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已有 11161 次阅读 2015-1-17 15:24 |个人分类:人物沧桑|系统分类:人物纪事| 李小文





    就现有文献或资料看,李小文先生对于自己学术成就的“夫子自道”(李小文,《定量遥感的发展与创新》(刊于河南大学学报(自然科学版) Vol. 35 No. 4, 2005年12月)不失为一个比较全面的视角。小文先生在该文正文中并未提到进入国际光学工程学会的里程碑系列(仅出现在参考文献),他可能不是特别看重此荣誉。在该文中,他更强调中国人自己的创造,小文先生的信心与豪情溢于纸面(“夫子自道”的理解见于此博末尾的点评),。

    他写道:“1981年我的第一个几何光学模型,虽然载入了美国《遥感手册》第二版(1983) ,但只能算一个小成果。...针对辐射传输理论的局限性,李小文与Strahler开展了系列研究工作,提出了几何光学模型,主要考虑地物的宏观几何结构,在解释复杂地表的反射特征时有其简单、明晰的优势,得到国内外遥感学界的普遍承认,国际知名专家、美国科学院、工程院院士R. Dickinson,美国遥感界先驱者之一、堪萨斯遥感实验室前主任Moore教授,我国遥感界奠基人陈述彭院士,美国宇航局副局长Asrar教授等人高度评价几何光学模型。...互易原理是电磁学、光学的基本假设之一,是辐射传输理论的基石,曾被当作检验遥感数据质量的标准,但受到测量界的强烈反对,争论长达20年。李小文等人给出了像元尺度上互易原理失效的条件:在像元尺度上,空间均匀的入照产生空间不均匀的反射,且明暗两区之间串线不对称,则互易原理在像元尺度上失效。李小文等人用一个简单几何光学模型说明上述条件,在IGARSS1999年会议上发表后引起轰动。”    








  “国际光学工程协会”(SPIE)尽管英文缩略语未变,但全称已有过变动。“国际光学工程学会”最早的名称是1955年成立的“光学与光学仪器工程师学会(Society of Photographic Instrumentation Engineers缩写为SPIE,http://spie.org/x91336.xml)”,中文译名也译作“国际光学与光子学会”(见遥感科学国家重点实验室网页:http://www.slrss.cn/node/677)。新的英文名称全称为Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers(On July 1, 1955 SPIE was founded as the Society of Photographic Instrumentation Engineers in California to specialize in the application of photographic instrumentation. In 1964 the Society formally changed its name to the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SPIE)。    

   经过我的一段搜索,刊有小文先生论文的国际光学工程协会“里程碑系列”浮出水面(Selected Papers on Optical Remote Sensing Theory标为“reprint”,意指发表论文的汇集本)。该卷共收录大约59篇论文,全文共684页,小文先生的论文《Geometric-optical modeling of a conifer forest canopy》页码为“88-104”。1997年,国际光学工程协会“里程碑系列”还出版了《Selected Papers on Laser Applications in Remote Sensing》等多卷。



   据百科百科(http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=6fIqcL6opwf13MzctdyYHm9df-CFMEzjd1Y6SG9_i2KII_A0Vybqonqy1-RgfXde7H3ofYFfZV1ZpBAqojQYcoqcl45IVAKptSgwX3xyl1q)介绍,小文先生的代表作有Geometric-Optical modeling of a conifer forest canopy和A prior knowledge accumulation and its application to linear BRDF model inversion。







Email: lixw@irsa.ac.cn
       已发表研究论著160余篇/部,研究成果和水平得到了国际公认,研究论文被国内外科研人员广泛引用: 论文有28篇被SCI收录,38篇SCI引用557次,44篇被EI收录,19篇被CSCD收录。其1981年的硕士论文1985年被美国权威著作《遥感手册(第二版)》收入, 1985年论文于1997年入选国际光学工程学会“里程碑系列”,SCI引用113次;1990年获国际劳力士雄才伟略奖,国际权威性“Marquis 科技名人录” 97年第4版传主。

1.     LI, X., 1981, An Invertible Coniferous Canopy Reflectance Model. MA. Thesis. University of California, Santa Barbara.

