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【文献推荐】Raman Spectroscopy of Nanomaterials & in situ Raman spectroscopy: understa

已有 6335 次阅读 2007-10-16 21:35 |个人分类:催化资源收藏


Raman Spectroscopy of Nanomaterials: How Spectra Relate to Disorder, Particle Size and Mechanical Properties
/ V' ^2 ^& r; D
Progress in Crystal Growth & Characterization of Materials Volume 53, Issue 1  , March 2007, Pages 1-56; * H) ABSTRACT6 v, c! h8 v4 ~4 ~0 Z4 o
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The purpose of this review is to provide non-specialists with a basic understanding of the information micro-Raman Spectroscopy (μRS) may yield when this characterization tool is applied to nanomaterials, a generic term for describing nano-sized crystals and bulk homogeneous materials with a structural disorder at the nanoscale - typically nanoceramics, nanocomposites, glassy materials and relaxor ferroelectrics. The selected materials include advanced and ancient ceramics, semiconductors and polymers developed in the form of dots, wires, films, fibres or composites for applications in the energy, electronic and aeronauticsaerospace industries. Following a short introduction, the text is divided into four sections:
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• The 1st section outlines the principles of conventional μRS.
( e2 r$ b, h: X3 |2 A4 ^  s1 [2 i: e• The 2nd section introduces the main effects for nanomaterials, with special emphasis on two  models that connect Raman spectra features to "grain size", namely the Phonon Confinement Model (PCM) and the Elastic Sphere Model (ESM).
3 a; h6 f7 H: M5 y• The 3rd section presents the experimental versatility of μRS applied to nanomaterials (phase identification, phase transition monitoring, grain size determination, defect concentration
/ W# G' u! R+ n- yassessment, etc.).
$ K7 S1 I' A5 `4 A6 _. [2 e( c) v• The 4th section deals with the micro-mechanical aspects of μRS ("Raman extensometry").
1 J) `( n; C+ u4 w, S% Special emphasis is placed on the relationship between the stress-related coefficients  and the macroscopic response of the materials to the applied stress.
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: {  b% Y' X) R3 T5 Z2 mhttp://www.box.net/shared/vetdi9hd716 g) B4 r( Q: e* K, X+ t

Ramann Nano review


in situ Raman spectroscopy — a valuable tool to understand
operating catalysts
Gerhard Mestl
Laser Raman spectroscopyLRS.is one of the most powerful tools for the in situ study of catalytic materials and surfaces under working conditions. Raman characterizations can be carried out at temperatures as high as 1000 K and in controlled atmospheres. Modern high light-throughput spectrometers permit the recording of the whole spectral range from 100 to 4000 cmy1 at once and time resolutions in the subsecond regime for materials with high Raman cross-sections. Transient temperature or pressure response studies, e.g. pulse experiments with isotope labels, are thus possible, and kinetic and spectroscopic characteristics can be related. Modern quartz fiber optics render possible easy spectroscopic access to catalytic reactors of defined and well characterized operation conditions. Quantitative relation of real catalytic steady state operation, e.g. catalytic activity and selectivity, to changes in the catalyst structure is thus made possible. Several in situ LRS studies are discussed including the characterization of supported and unsupported Mo-based catalysts, confocal Raman microspectroscopy of mixed MoVW oxide catalysts, oxygen exchange in Sb2O3rMoO3 oxide physical mixtures elucidating the catalytic synergy effects, and active surface intermediates during oxidative coupling of methane, and NO and N2O decomposition over BarMgO catalysts related to the catalytic reaction via transient pressure step experiments.


In situ Raman spectroscopy — a valuable tool to understand


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