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保护大脑的新策略 精选

已有 11892 次阅读 2009-3-24 13:10 |个人分类:科研思路分享|系统分类:科研笔记| 研究生, SCI论文


Nature med










 另外一个值得大家注意的是,Preconditioning在各类器官保护中的研究,至今没有与免疫进行紧密联系,实际上免疫耐受与缺血耐受甚至其他各种耐受现象肯定存在重要联系。初步检索,没有发现任何有关报道。如果把 Precon与treg细胞结合起来,将是一个非常有意思的研究课题。


Brain. 2008 Mar;131(Pt 3):616-29. Epub 2007 Dec 20. Links

Comment in:
Brain. 2008 Aug;131(Pt 8):e100; author reply e101.
Brain. 2008 Mar;131(Pt 3):604-5.
Anti-inflammatory mechanism of intravascular neural stem cell transplantation in haemorrhagic stroke.Lee ST, Chu K, Jung KH, Kim SJ, Kim DH, Kang KM, Hong NH, Kim JH, Ban JJ, Park HK, Kim SU, Park CG, Lee SK, Kim M, Roh JK.
Stroke & Stem Cell Laboratory, Clinical Research Institute, Stem Cell Research Center, Department of Neurology, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, South Korea.

Neural stem cell (NSC) transplantation has been investigated as a means to reconstitute the damaged brain after stroke. In this study, however, we investigated the effect on acute cerebral and peripheral inflammation after intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH). NSCs (H1 clone) from fetal human brain were injected intravenously (NSCs-iv, 5 million cells) or intracerebrally (NSCs-ic, 1 million cells) at 2 or 24 h after collagenase-induced ICH in a rat model. Only NSCs-iv-2 h resulted in fewer initial neurologic deteriorations and reduced brain oedema formation, inflammatory infiltrations (OX-42, myeloperoxidase) and apoptosis (activated caspase-3, TUNEL) compared to the vehicle-injected control animals. Rat neurosphere-iv-2 h, but not human fibroblast-iv-2 h, also reduced the brain oedema and the initial neurologic deficits. Human NSCs-iv-2 h also attenuated both cerebral and splenic activations of tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappa . However, we observed only a few stem cells in brain sections of the NSCs-iv-2 h group; in the main, they were detected in marginal zone of spleens. To investigate whether NSCs interact with spleen to reduce cerebral inflammation, we performed a splenectomy prior to ICH induction, which eliminated the effect of NSCs-iv-2 h transplantation on brain water content and inflammatory infiltrations. NSCs also inhibited in vitro macrophage activations after lipopolysaccharide stimulation in a cell-to-cell contact dependent manner. In summary, early intravenous NSC injection displayed anti-inflammatory functionality that promoted neuroprotection, mainly by interrupting splenic inflammatory responses after ICH.
这个研究发现外周注射干细胞是通过与脾脏相互作用,通过抑制全身免疫反应,发挥治疗脑出血损伤的.不知道是否在其他器官损伤也存在类似的情况吗?例如肾脏和肝脏.这值得深入研究和思考.: J Neurosci Res. 2008 Aug 1;86(10):2227-34. Links
The spleen contributes to stroke-induced neurodegeneration.Ajmo CT Jr, Vernon DO, Collier L, Hall AA, Garbuzova-Davis S, Willing A, Pennypacker KR.
Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida 33216, USA.

Stroke, a cerebrovascular injury, is the leading cause of disability and third leading cause of death in the world. Recent reports indicate that inhibiting the inflammatory response to stroke enhances neurosurvival and limits expansion of the infarction. The immune response that is initiated in the spleen has been linked to the systemic inflammatory response to stroke, contributing to neurodegeneration. Here we show that removal of the spleen significantly reduces neurodegeneration after ischemic insult. Rats splenectomized 2 weeks before permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion had a >80% decrease in infarction volume in the brain compared with those rats that were subjected to the stroke surgery alone. Splenectomy also resulted in decreased numbers of activated microglia, macrophages, and neutrophils present in the brain tissue. Our results demonstrate that the peripheral immune response as mediated by the spleen is a major contributor to the inflammation that enhances neurodegeneration after stroke.



Treg cells prevent delayed lesion expansion in an IL-10–dependent manner. They also temper the proinflammatory cytokine burst starting early time points after ischemia. Injection of IL-10 in the brain reduces infarct volume. TNF-alpha, tumor necrosis factor-alpha; IFN-gamma, interferon-gamma.

Katie Vicari



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