


已有 3880 次阅读 2019-12-27 10:03 |系统分类:教学心得



1)时间状语从句... 3

1when. 3

2whenever. 3

3while. 4

4as. 4

5before. 4

6after. 4

7since. 5

8once. 5

9till/until 5

10as soon as. 6

11the moment/the minute/the second/the instant 6

12every time/each time/each moment 6

13the next time. 7

14by the time. 7

15no sooner…than. 7

16directly/instantly/immediately. 7

2)条件状语从句... 8

1if 8

2unless. 9

3suppose/supposing. 10

4assuming. 10

5provided/providing. 10

6in case. 11

7as long as/so long as. 11

8given. 12

3)地点状语从句... 13

1where. 13

2wherever/no matter where. 13

3everywhere. 13

4)原因状语从句... 14

1because. 14

2as. 14

3since. 15

4for. 15

5now that 15

6considering (that) 16

7in that 16

5)目的状语从句... 16

1so that 17

2in order that 17

3lest / in case / for fear that 17

6)结果状语从句... 18

1so that 18

2that 19

3so...that 19

4such...that 19

5with the result that 20

7)方式状语从句... 20

1as. 20

2as if/as though. 21

3in the same way/in the same manner. 21

8)让步状语从句... 21

1although/though. 21

2while. 22

3as/that 22

4whether. 23

5even if/even though. 23

6no matter. 24

6-1no matter what/whatever. 24

6-2no matter  who/whoever 24

6-3no matter  which/whichever. 24

6-4no matter how/however. 25

9)比较状语从句... 25

1than. 25 25

3not as/ 25

10)程度状语从句... 26

11)状语从句的特别用法提要... 26

1)时间与条件从句中不用将来时... 26

2)状语从句中的省略... 27

3)英汉状语从句中关联词用法的区别... 28






时间状语从句在复合句中用作表时间的状语,常见引导时间状语从句的连词、副词或词组有when, whenever, while, as, before, after, since, once, till, until, as soon as, the momentthe minute, the second, the instant, the first time, the next time, by the time, hardly…when, directly, instantly, immediately, no sooner…than等。以下按不同的引导词分别举例说明。



a) When work is your representation of life, it is just a pleasure. 当工作成为你的生命象征时,它就是一种快乐。

b) We all were cutting wheat in the fields, when it began to rain. 我们正在田里收割小麦,忽然下起了雨。



c) Whenever you roared in anger, angry voices would echo around. 每当你怒吼时,怒吼声就会四处回荡。

d) Come whenever you like. 你什么时候想来,就什么时候来。(无论何时,你想来就来。)



e) Please write down while I dictate. 我口述时请记下来。



f) As the wind blows, you must set your sail. 你要随风杨帆。



g) Before you drink much at a stream, you’d better first check its source. 溪畔畅饮前,最好知其源。



h) After you reach a certain lofty realm in life, money becomes unimportant. What matters is success 当你达到人生某种崇高境界之后,金钱就无足轻重了。要紧的是成功。



i) It was three years since he had worked here. 自他来这里工作,已有三年了。



j) Once we have enough to pay for life's basics, more money won’t add to our happiness. 




k) Until we lose, we are not fully aware how estimable what we have should be. 失去方知可贵。

l) We never know the kindness of our parents until/till we become parents ourselves. 不养儿不知父母恩。

m) Wait till/until I come. 要一直等到我来。

10as soon as

用作引导时间状语从句的词组as soon as 意思是“一…,就…”,如:

n) As soon as you saw yourself were going the wrong way, you should turn around and change your direction. 当你一看到自己走错路时,就应该转身改变方向。

11the moment/the minute/the second/the instant

4个带定冠词的名词均可引导时间状语从句,表“一…,就…”,句法功用与as soon as相同。如:

o) The moment Martin Luther King stopped the speaking, the crowd of people excitedly roared with their approval for his political viewpoints of democracy and freedom. 马丁路德金的那场演说话音刚落,人群立刻欢呼起来,对他关于民主自由的政治观点表示赞同。

12 every time/each time/each moment


p) Every time you bully and humiliate others, you really insult yourself, which is because you prove yourself an evildoer with your practical behaviour. 每当你欺侮他人的时候,实际上就是在侮辱你自己,那是因为你是在用你的实际行为证明你自己是个邪恶的人。

