“For physcis, any interpretation should depend on physical phenomena, mathematical tool is used to express the relationship between the physical quantities.
For example, an object rotates on a circular orbit. we may select the motion equation to describe that physical phenomena. according to the motion equation we can get the position of the object at any time. With orbit equation, we can not get the position of the object at the specifitied time, but know it is on the obit.
A mathematical equation possibly describes the relationship of some quantities for several kind of physical phenomenon, and the relationship between quantities of a physical phenomena might be describe by several mathematical equation.
Thereby, we must be careful to explain a mathematical expression, and must consider the integrality of it.”
在我的论文“Electromagnetic Radiation and Stability of the Hydrogen Atom”和前期系列博文“关于量子的解释(1)-(5)”中对于氢原子结构和光谱做出了新解释,证明了氢原子的基态,通过氢原子基态共振推导出了普朗克量子,以及共振方程的驻波表述——定态氢原子薛定谔方程。