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Validate Completeness and Consistency of Philosophy(初学者版)

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Validate The Completeness and Consistency of The 12 Philosophical Problems 

with DIKWP*DIKWP Interactions

Yucong Duan

International Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWfor Artificial Intelligence Evaluation(DIKWP-SC)

World Artificial Consciousness CIC(WAC)

World Conference on Artificial Consciousness(WCAC)

(Email: duanyucong@hotmail.com)


Building upon our previous analyses using the DIKWP (Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom-Purpose) model, we will now delve deeper by incorporating the 25 semantic interaction or transformation modes of DIKWP*DIKWP. This comprehensive approach will allow us to investigate the completeness and consistency of the philosophical problems as a whole and explore how they relate to one another within this framework.

The DIKWP*DIKWP interactions represent all possible pairwise combinations between the five elements of the DIKWP model, resulting in 25 unique transformation modes. By examining how each philosophical problem engages with these interactions, we can assess whether the model provides a complete and consistent representation of the issues and identify potential interconnections among them.

Understanding the 25 Semantic Interaction Modes of DIKWP*DIKWP

The 25 semantic interaction modes are derived from the pairwise combinations of the DIKWP elements:

  1. Data to Data (D → D)

  2. Data to Information (D → I)

  3. Data to Knowledge (D → K)

  4. Data to Wisdom (D → W)

  5. Data to Purpose (D → P)

  6. Information to Data (I → D)

  7. Information to Information (I → I)

  8. Information to Knowledge (I → K)

  9. Information to Wisdom (I → W)

  10. Information to Purpose (I → P)

  11. Knowledge to Data (K → D)

  12. Knowledge to Information (K → I)

  13. Knowledge to Knowledge (K → K)

  14. Knowledge to Wisdom (K → W)

  15. Knowledge to Purpose (K → P)

  16. Wisdom to Data (W → D)

  17. Wisdom to Information (W → I)

  18. Wisdom to Knowledge (W → K)

  19. Wisdom to Wisdom (W → W)

  20. Wisdom to Purpose (W → P)

  21. Purpose to Data (P → D)

  22. Purpose to Information (P → I)

  23. Purpose to Knowledge (P → K)

  24. Purpose to Wisdom (P → W)

  25. Purpose to Purpose (P → P)

These interactions represent the transformations or flows between different cognitive stages in the DIKWP model, allowing us to analyze the dynamics of cognitive processes in philosophical problems.

Applying the 25 Interaction Modes to Philosophical Problems

We will now examine each philosophical problem by mapping the relevant DIKWP*DIKWP interactions involved. This will help us assess the completeness and consistency of these problems within the DIKWP framework and explore their interrelations.

1. The Mind-Body Problem

Key DIKWP*DIKWP Interactions:

  • D → I: Transforming neural data and subjective experiences into information about correlations between brain states and mental states.

  • I → K: Developing knowledge through theories explaining these correlations.

  • K → W: Applying knowledge to ethical considerations (wisdom) about consciousness and identity.

  • W → P: Using wisdom to define purposes, such as improving mental health treatments.

  • P → K: Purpose influencing further knowledge development, guiding research directions.


  • The mind-body problem extensively engages with transformations from data through wisdom to purpose, highlighting the progression from empirical observations to ethical implications and goal-directed actions.

  • Completeness: The problem covers all stages from data to purpose, engaging multiple interaction modes.

  • Consistency: The transformations are logical and coherent, reflecting the natural progression in understanding the mind-body relationship.

2. The Hard Problem of Consciousness

Key DIKWP*DIKWP Interactions:

  • D → I: Identifying the explanatory gap from data on neural correlates and subjective experiences.

  • I → K: Formulating new theories (knowledge) to address the gap.

  • K → W: Recognizing the limitations of current knowledge (wisdom).

  • P → K: Purpose driving the pursuit of comprehensive theories.


  • Emphasizes the challenges in transforming data into knowledge due to the explanatory gap.

  • Completeness: The problem engages key interactions but may highlight areas where certain transformations (e.g., D → K) are problematic.

  • Consistency: The difficulty in moving from data to knowledge reflects the inherent complexity of the problem.

3. Free Will vs. Determinism

Key DIKWP*DIKWP Interactions:

  • D → I: Observations of decision-making leading to information about deterministic patterns.

  • I → K: Developing philosophical positions (knowledge) on free will and determinism.

  • K → W: Assessing ethical implications (wisdom) for moral responsibility.

  • W → P: Shaping societal norms and legal practices (purpose) based on wisdom.

  • P → W: Purpose influencing the application of wisdom in policy-making.


  • Interactions involve a feedback loop between purpose and wisdom.

  • Completeness: The problem encompasses multiple interactions, including those that loop back from purpose to wisdom.

  • Consistency: The transformations support a cohesive understanding of how beliefs about free will influence ethical practices.

4. Ethical Relativism vs. Objective Morality

Key DIKWP*DIKWP Interactions:

  • D → I: Collecting data on moral codes and transforming it into comparative information.

  • I → K: Formulating ethical theories (knowledge).

  • K → W: Applying knowledge to promote understanding (wisdom).

  • W → P: Defining purposes that respect diversity while promoting well-being.

  • P → I: Purpose guiding the gathering of new information to support ethical principles.


  • Highlights the interplay between knowledge, wisdom, and purpose in ethical considerations.

  • Completeness: The problem covers a full range of interactions from data to purpose.

  • Consistency: The transformations reflect the logical progression in ethical analysis.

5. The Nature of Truth

Key DIKWP*DIKWP Interactions:

  • D → I: Analyzing statements to extract information about truth claims.

  • I → K: Developing theories of truth (knowledge).

  • K → W: Applying knowledge to enhance communication (wisdom).

  • W → P: Pursuing purposes that promote clarity and understanding.

  • P → K: Purpose influencing further knowledge development in truth theories.


  • The problem involves iterative interactions between knowledge, wisdom, and purpose.

  • Completeness: All stages are engaged, with transformations supporting the quest for truth.

  • Consistency: The interactions are coherent, reflecting the importance of truth in communication.

6. The Problem of Skepticism

Key DIKWP*DIKWP Interactions:

  • D → I: Observing errors leading to information about doubt.

  • I → K: Formulating epistemological theories (knowledge).

  • K → W: Applying knowledge to balance skepticism with practicality (wisdom).

  • W → P: Establishing purposes that enable functioning despite uncertainty.

  • P → W: Purpose reinforcing the application of wisdom in daily life.


