《镜子大全》《朝华午拾》分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/liwei999 曾任红小兵,插队修地球,1991年去国离乡,不知行止。



已有 5189 次阅读 2013-3-20 19:57 |个人分类:立委科普|系统分类:博客资讯| 大数据, NLP, 中文处理, 挖掘, 社会媒体


The loacation is :

Room 334, 3rd floor,  building 5
Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
No. Zhongguancun South 4th Street

It's better you take the subway. And the nearest subway station of line 13 is 知春路

虽然在四月一日路过北平,但不是愚人节玩笑 :=), 具体地点和活动细节待确认后随时update

Sentiment Mining from Chinese Social Media in Big Data Age

by Wei Li, Ph.D. Computational Linguistics

In this information age of big data, social media such as WeiBo (Micro-Blog, or Chinese twitter) is more and more influential.  The popularity of mobile devices such as smart phones makes it possible for anyone to share his/her observation, experiences, opinions and sentiments any time anywhere in the social network such as WeiXin (or WeChat). The social media big data from WeiBo, WeiXin, Customer Review sites, Blogs and Forums are like a gold mine of intelligence, yet to be mined.  They are in the form of natural language (Chinese in this case) and contain intelligence of public opinions and consumer sentiments on any topics, brands and products. Automated sentiment mining via Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a must-do if we (or businesses) do not want to be overwhelmed by the information overload.

Dr. Li's talk will present the design philosophy behind such a sentiment mining system which he has designed and led the team to develop.  He will first discuss the value and scope of NLP in sentiment extraction and mining, pros and cons between the rule based system and learning based classification, and different levels of sentiment mining in response to the various information needs.  He will then demonstrate a list of real life Chinese social media hot topics as mined by the system to show the value and future of big data and NLP, in areas like automatic survey and social media listening and monitoring for consumer insights.


李维 博士



Dear Prof, Li,
...... the title and abstract of your talk in Chinese or English.
And a simple cv of you.  How about 10:00~12:00am ?

About Dr, Li

A hands-on computational linguist with nearly 30 years of professional experience in Natural Language Processing (NLP), Dr. Li has a track record of making NLP work robust. He has built three large-scale NLP systems, all transformed into real-life, globally distributed products.  

He is now Chief Scientist for a fast-growing Silicon Valley company which serves global Fortune 500 companies for consumer insights and social media monitoring.




下一篇:【立委科普:所谓大数据(BIG DATA)】
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