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DIKWP Digital Culture Chain ::=Data Culture->Information Culture->Knowledge Culture->Wisdom Culture->Purpose Culture


Chains of DIKWP Digital Economics: 

DIKWP Digital Culture Chain

::=Data Culture->Information Culture->Knowledge Culture->Wisdom Culture->Purpose Culture

Yucong Duan(段玉聪)

DIKWP research group, 海南大学(Hainan University)

Email: duanyucong@hotmail.com




DIKWP资源形式化建模的角度,对应数字文明链::=数据文明->信息文明->知识文明->智慧文明->意图文明,我们提出数字文化就是数字文明中面向叔本华的种属延续与发展,从个体主客观认知上升到群体主客观认知, 并在资产层面被数字化对应到DIKWP群体资产:数据群体资产-信息群体资产-知识群体资产-智慧群体资产-意图群体资产。数字文化在针对数字资产的行为活动方面被数字化对应到DIKWP数字经济链:数据经济->信息经济->知识经济->智慧经济->意图经济,以及DIKWP 治理链:数据治理->信息治理->知识治理->智慧治理->意图治理。

通俗的讲,数据文化(Data Culture)在量变的语义空间进行由客观观察到语义内容认知、模仿与写实趋近。数据文化写实,重计算,推崇精确,注重真实。

信息文化(Information Culture)面向主观认知和客观内容的融合,面向认知的体验扩大与升华,构建从客观表达到主观认知的有效认知衔接的主动性的客观化。信息文化写意,注重效率与真伪,注重对法规的强制执行。信息文化的会生产力案例典型代表是零和博弈。

知识文化(Knowledge Culture)基于知识经济构建在以个体和群体的能力为主要生产力的对称经济基础上,知识文化的科学部分侧重对知识规则的主客观实验验证和基于波普证伪理念的知识规则的替代与发展。知识文化强调对规范性与透明性的结合。

智慧文化(Wisdom Culture)侧重对求同异,注重从整体和多角度进行过程性分析,面向人类命运共同体文明以客观化进行模拟解释化解问题,注重构建中庸和动态平衡。

意图文化(Purpose Culture)面向中国人讲的天人合一的理念,构建人类命运共同体和个体发展的全面统一,基于超越物质文明的主观精神的认知发展统一。意图文化中将对理解误差的减少和认知距离的个性化主动适应进行了统一。

数字文化[1] 正在扩展,涵盖数据文化(Data Culture[2],信息文化(Information Culture[3],知识文化(Knowledge Culture[4] , 智慧文化(Wisdom Culture[5]和意图文化(Purpose Culture)更像是一个 DIKWP 数字文化链(Digital Culture Chain

DIKWP Digital Culture Chain

::=Data Culture->Information Culture->Knowledge Culture->Wisdom Culture->Purpose Culture






[1] Gere, Charlie. Digital culture. Reaktion Books, 2009.

[2] Miller, Vincent. Understanding digital culture. Sage, 2020.

[3] Choo, Chun Wei, et al. "Information culture and information use: An exploratory study of three organizations." Journal of the American society for information science and technology 59.5 (2008): 792-804.

[4] Haushchild, Sussane. "Creating a knowledge culture." (2017).

[5] Grossmann, Igor, and Franki YH Kung. "Wisdom and culture." (2019).

[6] Yucong Duan, DIKWP Ultimate of Digital Economy: From Asymmetric Data Economy, Asymmetric Information Economy to Symmetric Knowledge Economy and Symmetric Wisdom Economy, November 2022DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32178.48328









DIKWP digital culture chain of 12 chains of DIKWP digital economics::=data culture->information culture->knowledge culture->wisdom culture->intent culture

Chains of DIKWP Digital Economics: 

DIKWP Digital Culture Chain

::=Data Culture->Information Culture->Knowledge Culture->Wisdom Culture->Purpose Culture

Yucong Duan

DIKWP research group, Hainan University

Email: duanyucong@hotmail.com

DIKWP digital culture chain of 12 chains of DIKWP digital economics::=data culture->information culture->knowledge culture->wisdom culture->intent culture:

Culture is usually described informally and corresponds to the subjective part of the group that is gradually accumulated after the development of biological groups to the stage of human civilization and can directly or indirectly correspond to the objective material world in a specific civilization. Culture, as a part of cognition that originates from individual cognition but is objectified in the form of group subjectivity because it is universally shared, has independent and material objective inheritance conditions and capabilities. Culture exists in the form of cultural genes in a way similar to biological genes in the overall cognition of the general public, and is seamlessly inherited across time and space.

