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Ferromagnetic MnSn Monolayer Epitaxially Grown on Silicon Substrate
Qian-Qian Yuan (袁茜茜), Zhaopeng Guo (郭照芃), Zhi-Qiang Shi (石志强), Hui Zhao (赵辉), Zhen-Yu Jia (贾振宇), Qianjin Wang (王前进), Jian Sun (孙建), Di Wu (吴镝), and Shao-Chun Li (李绍春)
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2020, 37 (7): 077502
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Search for 2D Ferromagnets: Molecular Beam Epitaxy is a Critical Tool
Matthias Batzill
Department of Physics, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33620, USA
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2020, 37 (8): 080101
Van der Waals materials with ferromagnetic properties have attracted recent interest because of their promise to enable combination of materials with atomically sharp interfaces, facilitating spin transport and spin injection across these interfaces. The discovery of ferromagnetic ordering to persist to the two-dimensional (2D) limit for Cr2Ge2Te6 and CrI3 has sparked interest of 2D ferromagnetism and their potential for fundamentally new magnetic van der Waals heterostructures and spintronics applications. However, these materials have been exfoliated from bulk and are not easily processible for applications. A bottom up synthesis by direct growth is required to integrate different materials for practical applications and to enable detailed characterization of magnetic interfaces. The growth of VSe2 and MnSe2 by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) have created hope that such materials can exhibit strong magnetism with high Curie temperatures. However, subsequent detailed work on the properties of VSe2 have indicated that it is not an itinerant magnetic material, and the observed magnetism in these materials remains a controversial topic. Other potential ferromagnetic materials that can be reduced to the 2D limit and grown by MBE are currently investigated. Such materials include chromium telluride-based compounds. More generally, direct growth methods, like MBE, allow the development of new 2D materials that are not inherently layered materials and thus would expand the possible materials systems for investigating 2D magnetism.
The paper by Yuan et al. neatly demonstrates the potential of MBE growth for the synthesis of novel ferromagnetic 2D materials. In this work, a single layer MnSn alloy on a Si(111) substrate is demonstrated to exhibit ferromagnetic properties in the 2D limit. MnSn has been predicted to be a half-metallic compound with a zinc-blende structure in the bulk. The zinc-blende structure has a 3D covalent bonding and thus may not be thinned to a monolayer by exfoliation. MnSn was directly grown on a Sn-buffer layer on Si(111), detailed STM characterization combined with crystal structure search allowed them to identify the new material they synthesized and showed that it can be grown in a structure with alternating Sn and Mn layers. Importantly, they show that a single molecular layer that is structurally the same as multilayer films can be obtained. Convincing agreement between the simulated STM images of the proposed structure with the experiments verified their obtained compound. Interestingly, this single monolayer exhibits large magnetic moments of ~2.3μB per Mn-atom and a Tc of ~54 K is measured. The Tc for the single layer is strongly reduced compared to the multilayer films that have a Tc~ 235–245 K. A strong decrease of Tc with the reduction of layers is expected due to thermal fluctuations destroying the magnetic ordering in single layer materials and thus this effect supports the notion of a monolayer ferromagnet. The fact that this material can be grown on silicon also shows potential of integrating it with the mature silicon technology. While the initial characterization of the MnSn single layer material is very promising, additional work will be needed to fully understand the magnetic properties of this material. For instance, the in-plane magnetic anisotropy and loss of anisotropy for the multilayers are surprising. Magnetic anisotropy is required to counteract the destruction of spin ordering by thermal fluctuation and usually an out-of plane easy axis is observed for 2D magnets. This may raise the question of the importance of the interface with the substrate to stabilize the magnetic ordering in this system.
Very few layered materials that can be exfoliated exhibit ferromagnetic ordering. Therefore, the development of new 2D materials that have no layered bulk counterparts are required. Such materials can only be synthesized as 2D materials by direct growth methods like MBE. Thus, these materials science methods are critically important to advance this field. The study by Yuan et al. showed that new exciting materials can be obtained, but for exploring more such systems the challenge remains in reliable theoretical predictions. And while theoretical guidance is necessary to motivate the synthesis of certain materials systems, another lesson from the work by Yuan et al. is that initial expectations for a compound may have to be adjusted for understanding the structure of the real material.
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