2.     LI, X., and STRAHLER, A.H., 1985, Geometric-Optical modeling of a conifer forest canopy, IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, GE-23 (5): 705-721. Collected in SPIE's Milestone Series of Selected Reprints on Optical Remote Sensing Theory and Measurement, ed. J. A. Smith, pp. 88-104, SPIE Optical Engineering Press, 1997.

3.     LI, X., and STRAHLER, A.H., 1986, Geometric-Optical bidirectional reflectance modeling of a conifer Forest Canopy. IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, GE-24 (6): 906-919.

4.     LI, X., and STRAHLER, A. H., 1988, Modeling the gap probability of a discontinuous vegetation canopy. IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 26 (2): 161-170.

5.     LI, X., and STRAHLER, A.H., 1992, Geometric-Optical bidirectional reflectance modeling of the discrete crown vegetation canopy: Effect of crown shape and mutual shadowing. IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 30 (2): 276-292.

6.     LI, X., STRAHLER, A.H., and WOODCOCK, C., 1995, A Hybrid Geometric Optical-radiative Transfer Approach for Modeling Albedo and Directional Reflectance of Discontinuous Canopies. IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 33 (2): 466-480.

7.     李小文,王锦地,1995,植被光学遥感模型和植被结构参数化,科学出版社,118页.

8.     LI XIAOWEN, WANG JINDI, HU BAOXIN, and ALAN STRAHLER, 1998, On utilization of prior knowledge in inversion of remote sensing model. Science in China (Series D), 41(6):580-586.

9.     李小文,万正明,1998,互易原理在二向性反射研究中的适用性,自然科学进展,8(4): 456-460。

10.   LI, X., J. WANG, and A. STRAHLER, 1999, Apparent reciprocity failure in BRDF of structured surfaces. Progress of Natural Science, 9 (10): 747-752.

11.   李小文,王锦地,A.H. STRAHLER,1999,非同温黑体表面上普朗克定律的尺度效应,中国科学(E辑),29(5):422-426。

12.   李小文,王锦地,A.H. STRAHLER,1999,非同温黑体表面上普朗克定律的尺度效应,中国科学(E辑),29(5):422-426。



                                                                     2015-01-14 10:20:05

                                            【本文原载《人民日报海外版》 2000年07月26日第十版】

                                                                         记者: 惠兰














附4:http://spie.org/x13.xml   国际光学工程协会主页,新名称已变更为“国际光学与光子学会”




Proceedings Article
Hybrid geometrical-optical radiative-transfer model for the directional reflectance of discontinuous vegetation canopies
Proc. SPIE 2314, Multispectral and Microwave Sensing of Forestry, Hydrology, and Natural Resources, 27 (January 31, 1995); doi:10.1117/12.200742
Text Size: A A A
From Conference Volume 2314

  • Multispectral and Microwave Sensing of Forestry, Hydrology, and Natural Resources

  • Eric Mougin; K. Jon Ranson; James A. Smith

  • Rome, Italy | September 26, 1994

A new model for the bidirectional reflectance of a vegetation cover combines principles of geometric optics and radiative transfer. It relies on gap probabilities and path length distributions to model the penetration of irradiance from a parallel source and the single and multiple scattering of that irradiance in the direction of an observer. The model applies to vegetation covers of discrete plant crowns that are randomly centered both on the plane and within a layer of variable thickness above it. Crowns assume a spheroidal shape with arbitrary height to width ratio. Geometric optics easily models the irradiance that penetrates the vegetation cover directly, is scattered by the soil, and exits without further scattering by the vegetation. Within a plant crown, the probability of scattering is a negative exponential function of path length. Within-crown scattering provides the source for singly-scattered radiation, which exits with probabilities proportional to further path-length distributions in the direction of exitance (including the hotspot effect). Single scattering provides the source for double scattering, and then higher order pairs of scattering are solved successively by a convolution function. As an early exercise in validation, the model is applied to an open jack pine canopy and ground-level irradiance is predicted with good accuracy.
© (1995) COPYRIGHT SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.


