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蚂蚁也是哺乳动物? 精选

已有 6306 次阅读 2022-12-1 12:11 |系统分类:海外观察




我们发现了一种将蚁群联合起来的机制,将不同发育阶段的蚂蚁——成虫、幼虫和蛹——结合成一个连贯的实体,即超级有机体,纽约洛克菲勒大学的生物学家、合著者Orli Snir说。

图片2.png a, Developmental timeline and protocol for rearing pupae in social isolation (Methods). b, Pupa with secretion droplet accumulated over 24 h in isolation. c,d, Secretion dynamics of isolated pupae over nine days before eclosion. c, Patterns of melanization and secretion during pupal development. n = 211 pupae. d, The daily social fluid volume per secreting pupa increases over time (Methods). Pearson correlation coefficient (r) = 0.93, two-sided t-test, t(34) = 14.63, P = 3.11 × 10−16. Data are mean ± s.e.m. from n = 6 biological replicates with 149–166 pupae each. e, Dynamics of pupal secretion and eclosion under social isolation (left; n = 942 pupae) and in colonies with adults (right; n = 907 pupae). Data are pooled from six biological replicates. f, Food dye injected into the pupal exuvial space is taken up by adult ants. The inset shows the dye-filled crop of an adult ant. g, When given the choice, adults spend more time attending to secreting pupae (blue) compared with pupae prevented from secreting (orange) by occluding the tip of the gaster with a paint dot (orange square) (Methods). Secreting pupae received a control dot of paint on the head. One-sided t-test, t(5) = −3.04, *P = 0.014. n = 6, with 3 adults, 5 secreting and 5 occluded pupae each. h, The survival of pupae to eclosion with (blue) and without (orange) removal of the secretion. One-way ANCOVA with White adjustment. Secretion removal: F(1,16) = 616.67, ***P = 3.32 × 10−14n = 9 biological replicates for ‘isolated in tube’ with ‘pupal fluid removed’, and n = 3 for all other conditions (30–166 pupae per replicate). See Supplementary Data 1 for pairwise comparisons. Inset shows a representative pupa isolated in an empty nest, with fungal growth at the time of expected eclosion. Box plots show median (centre line), interquartile range (IQR) (box limits) and 1.5× IQR (whiskers).

法国巴黎北方索邦大学的动物学家Patrizia d’ettorre:“之前没有人注意到这一点,这真的很令人惊讶。这些蛹被认为是无用的,因为它们无法移动,在某些物种中,它们会在周围结茧,它们不吃东西,只是被(蚂蚁)工蚁移动,所以它们对蚂蚁社会没有任何贡献。但这篇论文表明,事实并非如此。

Snir和她的同事通过观察在生命周期的不同阶段被隔离的克隆突袭蚁(Ooceraea biroi),来研究是什么使蚁群如此完整,从而得出了这一发现。



该团队测试了这种液体的分子组成,并确定了185种特定的蛋白质,以及100多种代谢物,如氨基酸、糖和维生素。鉴定出的化合物表明,这种液体来自于蜕皮液,蜕皮液是幼虫在发育成蛹时蜕皮产生的。瑞士弗里堡大学的生物学家Adria LeBoeuf:“蚂蚁在蚁群内进行的是一种机会主义的循环利用……也是一种新陈代谢的劳动分工。




英国沃灵福德生态与水文中心的生态学家Karsten Schönrogge希望看到关于蛹的分泌物是否也有助于肠道微生物群落的转移,从而帮助蚂蚁消化食物的研究。

The pupal moulting fluid has evolved social functions in ants | Nature


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