Application)。

        中文摘要:大量基础和临床研究表明,氢气是一种重要的生理调节因子,在细胞和器官水平上,具有抗氧化、抗炎症和抗细胞凋亡的作用,对许多疾病具有治疗效果。最近,氢气被确定为气体信号分子(吹牛),类似一氧化氮和一氧化碳。利用氢气治疗疾病的给氢方式包括直接呼吸、饮氢气水或注射含氢气的溶液。本文将针对氢气治疗疾病的有关进展进行系统总结。氢气将对人类治疗疾病中发挥重大影响。这个内容好像与他们上次发表在Free Rad Res 上的综述基本一样。

Hydrogen and Medical Application

Atsunori Nakao Department of Surgery, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, Pa., USA

A number of basic and clinical researches have revealed that hydrogen is an important physiological regulatory factor with antioxidant, anti- inflammatory and anti- apoptotic protective effects on cells and organs, with properties to mitigate various disease status. Recently, hydrogen gas has been identified as a signaling gas molecule like nitric oxide and carbon monoxide. Therapeutic hydrogen has been applied by different delivery methods including straightforward inhalation, drinking hydrogen dissolved in water and injection with hydrogen- saturated saline. Herein, I summarize currently available data regarding the protective role of hydrogen in medicine, provide an outline of recent advances in research on the use of hydrogen as a therapeutic medical gas in diverse models of disease, and discuss the feasibility of hydrogen as a therapeutic strategy. Hydrogen’s impact on therapeutic and preventive medicine could be enormous in the future.

In 2007, it was demonstrated that molecular hydrogen selectively reduces the levels of hydroxyl radicals and peroxynitrite in vitro and also exerts potent antioxidant activity in an in vivo rat cerebral ischemia model [1]. Since then, there has been accumulating evidence that hydrogen can act as a selective scavenger of hydroxyl radicals, and have potent anti- inflammatory and antiapoptotic properties [2]. Hydrogen is one very promising gaseous agent that has come to the forefront of research during the last few years. Previous studies have shown that nitric oxide (NO), carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) have cytoprotective effects in multiple experimental/clinical disease models and recognized as ‘signaling gas molecules’ for regulation of physiological functions. Given the recent increasing number of systems in which hydrogen is shown to mediate beneficial effects, the functions of hydrogen are likely due, in part, to the reactive oxygen species (ROS)- scavenging properties of hydrogen. However, the scavenging properties of hydrogen an overview on the role of various gaseous molecules in health and disease The substantial biological importance of gaseous mediators in various physiological-pathological conditions has been realized only recently, but to date, the detailed mechanisms involved remain elusive. The publication at hand contains 16 overviews written by a panel of experts who summarize the current knowledge and provide fundamental insights into the roles of gaseous molecules in signal transduction in biological systems. The first part provides a comprehensive overview on gaseous mediators in health and disease. In the second part, the medical application of various molecules such as nitric oxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen, acetone and phytoncide are discussed. Furthermore, articles on skin gas biology and Carbon-13 (13C), especially clinical applications of 13C-labeled substrate are included.  This book provides valuable information not only for basic researchers in physiology and biochemistry, but also for gastroenterologists and clinicians who wish to learn more about the role of gaseous mediators.

另外Atsunori Nakao本书中也写了一章关于医用治疗气体的内容(Therapeutic Medical Gas,没有考虑好怎么翻译。觉得“医用治疗气体”别扭)。

Therapeutic Medical Gas

Therapeutic medical gas is pharmaceutical gaseous molecules which offer solutions to medical needs. In addition to traditional medical gases including oxygen and nitrous oxide, a number of medical gases have been recently discovered to play protective roles in various disease conditions. In particular, nitric oxide, carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulfide are found to be endogenously generated in the human body and mediate signaling pathways as biological messengers, and are shown to have potent cytoprotective effects. Herein, we summarize the recent advances of therapeutic medical gas research and discuss their clinical feasibility, typically such as nitric oxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen, xenon, helium and ozone. A recent increase in publications in the medical gas field clearly indicates that there are significant opportunities for the use of medical gases as therapeutic tools. It would be necessary to identify safety concerns when using therapeutic gases along with potential side effects and toxicity. Although further investigations are required, medical gas may provide a huge impact as a novel and innovative therapeutic tool for unmet medical needs with considerable health burdens.

What Is ‘Therapeutic Medical Gas’?

The definition of ‘therapeutic medical gas’ is the pharmaceutical gaseous molecules which are applied to the human body for the purpose of a variety of medical conditions and producing other desirable effects. It is no doubt that oxygen therapy to increase tissue oxygenation has been a mainstream in critical care medicine. However, recent observations in experimental and clinical studies clearly revealed the needs to provide additional supplemental gases to patients with many etiologies. The list of therapeutic medical gases has been growing continuously (table 1). Herein, we discuss the recent advances in medical gas research and delivery mechanisms including clinical application for special gases with recently discovered roles as protective properties.


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