Proceedings Article
Derivation and validation of a new kernel for kernel-driven BRDF models
Proc. SPIE 3868, Remote Sensing for Earth Science, Ocean, and Sea Ice Applications, 368 (December 17, 1999); doi:10.1117/12.373123
Text Size: A A A
From Conference Volume 3868

  • Remote Sensing for Earth Science, Ocean, and Sea Ice Applications

  • Giovanna Cecchi; Edwin T. Engman; Eugenio Zilioli

  • Florence, Italy | September 20, 1999

Kernel-driven bidirectional reflectance (BRDF) models have recently been widely used for mapping albedo with multiangle remote sensing data such as ASAS or temporal AVHRR sequences. An Ambrals algorithm will be used to produce global BRDF and albedo products in the coming EOS era using multiangle reflectance data from the MODIS and MISR. Its operational version currently uses a combination of Ross-Thick and Li- Sparse-Reciprocal kernels which has been validated favorably over other kernels or combinations. To further improve the ability of extrapolation of the Ambrals kernel combination with better physical sense while keeping its data-fitting ability, a new kernel, Li-Transit, is derived and suggested to replace Li-Sparse-Reciprocal kernel in next version of Ambrals. We tested the new kernel combination against the current one and a few alternatives using 29 field collected BRDF data sets. The results show similar data fitting ability and more reliable extrapolation for albedo mapping. A test is also done by using the new combination and the current one to produce temporal albedo change maps of New England of U.S.A. using AVHRR images. Presented also is our recent study on scaling effect of Helmholtz principle of reciprocity, and discussion on application of a priori knowledge in kernel- driven BRDF model inversion.
© (1999) COPYRIGHT SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.

TopicsBidirectional reflectance transmission function ; Reflectivity ; Remote sensing ; MODIS

附8:http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=615126&do=blog&id=861008 (科学网林玉峰博主)

                                                                     Li-Strahler Model

       本文摘自 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 地理系课件。另附上Li-Strahler模型的原始论文。



Selected Papers on Laser Applications in Remote Sensing
Editor(s): William B. Grant, Edward V. Browell, Robert T. Menzies, Kenneth Sassen, Chiao Y. She
Date: 5 December 1997
ISBN: 9780819498083
Vol: MS141SC

Selected Papers on Optical Parametric Oscillators and Amplifiers and Their Applications
Editor(s): Jeffrey H. Hunt
Date: 30 October 1997
ISBN: 9780819426765
Vol: MS140

Selected Papers on Long Baseline Stellar Interferometry
Editor(s): Peter R. Lawson
Date: 22 September 1997
ISBN: 9780819426727
Vol: MS139

Selected Papers on Crack Tip Stress Fields
Editor(s): R. J. Sanford
Date: 23 July 1997
ISBN: 9780819426215
Vol: MS138

Selected Papers on Foundations of Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics
Editor(s): R. J. Sanford
Date: 23 July 1997
ISBN: 9780819497468
Vol: MS137SC

Selected Papers on Photonic Control Systems for Phased Array Antennas
Editor(s): Nabeel A. Riza
Date: 2 July 1997
ISBN: 9780819498182
Vol: MS136SC

Selected Papers on Optical Remote Sensing Theory and Measurements
Editor(s): James A. Smith
Date: 28 May 1997
ISBN: 9780819425249
Vol: MS134

Selected Papers on Optical Techniques for Industrial Inspection
Editor(s): Paolo G. Cielo
Date: 14 May 1997
ISBN: 9780819425317
Vol: MS135SC

Selected Papers on Laser Radar
Editor(s): Gary W. Kamerman
Date: 15 February 1997
ISBN: 9780819424679
Vol: MS133

附10:刊有小文先生论文的国际光学工程协会“里程碑系列”“光学遥感理论与测量”卷(来自国际光学工程协会官网,该卷共收录大约59篇论文,全文共684页,小文先生的论文《Geometric-optical modeling of a conifer forest canopy》在第2部分,开始页码为88”)


