1. This is the original version (in English with some Chinese characters in GB) of Li, Wei (1989) “A Dependency Syntax of Contemporary Chinese”, BSO/DLT Research Report, the Netherlands. Its outline published in China Computerworld, 07-26-1989, Beijing.
2. This research project was funded by BSO Software Company, Utrecht, the Netherlands , for use in its DLT Multilingual MT system.
3. The author, Mr. Wei LI, was a researcher at Institute of Linguistics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He can be contacted by email (liwei AT sidepark DOT org).
4. The author welcomes any academic use of this research. If you use it, please list in your reference as follows: Li, Wei (1989) “A Dependency Syntax of Contemporary Chinese”, BSO/DLT Research Report, Utrecht, the Netherlands. For commercial use, please contact the author first.
5. In order to view it properly, please use the Chinese GB encoding.
Its abstract published in Computer World:
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