  • Emphasizes transformations that address limitations in knowledge.

  • Completeness: Engages interactions necessary to address skepticism.

  • Consistency: The transformations align logically to mitigate skepticism's impact.

7. The Problem of Induction

Key DIKWP*DIKWP Interactions:

  • D → I: Observations leading to inductive generalizations (information).

  • I → K: Analyzing induction philosophically (knowledge).

  • K → W: Recognizing limitations and practical necessities (wisdom).

  • W → P: Justifying methods to predict phenomena (purpose).

  • P → K: Purpose driving refinement of inductive reasoning (knowledge).


  • Highlights the role of purpose in improving knowledge.

  • Completeness: Covers key interactions from data to purpose.

  • Consistency: The transformations support the justification of induction.

8. Realism vs. Anti-Realism

Key DIKWP*DIKWP Interactions:

  • D → I: Perceptions transformed into interpretations (information).

  • I → K: Developing ontological theories (knowledge).

  • K → W: Evaluating implications (wisdom).

  • W → P: Aiming for understanding reality (purpose).

  • P → K: Purpose influencing knowledge exploration.


  • The problem involves cycles between knowledge, wisdom, and purpose.

  • Completeness: Engages all necessary interactions.

  • Consistency: Transformations reflect the iterative nature of metaphysical inquiry.

9. The Meaning of Life

Key DIKWP*DIKWP Interactions:

  • D → I: Experiences leading to patterns in quests for meaning (information).

  • I → K: Formulating philosophical interpretations (knowledge).

  • K → W: Integrating perspectives for significance (wisdom).

  • W → P: Guiding individuals toward fulfillment (purpose).

  • P → W: Purpose influencing the application of wisdom in life choices.


  • Emphasizes the personal application of wisdom and purpose.

  • Completeness: Covers interactions that lead to meaningful existence.

  • Consistency: Transformations support personal and collective significance.

10. The Role of Technology and AI

Key DIKWP*DIKWP Interactions:

  • D → I: Technological data analyzed for impact (information).

  • I → K: Ethical considerations developed (knowledge).

  • K → W: Guiding principles for responsible development (wisdom).

  • W → P: Enhancing human life ethically (purpose).

  • P → K: Purpose driving knowledge in AI ethics.


  • Interactions reflect the ethical integration in technological advancement.

  • Completeness: Engages interactions necessary for ethical AI development.

  • Consistency: Transformations ensure technology serves humanity.

11. Political and Social Justice

Key DIKWP*DIKWP Interactions:

  • D → I: Socioeconomic data transformed into information about injustices.

  • I → K: Theories of justice formulated (knowledge).

  • K → W: Crafting policies (wisdom).

  • W → P: Achieving a just society (purpose).

  • P → I: Purpose guiding the collection of further data.


  • Highlights the application of knowledge and wisdom to achieve societal goals.

  • Completeness: Covers necessary interactions for social justice.

  • Consistency: Transformations align with ethical and practical considerations.

12. Philosophy of Language

Key DIKWP*DIKWP Interactions:

  • D → I: Linguistic expressions analyzed (information).

  • I → K: Theories of meaning developed (knowledge).

  • K → W: Understanding language's role (wisdom).

  • W → P: Enhancing communication (purpose).

  • P → K: Purpose influencing further linguistic research.


  • Emphasizes the cyclical nature of knowledge and purpose in language.

  • Completeness: Engages interactions necessary for improving understanding.

  • Consistency: Transformations support cognitive enhancement.

Investigating Completeness and ConsistencyCompleteness

The completeness of the DIKWP model in representing these philosophical problems can be assessed by examining whether all 25 interactions are engaged across the problems.

Summary of Interactions Across Problems:

  • D → I: Utilized in all problems for transforming data into information.

  • I → K: Commonly used to develop theories and frameworks.

  • K → W: Consistently applied to integrate ethical considerations.

  • W → P: Frequently used to define purposes based on wisdom.

  • P → K/W/I/D: Purpose often influences further knowledge development and data collection.

Other interactions, such as K → D or W → I, may be less directly evident but can be inferred in some contexts.

Example of Less Evident Interactions:

  • K → D (Knowledge to Data): Knowledge influencing what data is collected. In the Problem of Induction, understanding the limitations of induction (knowledge) might lead to seeking new types of data.

  • W → I (Wisdom to Information): Wisdom guiding the interpretation of data into information. In Political and Social Justice, wisdom may affect how data is analyzed for information about injustices.

Conclusion on Completeness:

  • While not every interaction is explicitly present in each problem, collectively, the philosophical problems engage all 25 interactions.

  • The DIKWP model provides a complete framework for analyzing these problems, capturing the complexity of cognitive processes involved.


Consistency refers to the logical coherence of transformations within and across the problems.

  • Within Problems: The transformations follow a logical progression, e.g., data leading to information, which informs knowledge, and so on.

  • Across Problems: The same interaction modes function consistently, e.g., I → K always involves developing knowledge from information.

Potential Inconsistencies:

  • Variations in Transformation Paths: Some problems may not engage certain interactions, but this reflects the nature of the problem rather than inconsistency in the model.

  • Different Emphases: The importance of certain interactions varies, but the transformations themselves remain consistent.

Conclusion on Consistency:

  • The DIKWP model maintains consistency in how interactions function across different problems.

  • Any variations are due to the specific characteristics of the philosophical issues, not inconsistencies in the model.

Relating the Problems

By examining the interactions, we can identify relationships among the philosophical problems.

Common Themes and Interconnections
  1. Ethical Considerations:

    • Free Will vs. Determinism, Ethical Relativism vs. Objective Morality, Political and Social Justice, and The Role of Technology and AI all heavily involve the K → W and W → P interactions.

    • These problems can be related through their focus on applying knowledge to ethical issues and shaping purposes that promote well-being.

  2. Nature of Reality and Knowledge:

    • The Mind-Body Problem, The Hard Problem of Consciousness, Realism vs. Anti-Realism, and The Nature of Truth share concerns about understanding reality.

    • They engage similar transformations from data to knowledge, highlighting the challenges in bridging gaps in understanding.

  3. Challenges in Knowledge Acquisition:

    • The Problem of Skepticism and The Problem of Induction both address limitations in our ability to know.

    • They involve transformations that emphasize the need for practical wisdom to navigate uncertainties.

  4. Existential Questions:

    • The Meaning of Life and Philosophy of Language both deal with personal and collective significance.