Culture is recognized and felt informally in the form of thinking, life values, life behaviors, ethics, artistic creation, science and technology.

From the perspective of formal modeling of DIKWP resources, corresponding to the digital civilization chain::=data civilization->information civilization->knowledge civilization->wisdom civilization->intent civilization, we propose that digital culture is the species facing Schopenhauer in digital civilization It belongs to continuation and development, from individual subjective and objective cognition to group subjective and objective cognition, and is digitized and corresponding to DIKWP group assets at the asset level: data group assets-information group assets-knowledge group assets-smart group assets-intent group assets . Digital culture is digitized and corresponds to the DIKWP digital economy chain in terms of behavioral activities targeting digital assets: data economy -> information economy -> knowledge economy -> smart economy -> intention economy, and DIKWP governance chain: data governance -> information governance - > Knowledge Governance -> Wisdom Governance -> Intent Governance.

In layman's terms, Data Culture progresses from objective observation to semantic content cognition, imitation and realism in a quantitatively variable semantic space. The data culture is realistic, recalculating, respecting precision, and emphasizing truth.

Information Culture is oriented toward the integration of subjective cognition and objective content, the expansion and sublimation of cognition-oriented experience, and the active objectification of constructing an effective cognitive connection from objective expression to subjective cognition. Freehand information culture, focusing on efficiency and authenticity, focusing on the enforcement of laws and regulations. The typical representative of the productivity case of information culture is a zero-sum game.

Knowledge Culture (Knowledge Culture) is based on the knowledge economy. It is built on the basis of a symmetrical economy with the ability of individuals and groups as the main productivity. The scientific part of knowledge culture focuses on the subjective and objective experimental verification of knowledge rules and the knowledge rules based on Popper's falsification concept. replacement and development. Knowledge culture emphasizes the combination of standardization and transparency.

Wisdom Culture (Wisdom Culture) focuses on seeking similarities and differences, focusing on procedural analysis from a holistic and multi-angle perspective, oriented to the civilization of a community with a shared future for mankind, using objective simulations to explain and resolve problems, and focusing on building a golden mean and a dynamic balance.

Purpose Culture is oriented to the Chinese concept of the unity of man and nature, building a community of shared future for mankind and the overall unity of individual development, based on the unity of cognitive development beyond material civilization. The reduction of comprehension errors and the individualized active adaptation of cognitive distance are unified in intentional culture.

Digital culture [1] is expanding to include Data Culture [2], Information Culture [3], Knowledge Culture [4] , Wisdom Culture [5] and intent Culture (Purpose Culture) is more like a DIKWP Digital Culture Chain:

DIKWP Digital Culture Chain

::=Data Culture->Information Culture->Knowledge Culture->Wisdom Culture->Purpose Culture


DIKWP Digital Culture Chain

::= Data Culture -> Information Culture -> Knowledge Culture -> Wisdom Culture -> Intent Culture



[7] Gere, Charlie. Digital culture. Reaktion Books, 2009.

[8] Miller, Vincent. Understanding digital culture. Sage, 2020.

[9] Choo, Chun Wei, et al. "Information culture and information use: An exploratory study of three organizations." Journal of the American society for information science and technology 59.5 (2008): 792-804.

[10] Haushchild, Sussane. "Creating a knowledge culture." (2017).

[11] Grossmann, Igor, and Franki YH Kung. "Wisdom and culture." (2019).

[12] Yucong Duan, DIKWP Ultimate of Digital Economy: From Asymmetric Data Economy, Asymmetric Information Economy to Symmetric Knowledge Economy and Symmetric Wisdom Economy, November 2022DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32178.48328







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