《镜子大全》《朝华午拾》分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/liwei999 曾任红小兵,插队修地球,1991年去国离乡,不知行止。



已有 5663 次阅读 2011-6-13 14:11 |个人分类:立委科普|系统分类:海外观察| sk 网站, 人生 问题 问答


今天的Ask.com: 回归问答系统,常见问题的回答令人印象深刻

今天无事,对AskJeeves十周年推出的人生十大难题发了一回议论。我跟甜甜说,你来看看这些人类无法解答的难题,其中有好几个问题也是近一年你反复问我,而我的解答总是无法令你满意的,譬如人生意义的问题,上帝的问题,还有如何才能克服抑郁,求得幸福等等。孩子啊,现在你看到了,你的这些问题也是困扰人类千万年的大问题,爸爸解答不好,连无所不知的 Jeeves 也无法回答。这些问题往往需要一辈子去领悟。在这同时,不能因为问题没有答案,就作茧自缚地陷进去出不来。Life goes on.  

甜甜似懂非懂地点头,又想起了问AskJeeves的事情:how is Ask.com today?

I said, I heard that earlier this year they refocused on Question and Answering and they are no longer in the search business any more.  They are said to license some other's search engine to do the search. I think that is the right path: after all, after years and years of QA practice, they have accumulated most experience and resources on live questions and answers.  So how are they performing? Let us try it.

So we tried it today.  

打开Ask.com网页(见上图),界面简洁。虽然没有了Jeeves的形象,网站还是比前几年的界面漂亮很多,多少回归了过去的传统。两步走的界面为一次性归类所取代,减少了用户选择的麻烦,问题模板也为问题的规整化(即系统从已知问题中最接近的问题)所替代。当然,少了这第二步,对用户问题的解读可能出错,这显然加大了系统对问题的分析技术的的要求。好在多年的问答实践以及技术进步已经可以弥补这一步了。令人兴奋的是,至少在今天测试的系列问题上,Ask.com 的解答(top answers)几乎百发百中。


what is the meaning of life
Top Answer
The meaning of life is a philosophical question concerning the purpose and significance of human existence.
It has been the subject of much philosophical, scientific, and theological speculation throughout history and there have been a large number of answers from many different backgrounds.

will the world end in 2012

Top Answer
Nobody knows when or how the world will end, though it is speculated that life on earth would not be sustainable after our sun 'goes out' in 4-5 billion years.
A popular doomsday belief is that the world will end on December 21 or December 23, 2012, based on this being the year the Mayan Long Count calendar system ends. There is no reliable evidence, however, that ancient Mayans held any association between this date and a major cataclysmic event.

2012 - End of the World?
For Some Yes. But, those Prepared with Food Storage Can Survive

where is waldo
Top Answer
Waldo can normally be found in large crowds, hiding in plain sight. He doesn't disguise himself, so he must want to be found, wearing bright red and white colors and a recognizable hat. He can be found in any setting at any point in history.
Answer found on answers.ask.com

why is the sky blue?
Top Answer

The sun's rays hit the Earth's atmosphere, where the light is scattered by nitrogen and oxygen molecules in the air. The blue wavelength of this light is affected more than the red and green wavelengths, causing the surrounding air to appear blue.

how do you say taco in spanish?

how many people in the world are named bob?
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There are 84,050 people in the U.S. with the first name Bob. ...MORE...
Statistical Information and Demographics question: How many people are named bob in theworld? 26 million I Guess.
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how many mcdonalds are in america?
Top Answer
McDonalds serves about 46 million people a day in their more than 13,000 US restaurants. McDonalds was founded in 1955 and has sold over 100 billion burgers.
Answer found on answers.ask.com


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