

如何使用正确的英文词汇系列讲座(26): 合作的英文怎么说?

已有 5302 次阅读 2019-5-30 02:34 |系统分类:科普集锦

昨晚看了一部巴勒斯坦和以色历的电影, 里面提到处决collaborator. collaborate是合作的意思, 就是两个人一起做一件事, 大学里特别讲collaboration, 一起合作写论文叫collaboration, 一起做project叫collaboration, 但是collaborator有和敌人合作的意思,也就是叛徒.

还有一个合作的词是cooperate, 和collaborate区别是啥?

Collaboration is working together to create something new in support of a shared vision. The key points are that it is not through individual effort, something new is created, and that the glue is the shared vision.

Coordination is sharing information and resources so that each party can accomplish their part in support of a mutual objective. It is about teamwork in implementation. Not creating something new.

Cooperation is important in networks where individuals exchange relevant information and resources in support of each other’s goals, rather than a shared goal. Something new may be achieved as a result, but it arises from the individual, not from a collective team effort.

All three of these are important. All three are aspects of teamwork. But they are not the same!

举个例子, 我和另一个合作开公司, 如果是Collaboration的方式, 两个人一定要把公司办起来, 如FACEBOOK初创期, 如果是Cooperation的方式, 我出资一半,他出资一半,然而我出资一半注册好公司准备上了,他忽然不干了,这样的事情还真不少!

上一篇:如何使用正确的英文词汇系列讲座(25): 雷雨性冰雹英文怎么说?
下一篇:如何使用正确的英文词汇系列讲座(27): 换位思考英语怎么讲?
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