13the next time

词组the next time 表“下一次”,引导时间状语从句。如:

q) The next time you are going to the cinema, you should first tell your parents.下次你要去看电影时,首先应该告诉你的父母。

14by the time

词组by the time表“到…时候”,如:

r) By the time I graduate from the accounting major, I believe I can be well qualified for a post related. 到我从这个会计专业毕业的时候,我相信我可以胜任相关岗位的工作。

15no sooner…than

连词组no sooner…than只用于过去时,表“一,就”,且主句须作部分倒装。如:

s) No sooner had I left my house than it began to rain. 我一离开家,天就下起了雨。 


连词directly/instantly的句法功用等同于as soon as,可用作主从句连接词的副词immediately也等同于as soon as。如:

t) I emailed you instantly I arrived there. 我一到那里,就给你发了电子邮件。

u) We get up directly the bell rings. 铃一响,我们就起床。

v) I will tell him immediately he comes. 他一来,我就会告诉他。


条件状语从句分为真实的和虚拟的两种,虚拟条件从句已在前述“虚拟语气”中作过详细讨论,在此主要讨论真实条件从句。用作条件状语从句的引导词常见有if, unless, suppose, supposing, assuming, provided, providing, given, in case, as long as, so long as等。



a) If we can change our philosophy, we can change the world. 如果我们能够改变自己的人生理念,就能改变世界。

连词if常与only搭配构成连词短语,only既可置于if前,也可位于if后,意思不同:if only表“但愿”或“若是…该有多好啊”,用于引导省略主句的虚拟条件句;而only if表“只要”,是陈述语气。如:

b) If only Marx were still by my side to see all the things with his own eyes today! 马克思今天若能与我站在一起亲眼看到这一切该有多好啊!/ 但愿马克思今天能与我站在一起亲眼看到这一切!(虚拟语气)

c) You are the most hopeful man in politics only if you are just and upheld by most people. 只要你是正义的并得到大多数人的支持,就是最有希望的从政者。(陈述语气)



d) Unless you devote yourself to some great cause, you haven’t even begun to live. 除非投身于某项伟大的事业,否则你实际上还没有真正开始生活。(主句是否定句)

e) You will fail unless you work hard. 如果不努力工作,就会失败。/ 除非你努力工作,否则就会失败。(主句是肯定句)

【注:连词unless不用于虚拟句,如表达:如果我没拦住他,他就跳下去了。要说:If I hadn’t stopped him, he would have jumped down. 不说:Unless I had stopped him, he would have jumped down.


连词suppose/supposing if同表“假如”,引导条件状语从句。如:

f) Suppose/Supposing you never make any mistakes, you can never make anything worthwhile. It is obvious that you do nothing and then make no mistakes. 假如你从无过错,也就永远做不出任何有价值的事。显然,你什么事都不做,那就什么错都没有。



g) Assuming (that) you are willing to work hard, I foresee a great future waiting for you. 假如你愿努力学习,我的预见是,美好的未来就在等候着你。



h) We can do whatever we wish to do provided/providing (that) we feel a strong desire for that. 假如我们有强烈愿望,就能做任何自己想做的事。


i) You may come if/provided/providing you are allowed. 如果允许你来,你就可以来。(从句中表条件要求,这三个连词均可用于引导表“假如、如果”的必须履行条件的从句)

j) You may come or go if you like. 愿来愿去随你便。(从句中无必须履行的条件要求时,只能用if引导的条件从句)

6in case

介词短语in case表“万一”或“假如”,可引导条件状语从句。如:

k) In case you’re thinking you can win by luck, I’ll tell you that you must lose. 假如你认为可以靠运气去赢,我告诉你,你输定了。

l) In case you break a promise, at least you should admit it openly. 万一你没兑现承诺,至少你应该坦率地承认你的承诺。

7as long as/so long as

短语连词as long as/so long as表“只要”,引导条件状语从句。如:

m) One can never be old as long as / so long as he/she is seeking something. 一个人只要有追求,就绝不会衰老。



n) Given (that) they’re inexperienced, they’ve done a good job. 考虑到他们缺乏经验,他们已经很尽职了。

o) Given x is equal to A, by(9)it follows that….  已知x=A,由(9)式可推出……

p) Given radius is 4 ft., find the circumference. 已知半径为4英尺,求周长。

q) Given A is an m×n matrix, it is often necessary to refer to a particular row or column. The ith row vector of A will be denoted by

ai =ai1, ai2, ai3…, ain   i=1, 2, 3,…, m

and the jth column vector of A will be denoted by

aj =a1j, a2j, a3j…, amj)T   j=1, 2, 3,…, n

假设A是一个m×n阶矩阵,通常需要指出(提及)详细的行向量或列向量。矩阵A的第i行向量由ai =ai1, ai2, ai3…, ain), i=1, 2, 3,…, 表示;矩阵A的第j列向量由aj =a1j, a2j, a3j…, amj)T ,  j=1, 2, 3,…, 表示。