    • They engage interactions that focus on integrating knowledge and wisdom to guide purposeful living and communication.

Feedback Loops and Cycles
  • Purpose Influencing Data and Information:

    • In several problems, the purpose guides what data is collected or how information is interpreted.

    • Example: In Political and Social Justice, the goal of achieving equity influences data collection on societal conditions.

  • Wisdom Shaping Knowledge:

    • Wisdom not only applies knowledge but can reshape it by highlighting ethical implications.

    • Example: Ethical concerns in The Role of Technology and AI can lead to new knowledge about responsible AI development.

Overall Interconnectedness
  • The philosophical problems are interconnected through shared DIKWP interactions.

  • Understanding one problem can provide insights into others due to overlapping cognitive processes.


Assessment of Completeness and Consistency:

  • The DIKWP model, through its 25 semantic interaction modes, provides a comprehensive and consistent framework for analyzing a wide range of philosophical problems.

  • All interactions are engaged collectively across the problems, ensuring completeness.

  • The transformations function consistently, reflecting the logical progression of cognitive processes.

Relating the Problems:

  • The problems are interrelated through common themes, shared interactions, and feedback loops.

  • The DIKWP model highlights these relationships, demonstrating how philosophical issues often overlap and inform one another.


  • Utilizing the DIKWP*DIKWP interactions enhances our understanding of the complexity and interconnectedness of philosophical problems.

  • This approach can guide further exploration and integration of philosophical insights, supporting interdisciplinary research and application.


We extend our gratitude to Prof. Yucong Duan for developing the DIKWP model and outlining the 25 semantic interaction modes, which have been instrumental in this comprehensive analysis.

Note to Readers

This analysis has aimed to provide a full-length, detailed examination of the philosophical problems using the DIKWP*DIKWP interactions. It demonstrates the model's capacity to encompass complex cognitive processes and highlights the interrelated nature of philosophical inquiry.

If further exploration of specific interactions or problems is desired, readers are encouraged to delve deeper into the individual transformations and consider additional nuances within the DIKWP framework.

  1. International Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWP for Artificial Intelligence Evaluation (DIKWP-SC),World Association of Artificial Consciousness(WAC),World Conference on Artificial Consciousness(WCAC)Standardization of DIKWP Semantic Mathematics of International Test and Evaluation Standards for Artificial Intelligence based on Networked Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom-Purpose (DIKWP ) Model. October 2024 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26233.89445 .  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/384637381_Standardization_of_DIKWP_Semantic_Mathematics_of_International_Test_and_Evaluation_Standards_for_Artificial_Intelligence_based_on_Networked_Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom-Purpose_DIKWP_Model

  2. Duan, Y. (2023). The Paradox of Mathematics in AI Semantics. Proposed by Prof. Yucong Duan:" As Prof. Yucong Duan proposed the Paradox of Mathematics as that current mathematics will not reach the goal of supporting real AI development since it goes with the routine of based on abstraction of real semantics but want to reach the reality of semantics. ".


