


已有 3265 次阅读 2020-12-19 12:59 |系统分类:教学心得


1Let me check the attendance. 我来查一下出勤。

2Now, let me call the roll. Answer me in saying "here or present" when your name is called. 


3Is everybody here? 都到了吗?

4Yes, we are all here except John. 除了约翰,都到了。

5Is anybody absent? 有没来的吗?

6Who is absent? 谁没来?

7Nobody is absent. 没人缺席。

8Why are you late? 你(们)为什么迟到?

9Take a seat. 坐吧。

10Go back to your seat. 回你(们)座位去吧。

11Never be late again. 别再迟到了。

12Please comply with classroom discipline. 请遵守课堂纪律。

13Please don't whisper to one another. 请不要交头接耳。

14. Please take notes throughout. 请从头到尾记笔记。

15Please make an analysis of the sentence. 请做句子分析。

16It is not to the point. 不切题。

17Let's do some sentence pattern drills. 我们来做一些句型训练。

18. Take down all the examples I give you.把我给你们的例子全都记下来。

19Take a break. 休息会儿。

20Look up the word in your dictionary. 查字典。

21Come up here. 到这儿来。

22Do you understand what I said? 理解我所说的吗?

23Did I make everything clear? 我都讲清楚了吗?

24I don't get you. 我没明白你的意思。

25May I ask a question? 我可以问个问题吗?

26Are there any questions? 有什么问题吗?

27Any more questions? 还有问题吗?

28Clear? 明白了?


       at the top of the page  页眉

       at the bottom of the page 页脚

       at the middle of the page 页中

       the last line in the second paragraph 第二段的最后一行

       the third line from the bottom 倒数第三行

       the next to the last line 倒数第二行

       the third word from the right 从右数第三个单词

       the word just after the semicolon 分号后的那个单词

30What do you want to say? 你想说什么?

31Don't interrupt him. 别打断他。

32Let him go on. 让他继续(说)。

33Please think about it. 请想一想。

34Please follow me if you don't understand. 如果你不明白,请跟我来。

35Don't hesitate to ask me if anything is not clear to you. 不明白就问,别犹豫。

36We have two more sentences to do. That will be done in a few minutes. 我们还有两个句子要做(没做完),再过一会儿就做完了。


1) We are going to take up a first lecture, chapter 1. We’ll learn some new words, and then we'll read aloud the text and do some sentence pattern drills. 我们现在开始上第一堂课,讲第一章。我们要学一些生词,然后朗读课文,并做一些句型训练。

2) Today, first, we'll have a dictation. Second, review the old lesson. Last, learn a new lesson, chapter 2. 今天,首先我们来听写,然后复习旧课,最后学习新课第二章。

3Today, the aim of this lesson is to cover chapter 2 throughout, and then, do some oral drills and written exercises. 今天这堂课的目的是要学习第二章全部内容,然后做一些口头训练以及写作练习。

4) Let's go over the new words and patterns first, and then……我们首先来复习生词和句型,然后……

5) Let's go on to the next sentence. 我们接着来看下一句。

6Now, once again from the beginning. This time, I speak English, you speak Chinese correspondingly. 现在,再从头来一遍。这次,我说英语,你们相应地说汉语。

38Do you know what's wrong with this sentence? 你(们)知道这句哪里错了吗?

39Is the tense of the verb in this sentence correct? 这句的动词时态对吗?

40Don't be shy (nervous, afraid, timid) 别害羞(紧张,害怕,胆怯)。

41Don't be afraid of making mistakes. 别怕出错。

42Stop here. 就到这儿吧。

43That's enough. 够了。

44Think it over, and try again. 好好想想,再试试。

45I am afraid you haven't made yourself very clear. 恐怕你没说清楚。

46Speak simply. No fancy language. 讲简单点儿,不要华丽词藻。

47OK, it's fairly clear now. 好,现在很清楚了。

48Answer it in detail. 详细回答。

49Answer it briefly. 简略回答。


1Pay attention to indistinct aspiration. 注意不完全爆破。

2Read the accented syllables distinctly. 把重读音节读清楚。

3Read these phonetic symbols. 读这些音标。

4Pay attention to sentence stress, sense groups and liaison.注意句子重音、意群和连读。Linking the consonant in a word with the vowel in the next one is called liaison. 一个单词中的辅音与下一个单词中的元音相连叫作连读。

5Don't pause in the middle of a sense group but at the end of it. 不要在意群中间停顿,要停在末尾。

6Transcribe these wordssentences in phonetic symbols. 用音标写出这些单词(句子)。

7) You should read the sentence aloud, accurately and clearly. 你读句子应该读得大声点儿,准确点儿,清楚点儿。

8 Pay attention to the voiceless consonant here should be voiced. 注意此处清辅音的浊化。



1. 王鑫编著课堂内外实用英语北京出版社, 1981

2. 外研社编辑组现代汉英词典北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1988

3. 张其春,蔡文萦简明英汉词典北京:商务印书馆, 1963

4. 吉玲,杨艳梅 汉英双解成语词典北京:商务印书馆, 2005

5. 陈宗余简明英语同义词词典济南:山东教育出版社,1984

6. Frederick T Wood. 余士雄,余前文 . English Prepositional Idioms英语介词习语词典北京知识出版社, 1983


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