地点状语的引导词包括where, wherever, no matter where, everywhere, anywhere 等。



a) Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。

2wherever/no matter where

连词wherever或词组no matter where表“无论哪里”,如:

b) Wherever you go, always bring your own sunshine. 无论到哪里,都要带上自己的阳光。

c) You can aspire after truth no matter where you are today.无论今天在哪里,你都可以追求真理。



d) You can see honest and dishonest persons everywhere you go. 你无论走到哪里,都可以看到老实的和不老实的人。


原因状语从句的引导词常见有because, as, since, for, now that, considering, in that等。

虽然because, since, as, for均表理由或原因,但有区别:强调表达直接原因多用because,表推理多用since, assince语气比as强),表显而易见的原因用for



a) You should not despise someone because he is backward. 不要因为某人落后就瞧不起他。


连词as用于表“因为”时,语气比because, since要弱,所引导的原因状语从句只表一般性的原因说明。如:

b) Everyone likes him as he is kind and honest. 大家都喜欢他,因为他和善厚道。



c) Since you agree with my viewpoint, I will go to help you. 既然(因为)你同意我的观点,那我就要去帮你。



d) Anyone who face to face gives you the right advice or constructive criticism is one of your friends, for he shows your faults,which means that he would like to help you to become better than ever. 任何当面向你提出正确的建议或建设性批评意见的人都是朋友。因为他指出了你的缺点,那就意味着他想要帮你变得更好。

e) Reputation is above wealth, for the latter cannot give so much happiness as the former. 名誉在财富之上(名誉比财富更重要),因为后者带来的幸福不及前者。

5now that

词组now that表“既然”或“由于”,用法不同于sincenow that引出的原因状语从句要求表新情况,而since引出的原因状语从句则无此类要求。如:

f) When I was young, I respected smart and clever people. Now that I am adult, I should respect kind and honest people. 年少时我敬重聪明机灵人。既然(由于)我长大了,我该敬重善良厚道人了。

6considering (that)

连词considering (that) 表“考虑到”或“鉴于”,引出原因状语从句。如:

g) Considering (that) enthusiasm moves the world, enthusiasts must be trusted to speak the truth. 考虑到热情能感动世界,那么热心人讲的真话就应该得到信任。

7in that

词组in that表“因为”,是正式表达法,引导原因状语从句。如:

h) Criticism and self-criticism is necessary in that it helps us to correct our mistakes and then we can step forward. 批评与自我批评是必要的,因为它能帮我们改正错误,然后我们才有可能进步。


目的状语从句表目的,引导词常见有so that, in order that, lest, in case, for fear (that)等。目的状语从句中常用情态助动词may, might, can, could, shall, should, will, would目的状语从句多置于主句之后,被强调的so thatin order to引导的目的状语从句可置于句首。

1so that

当so that表“为了”或“以便”时,引导目的状语从句。口语中常省略that。如:

a) I’ll ring him up at once so (that) he shouldn’t wait for me. 我马上给他打电话,以便他不要再等我了。

2in order that

in order that表“为了”或“为的是”,与so that用法相同。如:

   b) I opened the windows in order that let fresh air in. 我打开了窗户,为的是(为了)让新鲜空气进来。

3lest / in case / for fear that

lest/in case/for fear that引导的目的状语从句均表“以防”或“以免”。lest-从句中常加情态助动词should, would, might等表虚拟语气,现常见用于书面语,而口语中则常用for fear (that) 代替,in case引导的目的状语从句不用虚拟语气。如:

c) Take your umbrella with you, lest / for fear (that) it should/might rain. 带上你的伞,以防下雨。(虚拟语气从句)

d) Take your umbrella with you, in case it rains. 带上你的伞,以防下雨。(陈述语气从句)


结果状语从句表结果,引导词常见有so, so that, that, so...that, such...that, with the result that等。

