Molecular Hydrogen Improves Obesity and Diabetes by Inducing Hepatic FGF21 and S.pdf
本研究发表在国际著名杂志Obesity , (3 February 2011) | doi:10.1038/oby.2011.6,研究的内容非常丰富,首先他们研究发现氢气水可以促进肝脏糖原的聚集(保肝药物都这样,将来研究肝脏保护方面童鞋的可以使用这个指标),采用糖原溶液能保持氢气的实验初步解释为什么短时间给氢气对许多疾病具有很强的治疗效果(这个是本研究唯一胡扯的,千万别相信,分析见后)。然后他们用缺乏瘦素受体的db/db小鼠,证明氢气可以治疗二型糖尿病,对正常高脂饮食引起动物脂肪肝也具有显著治疗效果,长期饮用氢气水可以在不减少饮食饮水量的条件下降低动物体重,减少体脂肪,也就是说具有减肥作用。同时动物的血糖、胰岛素和甘油三脂都显著下降,这些效果与限制饮食的效果类似。为了研究氢气为什么具有这些令人惊奇的减肥效果,他们采用PCR技术,发现氢气能提高肝脏的一种重要激素成纤维细胞生长因子21(FGF21)的表达水平,FGF21的作用是促进脂肪酸和葡萄糖的利用,他们还采用氧消耗对氢气促进代谢的效应进行了验证。研究提示,氢气可能是对治疗糖尿病、代谢综合征和肥胖具有潜在的价值。这个研究也再次深化了氢气生物学效应的分子机制,对解释为什么氢气能治疗动脉硬化、中风和神经退行性疾病有重要参考价值。在氢气生物学领域将是一篇具有重要影响的经典文献。
不过遗憾的是,文章中有一个非常意外的bug结果,见全文的图一结果。他们在体外用水、糖原和葡萄糖溶液分别制备含氢气溶液,然后通过检测三种溶液中氢气浓度以分析氢气在溶液中的维持时间。研究结果发现,氢气在这三种溶液中的稳定性不一样,释放特别缓慢的是糖原溶液,他们竟然有这样的结论是Thus, it is concluded that H2 can be accumulated and reserved in the liver with glycogen, suggesting that expenditure of glycogen should accompany the release of H2.这个推论近乎荒唐。实际上,氢气在各类大分子溶液中的释放速度都必然降低,而且任何气体都符合这个规律,用这个非常明确的物理学规律去解释病理生理学效应,我们在研究中早就使用了这个规律,不知道是如何被专家放行的。有兴趣的可以写个letter质疑一下太田教授。这个实验项目没有任何必要进行研究,看来牛人也有犯困的时候。
Molecular Hydrogen Improves Obesity and Diabetes by Inducing Hepatic FGF21 and Stimulating Energy Metabolism in db/db Mice
Naomi Kamimura, Kiyomi Nishimaki, Ikuroh Ohsawa and Shigeo Ohta
Recent extensive studies have revealed that molecular hydrogen (H2) has great potential for improving oxidative stress-related diseases by inhaling H2 gas, injecting saline with dissolved H2, or drinking water with dissolved H2 (H2-water); however, little is known about the dynamic movement of H2 in a body. First, we show that hepatic glycogen accumulates H2 after oral administration of H2-water, explaining why consumption of even a small amount of H2 over a short span time efficiently improves various disease models. This finding was supported by an in vitro experiment in which glycogen solution maintained H2. Next, we examined the benefit of ad libitum drinking H2-water to type 2 diabetes using db/db obesity model mice lacking the functional leptin receptor. Drinking H2-water reduced hepatic oxidative stress, and significantly alleviated fatty liver in db/db mice as well as high fat-diet-induced fatty liver in wild-type mice. Long-term drinking H2-water significantly controlled fat and body weights, despite no increase in consumption of diet and water. Moreover, drinking H2-water decreased levels of plasma glucose, insulin, and triglyceride, the effect of which on hyperglycemia was similar to diet restriction. To examine how drinking H2-water improves obesity and metabolic parameters at the molecular level, we examined gene-expression profiles, and found enhanced expression of a hepatic hormone, fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21), which functions to enhance fatty acid and glucose expenditure. Indeed, H2 stimulated energy metabolism as measured by oxygen consumption. The present results suggest the potential benefit of H2 in improving obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.
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