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Evaluation of SIFs and T-stress by Dual BEM and I-integral

已有 1791 次阅读 2019-10-20 13:31 |系统分类:科研笔记

Description  :

    This is a self-contained computer code—Fp_DBIT.F90 (Fracture Parameters evaluation based on Dual BEM and I-Integral method) developed for evaluating stress intensity factors and T-stress for mixed-mode cracks of elastic solids.   

    This code is written in Fortran 90 (keeping to Fortran77 style make it easy to understand) and consists of the main program and six subroutines. This code can evaluate the fracture parameters given that the elastic variables, displacement gradients and stresses, has been solved by the Dual BEM. Fig.1 shows the computation model of combined Dual BEM and I-integral method.


Input File: (FPPOST.dat)

The Main program Fp_DBIT inputs the coordinates of nodes which constructs the path of I-integral, as shown in Fig.2. The detailed description of the input data are listed below:


Card Set 1: Information for the No. of crack-tip and the No. of the I-integral path;

Card Set 2:

G: shear modulus;

PR: Poisson’s ratio;

NSIG: 3 for plane stress, or 4 for plane strain;

CDTIP(i), i=x or y: The i-coordinate of the crack-tip in global coordinate system;

COSL(i,1:2), i =x or y : The i-th coordinate axis of the local Cartesian coordinate system.

Card Set 3:

NJP: The number of nodes those construct the I-integral path as shown in Fig.2;

NJE: The number of boundary elements those construct the I-integral path as shown in Fig.2;

NODJ: The number of nodes within one I-integral elements;

NGSSJ: The number of Gauss points used for do Gauss quadrature of the I-integral elements.

Card Set 4:

ID: The No. of points used in the Fp_DBIT;

IP: The original ID of the point which is input from Dual_BEM program;

CD(i, ID), i=x or y: The i-coordinate for the location of point ID in global coordinates;

UGD(i, j, ID), i, j=x, y: The displacement gradient of the point with the No. of ID.

SIG(i, j, ID), i, j=x, y: The stress for the point with the No. of ID.

Card Set 5:

LNDJ(1, IE): Global node number for the 1st node of element IE;

LNDJ(2, IE): Global node number for the 2nd node of element IE;

LNDJ(2, IE): Global node number for the 3rd node of element IE;


Output File: (RESULTS.out)

FP(1): Stress intensity factor KI for pure I mode;

FP(2): Stress intensity factor KII for pure II mode;

FP(3): T-stress.

Source File

      ALLOCATABLE:: IDP(:),CD(:,:),UGD(:,:,:),SIG(:,:,:),LND(:,:)
      DIMENSION CDTIP(2),COSL(2,2),CKL(2,3),UGDL(2,2,3),SIGL(2,2,3),     &
     &          POSGJ(4),WEITJ(4),VI(3),VI0(3),FP(3)
      READ(5,*); READ(5,*); READ(5,*)
      READ(5,*) G,PR,NS,(CDTIP(I),I=1,2),((COSL(I,J),J=1,2),I=1,2)
      READ(5,*); READ(5,*)
      READ(5,*) NJP,NJE,NODJ,NGSSJ; READ(5,*); READ(5,*)
      DO IP=1,NJP
     &         (( SIG(I,J,IP),J=1,2),I=1,2)
      READ(5,*); DO IE=1,NJE; READ(5,*) (LND(ID,IE),ID=1,NODJ); ENDDO
      ALFA=2.*G*(1+PR); ENDIF
      DO 100 IE=1,NJE
      DO 100 IG = 1 , NGSSJ
100   VI(1:3)=VI(1:3)+VI0(1:3)*FJCB*WEITJ(IG)
      FP(1:2)=0.5*ALFA*VI(1:2); FP(3)=ALFA*VI(3)
      WRITE(*,'(3(A8,F12.6))') 'KI:',FP(1),'KII:',FP(2),'T:',FP(3)
      WRITE(7,'(3(A8,F12.6))') 'KI:',FP(1),'KII:',FP(2),'T:',FP(3)

      IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z)      
      DIMENSION CDTIP(2),COSL(2,2),LND(NODJ),CD(2,*),UGD(2,2,*),SIG(2,2,*)
      DIMENSION CKL(2,3),UGDL(2,2,3),SIGL(2,2,3)
      DO 100 ID = 1, NODJ
        IP=LND(ID); CKL(:,ID)=0.; UGDL(:,:,ID)=0.; SIGL(:,:,ID)=0.
        DO K=1,2
        DO L=1,2
          DO I=1,2
          DO J=1,2
        GP(1)=-0.57735026918962D0; GW(1)=1.D0
        GP(2)= 0.57735026918962D0; GW(2)=1.D0
        GP(1)=-0.77459666924148D0; GP(2)=0.D0
        GP(3)= 0.77459666924148D0
        GW(1)= 0.55555555555556D0; GW(2)=0.88888888888888D0
        GW(3)= 0.55555555555556D0
        GP(1)=-0.86113631159405; GP(2)=-0.33998104358486
        GP(3)= 0.33998104358486; GP(4)= 0.86113631159405
        GW(1)= 0.34785484513745; GW(2)= 0.65214515486255
        GW(3)= 0.65214515486255; GW(4)= 0.34785484513745
      DIMENSION SP(NODE),CK(2,*),CP(2),RI(2),X(*)
        ! 2 noded-element (line element)
      SP(1)=0.5D0*(1.D0-X(1)); SP(2)=0.5D0*(1.D0+X(1))
      IF(NODE.EQ.2) GOTO 50
        ! 3 noded-element (line element)
      SP(1)=-X(1)*SP(1); SP(2)=X(1)*SP(2); SP(3)=1.D0-X(1)*X(1)
      GOTO 50
        ! Calculate r and its vector components
  50  R2=0.D0; DO 70 I=1,2; RI(I)=-CP(I)
  70  R2=R2+RI(I)*RI(I)
      DIMENSION X(*),CK(2,*),DN(2,NODE),GD(2,2),COSB(2),GR(2)
      DN(1,1)=-0.5D0; DN(1,2)=0.5D0       ! For 2D, 2 noded-element
      IF(NODE.EQ.2) GOTO 30
      DN(1,1)=-0.5D0*(1.D0-2.D0*X(1))     ! For 2D, 3 noded-element
      DN(1,2)=0.5D0*(1.D0+2.D0*X(1)); DN(1,3)=-2.D0*X(1)
  30  DO 50 I=1,2; DO 50 J=1,1; GD(I,J)=0.D0; DO 50 ID=1,NODE
  50  GD(I,J)=GD(I,J)+DN(J,ID)*CK(I,ID)
      GR(1)=GD(2,1); GR(2)=-GD(1,1)                  ! For 2D normals
      COSB(1:2)=GR(1:2)/FJCB                   ! Normal Cosine
      DIMENSION CKL(2,3),UGDL(2,2,3),SIGL(2,2,3),POSGJ(4),SHAP(NODJ),      &
     &  CP0(2),RI(2),COSB(2),DN(2,NODJ),GD(2,2),ACTDU(2,2),ACTSIG(2,2),    &
     &  auxdu(2,2),auxsig(2,2)
      DIMENSION TRAC1(2),TRAC2(2),VI0(3)
      CP0=0.; PI=3.141592654d0
      IF(RI(1).LT.0.)THEN; IF(RI(2).LT.0.)THEN
      ELSE; THETA=DATAN(RI(2)/RI(1))
      ENDIF; R=DSQRT(R2)
      IF(NS.EQ.3)THEN; AK=(3.D0-PR)/(1.D0+PR); ELSEIF(NS.EQ.4)THEN
      AK=3.D0-4.D0*PR; ENDIF
      ACTDU(:,:)=0.; ACTSIG(:,:)=0.
      DO ID=1,NODJ
        ACTSIG(:,:) = ACTSIG(:,:) + SHAP(ID)*SIGL(:,:,ID) ! Stress
        ACTDU(:,:) = ACTDU(:,:) + SHAP(ID)*UGDL(:,:,ID) ! Displacement gradient
      DO 50 IMOD=1,3
      CALL AUXI_SOLUTION(G,PI,PR,AK,R,THETA,auxdu,auxsig,IMOD)        ! Auxiliary solution for mixed-mode SIF
      SEGY = 0.
      DO I = 1,2
        DO J=1,2; SEGY = SEGY + ACTSIG(I,J) * auxdu(I,J); ENDDO
50    VI0(IMOD)=SEGY*COSB(1)-(TMP1+TMP2)     

Input File for Example:


Computed Results

     KI:    2.615375    KII:    2.403349      T:   -0.352381

File package:Fp_DBIT.zip


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