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闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾惧綊鏌熼梻瀵割槮缁炬儳缍婇弻鐔兼⒒鐎靛壊妲紒鐐劤缂嶅﹪寮婚悢鍏尖拻閻庨潧澹婂Σ顔剧磼閻愵剙鍔ょ紓宥咃躬瀵鎮㈤崗灏栨嫽闁诲酣娼ф竟濠偽i鍓х<闁绘劦鍓欓崝銈囩磽瀹ュ拑韬€殿喖顭烽幃銏ゅ礂鐏忔牗瀚介梺璇查叄濞佳勭珶婵犲伣锝夘敊閸撗咃紲闂佺粯鍔﹂崜娆撳礉閵堝棛绡€闁逞屽墴閺屽棗顓奸崨顖氬Е婵$偑鍊栫敮鎺楀磹瑜版帒鍚归柍褜鍓熼弻锝嗘償閵忕姴姣堥梺鍛婄懃閸燁偊鎮惧畡鎵殾闁搞儜灞绢棥闂佽鍑界徊濠氬礉鐎n€兾旈崨顔规嫼闂侀潻瀵岄崢濂稿礉鐎n喗鐓曢柕濞垮劤缁夎櫣鈧娲橀崝娆撳箖濞嗗浚鍟呮い鏃囨閻︽粓姊绘笟鈧ḿ褔鎮ч崱妞㈡稑螖閸愵亞鐣堕梺鍦劋閹歌埖绂嶅⿰鍫熺叆闁哄倽娉曟禒銏⑩偓瑙勬尭濡盯鍩€椤掍緡鍟忛柛鐘愁殜閹繝鏁撻悩顔瑰亾娓氣偓瀵噣宕煎┑瀣暪闂備胶绮弻銊ヮ嚕閸撲讲鍋撳顑惧仮婵﹦绮幏鍛村川婵犲倹娈樼紓鍌欐祰椤曆囧磹婵犳艾鐒垫い鎺嶇閸ゎ剟鏌涢敐蹇曠М鐎规洘妞芥慨鈧柍銉ョ-缁愮偤姊鸿ぐ鎺戜喊闁告﹢绠栧畷銏ゅ础閻愨晜鏂€闂佸疇妫勫Λ妤呮倶閻樼粯鐓熼煫鍥ㄦ⒒缁犳牜绱掗崒姘毙х€规洜鍏橀、姗€鎮╃喊澶屽簥濠碉紕鍋戦崐鏍涙笟鈧畷鎴﹀箛椤撶喐鐝烽梺鎸庢閺侇噣宕戦幘鑸靛枂闁告洦鍓涢ˇ銉╂⒑闂堟稓澧涢柟顔煎€块悰顕€宕橀纰辨綂闂侀潧绻堥崹濠氭偂閹剧粯鈷戦柛鎾瑰皺閸樻盯鏌涢悩铏婵″弶鍔欓幃銏焊娴h鏉搁梻浣虹帛钃遍柛鎾村哺瀹曨垵绠涘☉娆戝幈闂佺粯蓱閸撴艾鈻撳⿰鍫熺厪闁糕剝顨呴弳锝団偓瑙勬磸閸旀垿銆佸鈧畷鍫曞Ω瑜夊Σ鍫ユ煣缂佹ḿ澧甸柡灞剧☉閳藉宕¢悙鑼啋婵$偑鍊х€靛矂宕抽敐鍜佹綎婵炲樊浜滅粻浼村箹濞n剙鐏い锔哄劦濮婅櫣绮欓崠鈥充紣缂傚倸绉撮敃顏堢嵁閸愵喗鏅搁柣妯哄棘閵娾晜鐓ラ柡鍌氱仢閳锋棃鏌i敃鈧悧鎾愁潖婵犳艾纾兼慨妯哄船椤も偓缂傚倷绀侀鍡欐暜閿熺姴鏋佺€广儱鎷嬮崥瀣煕閳╁啯绀堢紒鐘冲哺濮婃椽宕烽鐘茬闁汇埄鍨遍〃濠囩嵁婢舵劕浼犻柕澹拑绱查梺鍝勵槸閻楀嫰宕濈仦鐭綊顢氶埀顒勫蓟閻旂⒈鏁婇悷娆忓閻濇岸姊虹拠鈥虫灍缂侇喖鐭侀悘鎺楁⒑缂佹ɑ灏悗娑掓櫊閺屻劑顢橀悢铏圭槇闂佹眹鍨藉ḿ褔宕滃畷鍥╃<闁艰壈鍩栭ˉ澶愭偂閵堝鐓忛柛顐g箥濡插綊鏌¢崨顔剧畺闁靛洤瀚粻娑㈠箻閺夋垶顏熺紓鍌欐祰椤曆兾涘┑瀣摕婵炴垯鍩勯弫鍐煥濠靛棙顥犳い锔哄劚閳规垿鏁嶉崟顐$钵缂備緡鍠楅悷鈺侇嚕鐠囨祴妲堥柕蹇曞Х閻も偓闂備線娼чオ鐢告⒔閸曨垱鍋熼柡鍥ュ灪閳锋垿鏌涘┑鍡楊仾妞ゃ儲鐟╅弻娑樜旈埀顒勫疮閸ф缍栭煫鍥ㄦ礈绾惧吋淇婇婵愬殭妞ゅ孩鎹囧娲川婵犲嫧妲堥梺鎸庢磸閸庨潧鐣烽弴銏犵缂備焦菤閹锋椽鎮峰⿰鍛暭閻㈩垱顨婂顐︽焼瀹ュ棛鍘遍梺闈浨归崕鑼嫻閳╁啩绻嗛柛娆忣槸婵秹鏌熼鐣屾噮闁逞屽墯缁嬫帡鏁嬪銈呭閹瑰洤顫忓ú顏勫窛濠电姴鍟喊宥夋倵濞堝灝鏋涘褍娴峰Σ鎰版倷鐎涙ê鍔呴梺闈涒康閼靛綊骞忓ú顏呪拺閻犲洠鈧磭鈧鏌涘☉鍗炵伇闁哥喎鐗婃穱濠囨倷椤忓嫧鍋撻妶澶婄;闁告洦鍨侀崶顒夋晬闁绘劖娼欐禒濂告⒒娴e摜浠㈡い鎴濇噽濞嗐垽鎮欓悜妯煎幍闂備緡鍙忕粻鎴︾嵁濮椻偓閺屾稑顫滈崱鏇犲嚬缂備胶绮换鍫ュ箖娴犲顥堟繛鎴烆殘閹规洟姊绘担绛嬪殭缂佺粯鍨归幑銏ゅ醇濠靛牊娈惧┑鐘绘涧濡矂宕奸鍫熺厱妞ゆ劑鍊曢弸鏃堟煕濡寧顥夐柍瑙勫灴閹晝绱掑Ο濠氭暘闂佽瀛╅崙褰掑礈閻旂厧绠栨慨妞诲亾鐎规洩绲惧鍕偓锝庝簻娴煎骸鈹戦悩鍨毄濠殿喗鎸冲畷顖烆敍閻愬弬锔界節闂堟侗鍎愰柣鎾寸懄閵囧嫰寮埀顒勫磿閹惰棄鍌ㄩ悗鐢电《閸嬫挸鈻撻崹顔界亪闂佺粯鐗曢妶鎼佹偘椤曗偓楠炲洭顢橀悢宄板Τ婵$偑鍊栭弻銊╁触鐎n喖姹查煫鍥ㄧ⊕閳锋帡鏌涚仦鎹愬闁逞屽墰閸忔﹢骞婂Δ鍛唶闁哄洨鍋熼悿鍥⒑鐟欏嫬绀冩い鏇嗗洤瑙︾憸鐗堝笚閻撴稓鈧箍鍎辨鎼佺嵁閺嶎偆纾奸柣娆屽亾闁搞劌鐖煎濠氬Ω閳哄倸浜為梺绋挎湰缁嬫垿顢旈敓锟�:0 