        Selected Papers on Optical Remote Sensing Theory and Measurements

                                              Editor(s): James Alan Smith

Date Published: 28 May 1997
Pages: 684
ISBN: 9780819425249
Volume: MS134
Table of Contents
Section One
3 Reflectance nomenclature and directional reflectance and emissivity F.E. Nicodemus (Applied Optics 1970)
5 Reflection and transmission terminology by analogy with scattering F. Kasten, E. Raschke (Applied Optics 1974)
10 The theory and measurement of bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) and bidirectional transmittance distribution function (BTDF) F.O. Bartell, E.L. Dereniak, W.L. Wolfe (in Radiation Scattering in Optical Systems, G.H. Hunt, editor, 1980)
17 Radiometric considerations in remote sensing Philip N. Slater (Proceedings of the IEEE 1985)
Section Two
Reflectance Models
35 Plant-canopy irradiance specified by the Duntley equations William A. Allen, T. Vincent Gayle, Arthur J. Richardson (Journal of the Optical Society of America 1970)
40 Willstatter-Stoll theory of leaf reflectance evaluated by ray tracing W.A. Allen, H.W. Gausman, A.J. Richardson (Applied Optics 1973)
46 Light relations in plant canopies S.B. Idso, C.T. de Wit (Applied Optics 1970)
54 The calculation of the directional reflectance of a vegetative canopy Gwynn H. Suits (Remote Sensing of Environment 1972)
63 Effects of changing canopy directional reflectance on feature selection J.A. Smith, R.E. Oliver (Applied Optics 1974)
69 Radiative transfer model for heterogeneous 3-D scenes D.S. Kimes, J.A. Kirchner (Applied Optics 1982)
80 Radiative transfer in an array of canopies J.M. Norman, J.M. Welles (Agronomy Journal 1983)
88 Geometric-optical modeling of a conifer forest canopy Xiaowen Li, Alan H. Strahler (IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 1985)
105 Light scattering by leaf layers with application to canopy reflectance modelling: the SAIL model W. Verhoef (Remote Sensing of Environment 1984)
122 Inversion of vegetation canopy reflectance models for estimating agronomic variables. I. Problem definition and initial results using the Suits model Narendra S. Goel, Donald E. Strebel (Remote Sensing of Environment 1983)
143 A physical model of the bidirectional reflectance of vegetation canopies. 1. Theory Michel M. Verstraete, Bernard Pinty, Robert E. Dickinson (Journal of Geophysical Research 1990)
154 Nonlinear spectral mixing models for vegetative and soil surfaces Christoph C. Borel, Siegfried A.W. Gerstl (Remote Sensing of Environment 1994)
168 Spectral reflectance and emittance of particulate materials. 1: Theory A.G. Emslie, J.R. Aronson (Applied Optics 1973)
178 Bidirectional reflectance spectroscopy. 1. Theory Bruce Hapke (Journal of Geophysical Research 1981)
194 Theory of the optical properties of snow Craig F. Bohren, Bruce R. Barkstrom (Journal of Geophysical Research 1974)
203 A model for the spectral albedo of snow. I: Pure snow Warren J. Wiscombe, Stephen G. Warren (Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 1980)
Section Three
Thermal Infrared Models
227 Energy exchange in plant canopies Ronald G. Alderfer, David M. Gates (Ecology 1971)
234 Significance of vegetation in interpreting thermal radiation from a terrestrial surface R.A. Sutherland, J.F. Bartholic (Journal of Applied Meteorology 1977)
239 Thermal IR exitance model of a plant canopy D.S. Kimes, J.A. Smith, L.E. Link (Applied Optics 1981)
249 A simple thermal model of the earth's surface for geologic mapping by remote sensing Anne B. Kahle (Journal of Geophysical Research 1977)
257 Efficient prediction of ground surface temperature and moisture, with inclusion of a layer of vegetation J.W. Deardorff (Journal of Geophysical Research 1978)
272 Inclusion of a simple vegetation layer in terrain temperature models for thermal IR signature prediction Lee K. Balick, R.K. Scoggins, L.E. Link (IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 1981)
282 Analysis of urban-rural canopy using a surface heat flux/temperature model Toby N. Carlson, Frederick E. Boland (Journal of Applied Meteorology 1978)
298 Effect of viewing angle on the infrared brightness temperature of snow Jeff Dozier, Stephen G. Warren (Water Resources Research 1982)
Section Four
Reflectance Measurements
311 Spectral properties of plants David M. Gates, Harry J. Keegan, John C. Schleter, Victor R. Weidner (Applied Optics 1965)
321 Reflectance and transmittance of light by leaves Joseph T. Woolley (Plant Physiology 1971)