1so that

引导目的状语从句(表“为了、以便”)的so that还可以引导结果状语从句,表“因此、以至于”。so that引导目的状语从句可置于主句前后,而其所引导的结果状语从句却只能位于主句之后。如:

a) Man has been endowed with creative power so that he can have more than what he’s been given. 人被赋予了创造力,因此他可以拥有的就更多。(结果状语从句)

b) So that the coming generation can learn more well, he has recently devoted much time to writing an academic monograph on the subject. 为了后来人能够很好地学到更多知识,他近来花了大量的时间编写一本相关学科的学术专著。 (置于主句前的目的状语从句) 


so that引导的结果状语从句可省略so,直接用that引导;特别是当从句末尾是enough时可省略so,直接用that引导。如:

c) Have you another job that you’ll leave here? 你是不是又有了另一份工作而要离开这里呢?

d) Your enthusiasm for this cause is really great enough that you will work hard to succeed. 你对这个事业的热情真是大到了足以让你去为之发奋努力而获得成功的程度。



e) It’s so hot that I cannot ever sleep. 天是如此之热,以至于我怎么也睡不着。(so修饰形容词hotthat引导结果从句)

    f) The wind blew so hard that I couldn't stand stably. 风刮得那么大,以至于我站都站不稳。(so修饰副词hardthat引导结果从句)


such...that如此.. 以至于such修饰名词或其词组,that引导结果从句。如:

g) You pursue pleasure with such breathless haste that it hurries past you. 你总是在匆忙中追求快乐,以至于快乐总是与你插肩而过。

5with the result that

with the result that表“结果”,引导结果从句。如:

   h) I was playing the piano then with the result that I didn’t hear the telephone. 当时我正在弹钢琴,结果就没听到电话铃声。


方式状语从句表主句的行为方式,常置于主句之后,常见引导词有as, as if, as though, in the same way, in the same manner等。



a) Don’t do as you wouldn’t be done by 己所不欲,勿施于人!

2as if/as though

as if / as though表“好像”或“犹如”,所引导的方式从句中常用虚拟语气。如:

b) He closed his eyes as though he were tired. 他闭上了眼睛,好像累了。

c) A true friend congratulates your success as if / as though it were his own. 真正的朋友祝贺你的成功犹如自己的成功。

3in the same way/in the same manner

in the same way / in the same manner表“像…一样”。如:

d) We should influence others by treating them in the same way / in the same manner we would like them to treat us. 我们应该以希望自己被人对待的同样方式来对他人产生影响。


表“虽然、尽管、无论、即使”等概念的从句叫作让步状语从句,引导词有although, though, while, even if, even though, no matter what (who, which, when, where, how), whatever, whoever, whichever, whenever, wherever, however等。



a) Although/Though one needn’t always live in the shadow of the past, he must learn from his past mistakes. 尽管一个人无须一直活在过去的阴影里,但却应该从过去的错误中汲取教训。

   b) Poor though he is, he is above telling a lie. 虽然他很穷,但却不屑撒谎。(从句用部分倒装,也可以不用倒装)



c) While you cannot turn time back, you can take control of your life. 尽管你不能使时光倒转,但却可以掌控自己的生活。



d) Child as/that he is, he can tell right from wrong. 尽管他还是个孩子,却能够明辨是非。(单数可数名词child去掉冠词提至句首的部分倒装)

e) Long as/that the days are, his heart is strong enough to keep right on to the end. 尽管时日漫长,但其内心的强大足以让他坚持到最后。(形容词long提至句首的部分倒装)

f) Hard as/that he tried, he was unable to make much progress. 尽管他努力了,但进步不大。(副词hard提至句首的部分倒装)

g) Improve as/that he will, he hasn’t made much progress. 尽管他愿改进,但却进步不大。(实义动词原形improve提至句首的倒装,情态助动词will仍保留在原位)


连词whether表“不论、无论”,引导让步从句时常与oror not连用,有时相当于“无论是否”。如:

 h) Try my best to fight, whether I will gain or lose and fail or succeed. 无论得失与成败,全力奋战。

 i) I am going to give a class whether it is raining or not. 无论是否下雨,我都要去上课。

5even if/even though

even if /even though表“即使”或“虽然”,引导让步从句。如:

  j) He is an honest man, I would say it, even if / even though I have opposed him. 我想说他是个老实人,虽然我反对过他。