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婵犵數濮烽弫鍛婃叏閻戣棄鏋侀柛娑橈攻閸欏繘鏌i幋锝嗩棄闁哄绶氶弻娑樷槈濮楀牊鏁鹃梺鍛婄懃缁绘﹢寮婚敐澶婄闁挎繂妫Λ鍕⒑閸濆嫷鍎庣紒鑸靛哺瀵鈽夊Ο閿嬵潔濠殿喗顨呴悧濠囧极妤e啯鈷戦柛娑橈功閹冲啰绱掔紒姗堣€跨€殿喖顭烽弫鎰緞婵犲嫷鍚呮繝鐢靛Т閻忔岸宕濋弽顐ょ婵°倕鎳忛埛鎴︽⒑椤愩倕浠滈柤娲诲灡閺呭爼顢氶埀顒勫蓟濞戞瑧绡€闁稿本绋戞禒鏉懳旈悩闈涗沪闁告梹鐗滈幑銏犫攽鐎n亞顦ㄥ銈呯箰濡顨ラ崟顖涒拻濞达絿枪閺嗛亶鏌熺喊鍗炰喊妞ゃ垺鐗犲畷鍫曞煛閸愵亞鍘犳俊鐐€栧Λ鍐极椤曗偓瀹曟垿骞橀懜闈涙瀭闂佸憡娲﹂崜娑㈡晬濮椻偓濮婃椽宕ㄦ繝鍐f嫻闂佹悶鍔庨弫濠氥€佸鑸垫櫜濠㈣泛锕崬鍫曟⒑閸濆嫭宸濋柛瀣枛椤㈡ê煤椤忓應鎷虹紓鍌欑劍宀e潡骞婇崘顔界厵闁惧浚鍋勬慨宥夋煟濞戝崬娅嶅┑顔瑰亾闂侀潧鐗嗗Λ宀勫箯婵犳碍鈷戠紒瀣濠€浼存煟閻曞倸顩紒顔硷躬閹囧醇濞戞鐩庢俊鐐€栭崝鎴﹀春閸曨倠锝夊箹娴e湱鍘介梺鎸庣箓閹冲骸危婵犳碍鎳氶柨婵嗩槹閸嬬姵绻涢幋鐐茬瑨濠⒀勭叀閺岋綀绠涢幘铏闂佸疇顫夐崹鍧楀箖濞嗘挸绾ч柟瀵稿С濡楁挾绱撴担鍝勪壕婵犮垺岣跨划鏃囥亹閹哄鍋撴笟鈧鎾偄娓氼垱绁梺璇插嚱缂嶅棝宕戦崱娑樺偍妞ゅ繐鐗婇埛鎴︽煕閹炬潙绲诲ù婊勭箘缁辨帞鎷犻幓鎺撴閻庤娲﹂崹鍫曠嵁閹烘嚦鏃€鎷呴崫鍕闂傚倷绀侀幉锟犲礉閹达箑绀夐幖娣灪濞呯姵绻涢幋娆忕仾闁绘挻鐩弻娑樷槈閸楃偞鐏撻梺鍛婄憿閸嬫捇姊绘担鍛婃儓闁哄牜鍓涚划娆撳箣閿曗偓閻撯€愁熆閼搁潧濮囩痪顓涘亾闂備胶绮崝妯间焊濞嗘搩鏁婇柟瀵稿仧缁♀偓闂佹眹鍨藉ḿ褎绂掑⿰鍫熺厽婵°倐鍋撻柨鏇ㄤ邯楠炲啴鏁撻悩鑼紜闂佸綊顣﹂悞锔剧礊鎼淬劍鈷戦柟顖嗗懐顔囧┑鐘亾闂侇剙绉甸崕妤佺箾閸℃ê濮夌紒鐘荤畺閺屾盯鍩勯崗鐙€浜畷婵嬪Χ婢跺鍘遍梺瑙勫劤閻°劎娆㈤崣澶堜簻妞ゅ繐瀚弳锝呪攽閳ュ磭鍩g€规洖宕灃闁告剬鍕枙婵犵绱曢崑鎴﹀磹瑜忕划濠氬箻缂堝懐绱伴悷婊勬閵嗕礁顫濋懜鍨珳闂佺硶鍓濋悷褔鎯侀崼婵冩斀妞ゆ梹鏋绘笟娑㈡煕濡寧顥夐柍璇茬Т楗即宕奸悢鍙夊闂備礁鎲$粙鎴︽晝閿曞倸鐓″鑸靛姈閻撴洖鈹戦悩鎻掍簽闁绘捁鍋愰埀顒冾潐濞叉粍鏅跺Δ鍛畾闁哄啫鐗嗘儫闂侀潧锛忛崘銊ь唺闂傚倷鑳堕幊鎾诲触鐎n喗鍋╂い蹇撶墕缁€澶屸偓鍏夊亾闁逞屽墰閸掓帞鎷犲顔藉兊闁哄鐗勯崝宀勫几閹达附鐓欓柛蹇撳悑閸庢鏌i幘宕囧ⅵ鐎殿噮鍋呯换婵嬪炊閵娧冨箞闂備礁鎼ú銏ゅ礉瀹€鍕€堕柨鐔哄У閻撶喖鏌熼幆褜鍤熼柍钘夘槹閵囧嫰顢橀埄鍐€婇梺鍦嚀鐎氫即骞冨⿰鍐炬建闁糕剝锕槐鎺戔攽閻樺灚鏆╅柛瀣洴楠炲﹥鎯旈埈銉︾☉閳藉顫濋褎缍楅梻浣告贡閸庛倕顫忛崷顓涘亾濮橆厼鍝洪柡灞诲€楅崰濠囧础閻愬樊娼绘俊鐐€х徊浠嬪箹椤愶腹鈧棃宕橀鍢壯囧箹缁厜鍋撻懠顒傛晨缂傚倸鍊烽懗鍓佸垝椤栫偞鏅濋柕蹇嬪€楀畵渚€鏌″搴″箹闁圭鍩栭妵鍕箻鐠虹儤鐎婚梺鍝勵儏閸婂灝顫忓ú顏勫窛濠电姴鍟ˇ鈺呮⒑缁嬫鍎忔俊