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已有 3023 次阅读 2018-1-18 15:27 |系统分类:论文交流


1.投稿时的Cover letter


Wewould like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled "On thescaling law of ramp structures in scalar turbulence", which wewish to be considered for publication in the journal Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters. The work described hasnot been submitted to other journals and all the authors listed have approvedthe manuscript for publication.

Inthis manuscript, we use wavelet analysis to analyze observed data in Beijing325m meteorological tower to extract ramp structures in temperature, watervapor and CO2 signals, which refer to the phenomenon that thephysical quantity increases slowly with time and then suddenly drops. Rampstructures lead to large gradients on a small scale and result in intermittencyand anisotropy of turbulent flows. We find thatRamp structures in CO2 signals aredifferent from those in temperature and water vapor in term of the averagedtemporal scale and normalized amplitude. The ramp duration almostequals the cliff duration, which means ramp structures in CO2 signalsaren’t easy to generate and there may exist different physical mechanisms. Inaddition, both of the ascending part and descending part of ramp structures arelinearly fitted. It’s found that there exists a scaling law between the slopeand duration in the ascending part in the three scalar signals. Thecorresponding power exponents are slightly different. And the same rule existsin the descending part of ramp structures, which indicates that self-similaritymay be a universal law in scalar turbulence. Moreover, the maxima of selectedramp structures show the same pattern, i.e. there are ramp structures in themaximum sequence, which proves that small-scale ramp structures aresuperimposed on large-scale ramp structures. We hope this paper is suitable forthe journal Atmospheric and OceanicScience Letters.

Wedeeply appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we are lookingforward to receiving comments from the reviewers.

Yours sincerely,

Dongwei Chen

2. 文章收到后审稿人意见

Dear Editor:

      Thank you foryour letter on Jan. 08, 2018. We have revised the manuscript in accordance withreviewers’ comments, and carefully proof-read the manuscript to minimize typographicaland bibliographical errors. The revisions are as follows.

PartA (Reviewer 1)

1.      The reviewers’ comment: Page 3 Line53-55 The judgment of rampstructures according to the turning points of wavelet coefficients is notabsolute, there will be many points of ramp structures which are larger thanthe neighbors, how to determine the point of the end of ramp part? Or as youmentioned following that needs manual intervention?

Response: The wavelet coefficient shows the degree of correlationbetween the actual signal and wavelet basis. Turbulence signals fluctuate a lotso it’s likely that the turning point of ramp structure is followed by otherturning points. But these points aren’t included in ramp structures. The problemis also solved by manual intervention.

2.      The reviewers’ comment: The title of Section 4 should betterbe conclusions and future works

Response: The title has been changed in the paper.

3.      The reviewers’ comment: Page 8 Line 42 should be “0.7

Response: It has been revised as 0.7 degrees Celsius.

4.      The reviewers’ comment: The abscissas of small figures ofFigure 2 and 3 should be ln(k) or ln(-k)

Response: Figure 2 and Figure 3 have been revised in thepaper.

5.      The reviewers’ comment: In the text, sometime CO2 waswritten as CO2, please revise.

Response: It has been replaced by carbon dioxide in thepaper.

PartB (Reviewer 2)

1.      The reviewers’ comment: the location of LI-7500 open-path gasanalyzers. Also the Water vapor and CO2 sampled by LI-7500 open-path gasanalyzers mounted at 47m on a 325m meteorological tower?

Response: The LI-7500 open path gas analyzers are alsomounted at 47 m on the 325m meteorological tower. More detailed description hasbeen added to the paper.

2.      The reviewers’ comment:   the upper and lower symbols ofEnglish symbols in figures Figure 1,  0.7 oC ; Figure 3,  CO2 andH2O

Response: These have been revised in the paper. CO2 and H2Oare replaced by carbon dioxide and water vapor. 0.7oC has been revised as 0.7degrees Celsius.
   All the content mentioned above has been highlightedin red color in the paper. Figure 2 and figure 3 are replaced by revisedfigures. Thank you and all the reviewers for the kind advice.




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