6no matter

no matter可与what, who, which, when, where, how连用,分别表“无论什么、无论是谁、无论哪个、无论何时、无论何地、无论怎样”,也可分别相应地用whatever, whoever, whichever, whenever, wherever, however替代。注意:no matter when/whenever也可看作是时间状语从句的引导词,no matter where/wherever也可看作是地点状语从句的引导词。

6-1no matter what/whatever

k) You can become a person with noble personality, whatever / no matter what you do by proper means for a living. 无论以什么正当手段谋生,你都能成为具有高尚人格的人。

6-2no matter who/whoever

 l) The future is where everyone reaches within the time limit of 24 hours a day, whoever he is. 未来是人人都在每天24小时的时间限度内所到达的地方,无论他是谁。

6-3no matter which/whichever

m) All are losers in war, whichever side may call itself the victor. 战争中无赢家,无论何方自称胜者。

6-4no matter how/however

n) No matter how successful you become, you must continue to face difficulties if you will maintain a successful business. 你无论多么成功,要想保持成功,都必须继续面对困难。


比较状语从句的引导词有than,, not as/ 等。有语法书将比较状语从句归类为方式状语从句中的一种。



a) The climate warming was worse than we had expected. 这气候变暖比我们预料的还要糟糕。


b) A man can be as great as he wants to be. 一个人要想有多么伟大,就可以有多么伟大。

3not as/

Not as/so…as表“不如”,是同级比较的否定式。如:

c) This work is not as/so difficult as you imagine. 这工作没你想象的那么困难。


        程度状语从句表主句谓语动词的动作或状态所达到的程度,关联词有so that, such that, (in) as/so far as, to the degree/extent that等。如:

    a) Her heart beat so that she could hardly breathe. 她的心跳得几乎喘不上气来。(副词so承接主句的行为动词beat

    b) His courage is such that he does not know the meaning of fear. 他胆子大得都不知道何为恐惧。(形容词such承接主句的系动词is

    c) I’ll help you (in) so far as I can. 我会尽力帮你的。

d) At that time the singers were not known to the degree/extent that they are today. 那时的歌手不像现在这样出名。




    a) If it is fine tomorrow, we will go out for an outing at seaside. 明天如果天气晴好,我们就去海边游览。

    b) We will start when the teacher comes. 老师一来,我们就出发。


    c) If you will go, we will go with you. 如果你愿意去,我们也和你一起去。(if条件从句中的will是表意愿的情态助动词,主句中的will是表将来时的时态助动词)



    d) Although (she is) a little girl, she can do much housework for her mother. 尽管她还是个小姑娘,就能帮妈妈干家务了。

    e) When (it is) possible, we should often go back home to visit our parents. 有可能时,我们都应该常回家看看父母亲。

    f) Unless (you are) here, you cannot find this kind of fishes. 除非在这里,否则你找不到这种鱼。

    g) They have finished the work earlier than (it has been) expected. 他们比预期的提前完成了这项工作。

    h) He waved his hat in the distance as if (he wanted) to say goodbye to us. 他在远处挥舞着帽子,好像要对我们说再见。



    i) Although there is air around us, we cannot see it. 虽然我们周围充满了空气,但是我们却看不见。(英语的主句前不用but之类的词表“但是”)

j) As the bus had stopped running, he had to walk home. 因为公交车停运了,所以他只好走回家。(英语的主句前不用so之类的词表“所以”)

k) Unless you keep trying, you will never succeed. 除非你不断尝试,否则你就不会成功。(英语的主句前不用otherwise之类的词表“否则”)



1. 薄冰,何政安. Bo Bing English Grammar薄冰英语语法(袖珍本)北京:开明出版社,2007

2. 张道真,朱从军张道真英语语法长春:吉林出版集团有限公司,2013

3. 胡敏 主编(新航道图书编委会)英语语法红宝书(English Grammar北京:中国出版传媒股份有限公司,中国对外翻译出版有限公司,2011

4. 外研社编辑组现代汉英词典北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1988

5. 朗文当代英汉双解词典香港:朗文出版(远东)有限公司,1988

6. 张其春,蔡文萦简明英汉词典北京:商务印书馆, 1963

7. 吉玲,杨艳梅 汉英双解成语词典北京:商务印书馆, 2005

8. 陈宗余简明英语同义词词典济南:山东教育出版社,1984

9. Frederick T Wood. 余士雄,余前文 . English Prepositional Idioms英语介词习语词典北京知识出版社, 1983


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