顐g箞瀵偄顓奸崼銏㈡澑濠电偞鍨堕悷銏ゅ箯缂佹ḿ绠鹃柟鐐綑閻掑綊鏌涚€n偅灏扮紒缁樼⊕閹峰懘宕橀幓鎺濅紑婵炲濮靛畝绋款潖缂佹ɑ濯撮柛娑㈡涧濠€閬嶅焵椤掍胶鈻撻柡鍛█楠炲啴鏁撻悩铏闂佺粯枪鐏忔瑩鎮惧ú顏呪拺婵懓娲ら悘顕€寮搁鍛簻妞ゆ劑鍨洪崵鍥煛鐏炵偓绀嬬€规洜鍘ч埞鎴﹀炊閼告妫撻梻鍌欑缂嶅﹪寮ㄩ崡鐑嗘富闁芥ê顦藉ḿ鏍ㄧ箾瀹割喕绨奸柛銈嗗浮閺屾洟宕煎┑鍥ф闂佽瀛╅崕鎶藉煘閹达附鍋愭い鏃囧亹娴犻箖姊洪幐搴″摵闁哄苯绉剁槐鎺懳熺拠鑼紦闂備胶纭堕弲顏嗘崲濠靛棛鏆﹂柕濞炬櫓閺佸﹪鏌熼鍡楀暟椤撳ジ姊婚崒姘偓椋庣矆娓氣偓楠炲鏁撻悩鎻掔€銈嗙墱閸嬫稓澹曡ぐ鎺撶厸鐎广儱楠告禍鎰版煕鐎n偅灏い顐g箞閹瑩顢楅埀顒勵敂閿燂拷 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婵犵數濮烽弫鍛婃叏閻戣棄鏋侀柛娑橈攻閸欏繘鏌i幋锝嗩棄闁哄绶氶弻娑樷槈濮楀牊鏁鹃梺鍛婄懃缁绘﹢寮婚敐澶婄闁挎繂妫Λ鍕⒑閸濆嫷鍎庣紒鑸靛哺瀵鈽夊Ο閿嬵潔濠殿喗顨呴悧濠囧极妤e啯鈷戦柛娑橈功閹冲啰绱掔紒姗堣€跨€殿喖顭烽弫鎰緞婵犲嫷鍚呴梻浣瑰缁诲倸螞椤撶倣娑㈠礋椤栨稈鎷洪梺鍛婄箓鐎氱兘宕曟惔锝囩<闁兼悂娼ч崫铏光偓娈垮枛椤兘骞冮姀銈呯閻忓繑鐗楃€氫粙姊虹拠鏌ュ弰婵炰匠鍕彾濠电姴浼i敐澶樻晩闁告挆鍜冪床闂備胶绮崝锕傚礈濞嗘挸绀夐柕鍫濇娴滄粍銇勯幘璺盒㈤柛妯侯嚟閳ь剚顔栭崰鏍€﹂悜钘夋瀬闁归偊鍘肩欢鐐测攽閻樻彃顏柡澶婃啞娣囧﹪鎮欓鍕ㄥ亾閺嶎偅鏆滃┑鐘叉处閸婂潡鏌ㄩ弴鐐测偓鍝ュ閸ф鐓欓柛鎾楀懎绗¢梺鎶芥敱閸ㄥ潡寮婚悢鍏煎殐闁宠桨妞掔划鑸电節绾版ǚ鍋撻悙钘変划闂佸搫鏈粙鎺旀崲濠靛纾兼繛鎴灻煎ǎ顕€鏌f惔銏╁晱闁哥姵鐩、姘愁樄闁糕斂鍎插鍕箛椤掑缍傞梻浣稿暱閹碱偊宕愰悷鎵虫瀺闁搞儺鍓氶埛鎺懨归敐鍥ㄥ殌妞ゆ洘绮庣槐鎺旀嫚閹绘巻鍋撳宀€浜辨繝鐢靛仦閸ㄧ喖骞婇悙鍝勭倞妞ゆ巻鍋撻崬顖炴偡濠婂啰绠冲瑙勬礋閹稿﹥绔熷┑鍡欑Ш闁轰焦鍔欏畷銊╊敊閽樺澹嶉梺璇茬箰缁绘劗鎹㈠Ο渚綎婵炲樊浜滃婵嗏攽閻樻彃顒㈤柣锝夋敱缁绘繈鎮介棃娑楃捕闂佹寧娲忛崐婵嬨€佸鑸垫櫜闁糕剝鐟ч惁鍫濃攽椤旀枻渚涢柛妯哄悑缁傚秴饪伴崼鐔叉嫼缂備礁顑堝▔鏇犵不娴煎瓨鐓熼柕濞у啫骞嬪Δ鐘靛仜缁绘垹鎹㈠┑鍡╂僵妞ゆ挾濮撮獮妤呮⒑绾懎顥嶉柟娲讳簽瀵板﹥銈i崘銊﹁緢闂佸啿鎼幊搴ㄥ礄閻樼偨浜滈煫鍥ㄦ尭椤忋倝鏌¢埀顒佺鐎n偆鍘撻梺闈涱槶閸斿矂鎯冨ú顏呯厽妞ゆ挾鍠撻幊鍕煙娓氬灝濡界紒缁樼箞瀹曟﹢鍩炴径姝屾闂佽姘﹂~澶娒洪敃鍌氱;濠电姴鍊婚弳锕傛煟閺冨倵鎷¢柡浣告閺屽秷顧侀柛鎾寸懇閸┿垹顓兼径濞⒀囨煕閵夈垺娅囬柨娑欑箖缁绘稒娼忛崜褎鍋ч梺鐑╁墲濡啫鐣烽棃娑掓瀻闁规儳顕崢钘夆攽鎺抽崐鎾绘倿閿斿彞鐒婃い鎾跺枂娴滄粓鏌¢崶鏈电敖缂佸宕电槐鎺旂磼濡偐鐣靛銈庡亝缁诲牓銆侀弽顓炵厴闁绘劦鍓氶悵姘舵⒑閸濆嫭婀版繛鍙壝銉╁礋椤栨岸鍞跺┑鐘绘涧閻楀懘鎯€椤忓牊鈷掑ù锝呮啞閹牓鏌涙繝鍕毈鐎规洘鍨块獮妯肩磼濡攱瀚介梻浣呵归張顒勬偡閵娾晛绀傜€光偓閳ь剟鎯€椤忓牜鏁囬柣鎰版涧閻撶喖鎮楃憴鍕缂侇喖鐭傞崺鐐哄箣閻橆偄浜鹃柨婵嗛娴滄繃绻涢崨顔解拻缂佽鲸鎹囧畷鎺戭潩椤戣棄浜鹃柣鎴eГ閸婂潡鏌ㄩ弴鐐测偓鍝ョ矆婢舵劖鐓涚€广儱楠搁獮妤呮煕鎼粹€愁劉闁靛洤瀚板浠嬪Ω閵夈儲鐦撴繝鐢靛仜閸氬鎮уΔ鍐╁床婵炴垶锕╅崯鍛亜閺冨洤鍚归柣鈺侀叄閹鎮烽悧鍫濇殘缂備浇顕ч崐鍧楀春閻愬搫绠i柨鏃囨娴滃綊姊