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已有 6468 次阅读 2014-9-5 15:02 |系统分类:科研笔记| SCI, 肖传国, 肖氏手术, spina, bifida


根据对中国酱缸文化的理解和既定方针,深知在中国作一万例不如在美国作10例的效果,经非常人能理解的努力,终于在2005年底06年初启动在美国的临床研究。十几个病人一作完,我长舒一口气:大功告成,以后只需等结果出来全世界跟进就行了。可是,too young, too simple.




>>> "Xiao, Chuan-Guo" <Chuan-Guo.Xiao@nyumc.org> 2/13/2009 6:44 AM >>>
I have been thinking about the cases in Beaumont, The results as you mentioned are really not good to me..Before I talk about the possible causes, I want to tell you how I deal with Kelly, the Louisana girl. I remote controlled all her treatment after the surgery.

1, Stopped detropen exactly 2 months after surgery.(She was operated on Oct. 8, 2008.) Wear diaper, DON'T care leaking or not.

2 ,Stopped regular catherterization since the 3 months after surgery(Jan.8.2009), Just once before going to bed. Then, she got one mild UTI but no change on catheraization. Ask the girl to try to void, by pushing or whatever ways.
3, Now, it is just more than 4 months after surgery, she seems to have got it.

In China, none of the patients has ever used Detropen before or after surgery; None of them has had any formal medical management of bladder and bowel, like regular catherizaton or so on after the surgery. But, 80-86% of more than 1300 kids gained continence and voluntary voiding.
So, my opinion is: You guys take care of these kids very good,TOO GOOD to let the bladder and the new reflex and the brain to have chances to communicate with each other. You Doctors are always on control instead of allowing the brain to takeover the control. Why the bowel function improvement is better than bladder? Doctors did not take care of the bowel as good as the bladder.

Then, my suggestion is: immediately stop cathertrization on all the kids underwent the surgery, just ask them to try to void, and  wear diaper! (especially Bill, the boy on the News.) Then let's see what will happen in a month before you go to Orlando. As I always say, spina bifida kids do not need to scratch the leg to initiate the reflex for voiding, including Natasha. They should be able to void voluntarily.


>>> "Xiao, Chuan-Guo" <Chuan-Guo.Xiao@nyumc.org> 2/17/2009 10:43 PM >>>


I am forwarding the email to you to support my point. If it were you, you most possibly would keep using Detropen and cathing her because she has a 200cc residual. The fact is: the residual will decrease every day if we let the brain to take control.

So, please order those kids to stop Detropen and catherization. OK, my compromise: you can let them cath once per day just before going to bed.

SCI, Gunshot 6 yrs. No control of bladder and bowel,

Operated on Oct 8, 2008
From: Barry Gerald [mailto:bcgerald@bellsouth.net]

You won't believe this!! Okay you probably will.....Kelly wore panties to school today.  All day.  No accidents or leaks.  She is feeling the urge to go to the bathroom.  Tonight she voided on her own then she catherized almost 200 cc.  We are so proud of her and she is so proud of herself.  I will keep you updated.  Is there anything else we need to do?  I can never say thank you enough, but I have to keep saying it. Thank you!


Feb, 17, 2009
Okay everyone….Kelly asked me today to buy her some panties so she could
wear them at home. We went to the store and she picked them out. She
has had the same pair on for 2 hours now and they are not wet. She has
been to bathroom to void 4 times so far. She says that it feels like a
tickle in her tummy. I am crying and so thankful once again to God and
for both of you! She is so proud of herself. I just had to share this with both of you.

llMarch 1, 2009
Kelly is now beginning to have some very consistent success. She has been wearing panties all week. Everywhere we go to school, play practice, etc... and she has not had an accident. Also it seems her ability to "hold it" is improving, so if a bathroom is not close by she can wait a tiny bit until we find one. I asked her what she thought the difference is and she said that she is feeling it more. She also looked at me with those blue eyes and that freckled face and said "Mom, wishes really do come true!" Once again, I cried.