328 Bidirectional scattering characteristics of healthy green soybean and corn leaves in vivo H.T. Breece III, R.A. Holmes (Applied Optics 1971)
337 Red and photographic infrared linear combinations for monitoring vegetation Compton J. Tucker (Remote Sensing of Environment 1979)
361 Polarization photometer to measure bidirectional reflectance factor R(55,0;55,180) of leaves V.C. Vanderbilt, L. Grant (Optical Engineering 1985)
367 Optical depolarization properties of surfaces illuminated by coherent light W.G. Egan, J. Grusauskas, H.B. Hallock (Applied Optics 1968)
373 The spectral reflectance of American soils H.R. Condit (Photogrammetric Engineering 1970)
385 Near-infrared (1.3-2.4 um) spectra of alteration minerals--potential for use in remote sensing Graham R. Hunt (Geophysics 1979)
398 The luminous directional reflectance of snow W.E. Knowles Middleton, A.G. Mungall (Journal of the Optical Society of America 1952)
406 Optical reflection properties of natural surfaces K.L. Coulson, G.M. Bouricius, E.L. Gray (Journal of Geophysical Research 1965)
417 Measured spectral bidirectional reflection properties of four vegetated surfaces K.T. Kriebel (Applied Optics 1978)
424 Multispectral bidirectional reflectance of northern forest canopies with the Advanced Solid-State Array Spectroradiometer (ASAS) K. Jon Ranson, James R. Irons, Darrel L. Williams (Remote Sensing of Environment 1994)
Section Five
Thermal Infrared Measurements
441 The determination of infrared emissivities of terrestrial surfaces Konrad J.K. Buettner, Clifford D. Kern (Journal of Geophysical Research 1965)
450 Effect of viewing angle on canopy temperature measurements with infrared thermometers M. Fuchs, E.T. Kanemasu, J.P. Kerr, C.B. Tanner (Agronomy Journal 1967)
453 Directional thermal infrared exitance distributions from a leafless deciduous forest Lee K. Balick, Boyd A. Hutchinson (IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 1986)
459 Analysis of effective radiant temperatures in a Pacific Northwest forest using thermal infrared multispectral scanner data Steven A. Sader (Remote Sensing of Environment 1986)
470 Angular variation of the bidirectional reflectance of bare soils in the thermal infrared band Francois Becker, Pascal Ramanantsizehena, Marc-Philippe Stoll (Applied Optics 1985)
481 Emissivity of terrestrial materials in the 8-14 um atmospheric window John W. Salisbury, Dana M. D'Aria (Remote Sensing of Environment 1992)
505 Surface emittance, temperature, and thermal inertia derived from Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner (TIMS) data for Death Valley, California Anne B. Kahle (Geophysics 1987)
Section Six
Atmospheric Corrections
525 Computed atmospheric corrections for satellite data Robert S. Fraser (in Scanners and Imagery Systems for Earth Observation 1975)
534 Methods of calculating atmospheric transmittance and radiance in the infrared Anthony J. LaRocca (Proceedings of the IEEE 1975)
554 Coupled atmosphere/canopy model for remote sensing of plant reflectance features Siegfried A.W. Gerstl, Andrew Zardecki (Applied Optics 1985)
564 Atmospheric correction algorithm for NOAA-AVHRR products: theory and application Didier Tanre, Brent N. Holben, Yoram J. Kaufman (IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 1992)
Section Seven
585 North American vegetation patterns observed with the NOAA-7 Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer Samuel N. Goward, Compton J. Tucker, Dennis G. Dye (Vegetatio 1985)
597 Characteristics of maximum-value composite images from temporal AVHRR data Brent N. Holben (International Journal of Remote Sensing 1986)
615 Expansion and contraction of the Sahara Desert from 1980 to 1990 Compton J. Tucker, Harold E. Dregne, Wilbur W. Newcomb (Science 1991)
618 Relationship between atmospheric CO2 variations and a satellite-derived vegetation index C.J. Tucker, I.Y. Fung, C.D. Keeling, R.H. Gammon (Nature 1986)
623 Satellite-based identification of linked vegetation index and sea surface temperature anomaly areas from 1982-1990 for Africa, Australia and South America Ranga B. Myneni, Sietse O. Los, Compton J. Tucker (Geophysical Research Letters 1996)
627 Geologic applications of thermal infrared images Kenneth Watson (Proceedings of the IEEE 1975)
637 On the use of satellite data to infer surface fluxes at meteorological scales John C. Price (Journal of Applied Meteorology 1982)
649 Evaluating evapotranspiration at local and regional scales Ray D. Jackson (Proceedings of the IEEE 1985)


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