洪崷顓犲笡閻㈩垪鏅犲畷婵囧緞閹邦厸鎷烘繛鏉戝悑閻熝囧箖婵傚憡鐓曢煫鍥ㄦ閼版寧顨ラ悙鎻掓殭閾绘牠鏌涘☉鍗炲箻妞は佸嫮绡€闁靛骏绲剧涵楣冩煥閺囶亞绋荤紒鏃傚枛瀵挳濮€閳锯偓閹风粯绻涙潏鍓у埌闁硅姤绮庣划鏃堟倻濡湱绠氬銈嗗姂閸庤尙娑甸崜浣虹<妞ゆ棁鍋愭晶娑㈡煙瀹勭増鍤囬柟鐓庣秺閺屽懎鈽夊杈ㄥ枓闂傚倸鍊风粈渚€骞栭銈囩煋闁哄被鍎辩粈澶愭倵閿濆骸澧€规洘鐓¢弻娑㈠焺閸愵亖濮囬梺缁樻尭缁绘﹢寮诲☉銏╂晝闁挎繂娲ㄩ悾鐢告⒑闁偛鑻晶顕€鏌熺拠褏纾跨紒顔碱儏椤撳ジ宕遍幇顑跨凹闂備礁鎲¢崝蹇涘棘娓氣偓楠炲繐煤椤忓懐鍘介柟鑲╄ˉ閸撴繄鎷归垾鏂ユ斀妞ゆ梻鍋撻弳顒勬寠閻斿鐔嗛悹杞拌閸庡秴霉濠婂嫮鐭掗柡灞诲姂瀵噣宕剁捄鐑橆唲闂備浇顕ф蹇曠不閹捐钃熸繛鎴欏灩閻撴﹢鏌涢…鎴濇灓濞寸姷鍘ч—鍐Χ閸℃ê纰嶉梺闈涚墢鏋柣锝囧厴瀹曪繝鎮欏鍥ф灈闁硅櫕鐗犻崺鐐侯敄閹€鍋撳┑鍡╂綎缂備焦岣块悷褰掓煃瑜滈崜娆忕幓閼愁垼妯侀梺闈╃到缂嶅﹤顫忓ú顏勫窛濠电姳鑳剁换渚€姊洪幖鐐插濠㈢懓妫濆顐︻敋閳ь剟鐛幒妤€绫嶉柛灞剧玻缁辨娊姊绘担鍛靛綊寮甸鍕殞濡わ絽鍟悞鍨亜閹烘垵顏存俊顐e灩缁辨帡顢欓懖鈺侇杸缂備焦顨堥崰鏍春閳ь剚銇勯幒鍡椾壕闂佷紮绲块崗姗€鐛崶顒€绾у璺烘憸閻愬﹪姊绘笟鈧ḿ褔鏁嶈箛娑樺窛妞ゆ牗鑹鹃懘顖炴⒒閸屾艾鈧绮堟担闈╄€块梺顒€绉甸幆鐐哄箹濞n剙濡肩紒鎰殜閺岀喖骞戦幇闈涙缂佺偓鍎抽…鐑藉蓟閻旇 鍋撳☉娆嬬細閻犳劏鏅濋幉鎼佹偋閸繄鐟ㄧ紓浣插亾闁稿瞼鍋為悡鏇㈢叓閸ャ劏澹樺ù婊冩贡缁辨帞鈧綆浜濋崰妯绘叏婵犲嫮甯涢柟宄版噽缁瑩鎳楅姘卞幋濠电姷鏁搁崑娑樜熸繝鍥х煑闁告劦鐓堥崵鏇炩攽閻樺磭顣查柡鍛絻椤法鎹勯悮瀛樻暰濡炪們鍎茬换鍫濐潖濞差亜鎹舵い鎾亾闁革富鍘搁崑鎾斥槈閹烘挻鐝氶悗瑙勬礃濞茬喖鐛Ο鑲╃<婵☆垵銆€閸嬫捇宕归銈囶啎闂佸壊鍋呯换鍕閵忋倖鐓涢悗锝庡墮閺嬪酣鏌嶇憴鍕伌闁诡喗鐟ч幏鐘侯槻濞村吋鍔曢—鍐Χ鎼粹€茬盎缂備胶绮敮鐐参i幇鏉跨闁瑰啿纾崰鎾诲箯閻樺樊鍟呮い鏃傛嚀娴滈箖鏌熼崜褏甯涢柍閿嬪灴閺岀喖顢涢崱妤佸櫧妞ゆ柨锕铏规兜閸涱喚褰ч梺鍦规晶浠嬪礆閹烘鏁囬柕蹇曞Х娴煎姊洪崫鍕偓鍫曞磿閺屻儱妫橀柍褜鍓熷缁樻媴閾忕懓绗¢梺鍛婃⒐閻楃偤濡甸幇鏉跨妞ゅ繐妫欓敍蹇涙偡濠婂嫭顥堢€殿喖顭烽弫鎰板川閸屾稒顥堢€规洘锕㈡俊鎼佸箛閳轰胶浼堥梺鍝勭焿缂嶄線寮幇鏉跨倞鐟滃秹鐛€n€棃鎮╅棃娑楃捕濠电偛妯婇崢濂割敋閿濆閱囬柡鍥╁仧椤斿洭鏌熼懝鐗堝涧缂佽鲸娲熸俊鍓佹崉鐞涒剝鏂€闂佹寧绋戠€氼剚绂嶆總鍛婄厱濠电姴鍟版晶鍨殽閻愭潙濮嶉柟绛圭節婵″爼宕堕埡鍐ㄥ箚闂傚倷鑳堕幊鎾活敋椤撱垹纾婚柣鏃傤儠閳ь剙鎳樺濠氬Ψ閿旀儳骞楅梻渚€鈧稑宓嗘繛浣冲嫭娅犳い鏍仦閻撴洘绻涢崱妤冪缂佺姵褰冭彁闁搞儜宥堝惈濡炪們鍨虹粙鎴︺偑娴兼潙绀冮柕濞垮€楃敮娑欑節閻㈤潧浠滈柣掳鍔庨崚鎺楀箻閸撲椒绗夐梺鍝勭▉閸樿偐绮婚弽銊ょ箚闁靛牆鍊告禍鎯ь渻閵堝骸浜濈紒璇茬墦楠炲啫鈻庨幙鍐╂櫌闂侀€炲苯澧存い銏℃閺佹捇鏁撻敓锟� | 