Dr. Xiao,
    Natasha was in today, if you recall she was the one on crutches with a nerve graft done Left L2 to S2
    Baseline she was severely incontinent of urine between caths, severe constipation and incontinent of stool
    She is now totally continent of stool and urine, senses her bladder full, senses her catheter going in and beginning to void on own
    Urodynamics today demonstrated a stable bladder, normal sensation and an excellent reflex with stimulating the L4  Dermatome Bilaterally!! She voided to completion and we have great video of her bladder neck opening and the bladder emptying.
    She is the second patient to have Bilateral reflex and both were high anastamoses (L2). Must be where the nerves cross.
I would consider Natasha a home run which is shocking!        Thought I would let you know.
Kenneth M. Peters, M.D.

2 years after the surgery. Our daughter basically relearned how to walk through much physical therapy and coaching from my husband and me. But it took about a year to a year and a half to get her back to her walking baseline. She has not achieved bladder continence from the surgery, but is nearly bowel continent now. We credit the surgery (and much prayer!) for the positive changes in her bowel function. Given what we know now, even with the extremely difficult recovery, we would do it all again to get the results that we did. The staff at Beaumont seemed genuinely disappointed that our daughter was not one of their "home runs" (their term, meaning complete bowel and bladder continence achieved as a result of the surgery)..... but she could have been. At least a few of the patients from her round of 8 surgeries WERE home runs, so this surgery is far from a hoax. We would do it all again for the chance of our daughter to achieve bowel and bladder continence! This surgery has significantly improved the quality of our daughter's life!





原因很简单:欧洲对截瘫后膀胱功能的治疗指南从二战至今一直就是:胆碱能神经受体阻断剂 +导尿。通俗讲就是:把膀胱神经阻断,使膀胱完全无收缩变成一个储尿袋,再每3小时插导尿管把尿导出来。肖氏手术就是要重建膀胱的神经通路和控制,若一边做肖氏手术,一边继续阻断膀胱神经,那肖氏反射弧如何起作用?我一再强调、坚持不准用神经阻断剂,那位德国医生的回答颇有代表性:这是标准指南,70年的金标准,我不可能不按指南停用。



2014 Aug 22. pii: S0022-5347(14)04266-9. doi: 10.1016/j.juro.2014.08.090. [Epub ahead of print]

The artificial somato-autonomic reflex arch does not improve lower urinary tract function in patients with spinal cord lesions.

The artificial somato-autonomic reflex arch (Xiao procedure) has been proposed as a treatment modality for neurogenic bladder dysfunction. We aimed at investigating the effects of the procedure on lower urinary tract function.


In 10 patients with spinal cord injury (American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale A (n=7) or B (n=3)), median age 46 years (range 19-64)) an anastomosis was created between the ventral (motor) part of the fifth lumbar and the ventral part of the second sacral root. Urodynamic evaluation was performed and a standard questionnaire filled in at baseline and 18 months after surgery.


Stimulation of the artificial reflex arch did not initiate voiding or increase bladder pressure. Maximum bladder capacity did not change significantly between baseline (median 427.5 mL (range 168-581)) and follow-up (median 498.5 mL (range 271-580) (p=0.09). Likewise, bladder compliance at baseline (median 16.9 mL/cm H2O (range 15.0-65.0)) and at follow-up (median 25.1 mL/cm H2O (range 17.5-50.0) did not differ significantly (p=0.95). No difference was found in awareness of bladder emptying, incontinence episodes, means of bladder emptying or use of medication against neurogenic bladder dysfunction. The sole statistically significant change was lesser incidence of leakage at follow-up in urodynamic studies (p=0.03). Following surgery, one patient developed decreased genital sensation and erectile dysfunction, another a minor cerebrovascular accident with no long-term complications.


In contrast to earlier findings, in patients with spinal cord injury, creation of an artificial somato-autonomic reflex arch had no clinically relevant effect on lower urinary tract function.

Copyright © 2014 American Urological Association Education and Research, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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