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾惧綊鏌熼梻瀵割槮缁炬儳缍婇弻鐔兼⒒鐎靛壊妲紒鐐劤缂嶅﹪寮婚悢鍏尖拻閻庨潧澹婂Σ顔剧磼閻愵剙鍔ょ紓宥咃躬瀵鎮㈤崗灏栨嫽闁诲酣娼ф竟濠偽i鍓х<闁绘劦鍓欓崝銈嗙節閳ь剟鏌嗗鍛姦濡炪倖甯掗崐褰掑吹閳ь剟鏌f惔銏犲毈闁告瑥鍟悾宄扮暦閸パ屾闁诲函绲婚崝瀣уΔ鍛拺闁革富鍘奸崝瀣煕閵娿儳绉虹€规洘鍔欓幃娆撴倻濡桨鐢绘繝鐢靛Т閿曘倝宕幍顔句笉闁煎鍊愰崑鎾斥枔閸喗鐏嶆繝鐢靛仜閿曨亜顕i锕€绀冩い鏃囧亹閿涙粌鈹戦悙鏉戠仸闁煎綊绠栭悰顕€宕奸悢鍓佺畾闂佺粯鍔︽禍婊堝焵椤戞儳鈧繂鐣烽姀锛勵浄閻庯綆浜滈悗顓㈡⒑閸撹尙鍘涢柛瀣閵嗗懘宕f径宀€鐦堥梻鍌氱墛娓氭宕曢幇鐗堢厽闁规儳鐡ㄧ粈鍐磼缂佹ḿ娲寸€规洖宕灃闁告劦浜堕崬铏圭磽閸屾瑨鍏屽┑顔芥尦閳ワ箓鎮滈挊澶庢憰闂佺偨鍎辩壕顓㈠汲閸℃稒鐓冪憸婊堝礈閻旈鏆﹀ù鍏兼綑缁犲鏌ら崨濠庡晱婵炶偐鍠栧娲捶椤撶偛濡哄銈冨妼閹虫﹢鏁愰悙鍝勫窛閻庢稒岣块崢钘夆攽閳藉棗鐏ユ繛鍜冪秮閺佸秴顓奸崥銈囨嚀楗増鎯斿┑鍫熸櫦缂傚倷娴囨ご鎼佸箲閸パ呮殾闁圭儤鍨熼弸搴ㄦ煙閻戞ê鐏ラ悽顖e灠閳规垿鎮╅幇浣告櫛闂侀潻缍囩徊璺ㄥ垝婵犳艾鍐€妞ゆ挾鍠愬▍婊堟⒑缂佹ê濮堟繛鍏肩懅濞嗐垽鎮欓悜妯煎幍闂備緡鍙忕粻鎴﹀礉閿曞倹鐓ラ柡鍥╁仜閳ь剙缍婇幃锟犲即閵忥紕鍘搁梺鎼炲劘閸庤鲸淇婃總鍛婄厽闊洦娲栧暩缂備浇椴哥敮锟犲箖閳轰胶鏆﹂柛銉e妼閸ㄩ亶姊绘担鍛婃儓闁哄牜鍓熼幆鍕敍閻愵亖鍋撴笟鈧鎾閳╁啯鐝抽梻浣虹《閸撴繈鎮烽姣硷綁鎮ч崼婊呯畾闂佺粯鍔︽禍婊堝焵椤掍焦绀冩い銊e劦瀹曨偊濡疯閻撳姊洪懡銈呮灈闁稿锕ゅ玻鍧楀冀椤撶喓鍙勯棅顐㈡处閹歌崵鎷归敓鐘崇厽妞ゆ挾鍠撻幊鍕磼缂佹ḿ娲寸€规洖宕灒闁告繂瀚闂傚倷绀侀幉锟犲箰妤e啫纾婚柟鎹愬煐瀹曞弶绻涢幋鐐茬劰闁稿鎸搁埥澶娾枎鐎n剛绐楅梻浣规た閸樺綊宕愰弴銏$畳婵犵數濮撮敃銈囪姳閼测晞濮崇紓浣骨滄禍婊堟煛閸ユ湹绨介柟顔笺偢閺岀喐顦版惔鈱掋垽妫佹径鎰€甸柨婵嗛娴滆姤绻涢崗鍏碱棃婵﹦绮粭鐔煎焵椤掆偓宀h儻顦撮柟骞垮灲楠炴帡骞橀弶鎴濅紟闂備礁澹婇崑渚€宕曟潏銊ュ姅闂傚倷鐒︾€笛兾涙担鍓叉禆闁靛ě鍡椥℃繝鐢靛У绾板秹鍩涢幋锔界厱婵犻潧妫楅鈺呮煃瑜滈崜姘跺箖閸岀偛绠栨俊顖濄€€閺€浠嬫煕椤愮姴鐏い锔诲灦濮婃椽宕崟顓夌娀鏌涢弬璺ㄐх€规洩缍€缁犳稑鈽夊▎蹇庣敾婵犵數鍋涘Λ妤冩崲閹伴偊鏁傞悗娑欋缚缁犻箖鏌涢銈呮灁闁活厽甯¢弻鈥崇暆閳ь剟宕伴弽顓溾偓浣糕枎閹炬潙浜楅柟鑲╄ˉ閹筹綁鍩℃担鍕煥铻栧┑鐘辫兌閼虫椽姊洪崨濠庢當闁哥喎娼¢幃楣冩倻閽樺)鈺呮煃閸濆嫸鏀婚柡鍜冪秮閹嘲饪伴崘顕呪偓妤冩偖濞嗗浚鐔嗛柤鎼佹涧婵牓鏌嶉柨瀣仸闁逛究鍔戦幃鐑芥偋閸喐鍊烽梻浣虹帛鐢顪冩禒瀣摕婵炴垯鍨规儫闂佸疇銆€閸嬫捇鏌熼弻銉х暫闁哄本娲熷畷鍗炍旈埀顒勫汲閻愮數纾肩紓浣贯缚缁犵偟鈧娲樼敮鈩冧繆閸洖宸濇い鏇炴噹閹亪姊婚崒姘偓椋庣矆娓氣偓楠炴牠顢曢妶鍡椾粡濡炪倖鍔х粻鎴犲閸ф绾ч柛顐g濞呭洤鈽夐幘宕囆ч柡宀嬬秮閹垻绮欓幐搴e浇闁荤喐绮庢晶妤冩暜濡ゅ懎鐤鹃柡灞诲劜閻撴洘绻涢幋婵嗚埞闁哄濡囬惀顏堫敇濞戞ü澹曢梻鍌氬€搁崐椋庣矆娓氣偓楠炲鏁撻悩鍐蹭画闂侀潧顦崕娆忊槈濡攱鏂€闂佺硶妾ч弲婊呯礊鎼淬劍鈷戦柟顖嗗懐顔囧┑鐘亾閺夊牃鏅涢ˉ姘舵煕韫囨稒锛熺紒璇叉閵囧嫰寮介妸褏鐣甸梺鍛婁亢椤濡甸崟顖涙櫆闁告繂瀚慨锕€鈹戦纭烽練婵炲拑绲块崚鎺戔枎閹惧磭顦遍梺鐐藉劚閸樻牜妲愰敐鍡欑瘈闁汇垽娼цⅴ闂佺ǹ顑嗛幑鍥ь潖濞差亶鏁嗛柍褜鍓涚划鏃堝箻椤旇棄鈧潡鏌涢…鎴濅簴濞存粍绮撻弻鐔煎传閸曨厜銉╂煕韫囨挾鐒搁柡灞剧洴閹垽宕妷銉ョ哗闂備礁鎼惉濂稿窗閺嵮呮殾婵炲棙鎸稿洿闂佺硶鍓濋〃蹇斿閿燂拷

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