

【当期目录】IEEE/CAA JAS 第8卷 第2期

已有 1222 次阅读 2021-2-20 09:42 |系统分类:博客资讯



美国工程院院士Dimitri Bertsekas教授, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems主编Yaochu Jin教授,Neurocomputing主编Zidong Wang教授...

美国麻省理工学院(MIT),美国University of Kentucky,美国Missouri University of Science and Technology,英国Brunel University,英国University of Surrey,英国University of Lincoln,澳大利亚University of New South Wales,加拿大University of Victoria,中国科学院自动化研究所,清华大学,中国科技大学,浙江工业大学,南京农业大学...



Dimitri Bertsekas, "Multiagent Reinforcement Learning:Rollout and Policy Iteration," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 249-272, Feb. 2021.

❄ Assumed that the control constraint set is finite in order to argue about the computational efficiency of the agent-by-agent rollout algorithm

❄ Proposed new autonomous multiagent rollout schemes for both finite and infinite horizon problems. The idea is to use a precomputed signaling policy, which embodies sufficient agent coordination to obviate the need for interagent communication during the on-line implementation of the algorithm

❄ Finally mention that the idea of agent-by-agent rollout also applies within the context of challenging deterministic discrete/combinatorial optimization problems, which involve constraints that couple the controls of different stages

美国工程院院士Dimitri P. Bertsekas: 强化学习及最优控制(71页PPT)

美国工程院院士Dimitri P. Bertsekas: 基于特征的聚合与深度强化学习

Xing Yang, Lei Shu, Jianing Chen, Mohamed Amine Ferrag, Jun Wu, Edmond Nurellari and Kai Huang, "A Survey on Smart Agriculture: Development Modes, Technologies, and Security and Privacy Challenges," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 273-302, Feb. 2021.

❄ Surveys the state-of-the-art works related to smart agriculture and discusses the security challenges of smart agriculture

❄ Introduce three smart agriculture development modes (precision agriculture, facility agriculture, and order agriculture), and investigate 7 key technologies and 11 key applications of smart agriculture

❄ Discuss the security challenges in agricultural production and information technology

❄ Did some experiments based on SIL-IoT, and the results indicate that the interference of high voltage pulse discharge has an impact on data transmission and data acquisition

Yicun Hua, Qiqi Liu, Kuangrong Hao and Yaochu Jin, "A Survey of Evolutionary Algorithms for Multi-Objective Optimization Problems With Irregular Pareto Fronts," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 303-318, Feb. 2021.

❄ A survey of evolutionary algorithms for irregular multi-objective optimization problems

❄ A definition for irregular Pareto fronts is suggested, illustrated with illustrative examples

❄ A list of irregular multi-objective optimization test functions and real-world problems

❄ Open questions are discussed and future research directions are suggested

Dan Zhang, Gang Feng, Yang Shi and Dipti Srinivasan, "Physical Safety and Cyber Security Analysis of Multi-Agent Systems: A Survey of Recent Advances," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 319-333, Feb. 2021. 

❄ A more systematic and broader overview on the safety and security of MASs is given

❄ Different techniques and methodologies are briefly presented, and their advantages and disadvantages are highlighted

❄ Some emerging and challenging research direction are proposed such that the readers of this article can quickly grasp the state of the art in the concerned research field and explore new research topics


Qiyue Wang, Wenhua Jiao, Peng Wang and YuMing Zhang, "Digital Twin for Human-Robot Interactive Welding and Welder Behavior Analysis," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 334-343, Feb. 2021. 

❄ A digital twin framework is developed for human-robot interactive welding

❄ Virtual reality enhances the interactive ability of the digital twins with users

❄ A data-driven method is developed for welder behaving pattern recognition

Yuzhen Liu, Ziyang Meng, Yao Zou and Ming Cao, "Visual Object Tracking and Servoing Control of a Nano-Scale Quadrotor: System, Algorithms, and Experiments," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 344-360, Feb. 2021.

❄ Proposes a complete visual object tracking and servoing control system using a tailor-made 38 g nano-scale quadrotor platform

❄ Proposes a novel object tracking algorithm, i.e., RMCTer, where a two-stage short-term tracking module and an efficient long-term processing module are tightly integrated to collaboratively process the input frames

❄ Proposes an adaptive PBVS control algorithm by leveraging the backstepping and adaption techniques

Weiqiang Dong and Moshe Kam, "Dependent Randomization in Parallel Binary Decision Fusion," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 361-376, Feb. 2021.

❄ Studying parallel decentralized binary detection under the Neyman-Pearson Criterion

❄ Studying dependent randomization in a parallel decentralized binary detection system

❄ Quantifying the impact of synchronization loss when dependent randomization is used

❄ Offering partial recovery from synchronization loss under dependent randomization

Lei Zou, Zidong Wang, Hang Geng and Xiaohui Liu, "Set-Membership Filtering Subject to Impulsive Measurement Outliers: A Recursive Algorithm," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 377-388, Feb. 2021.

❄ A new model is established to characterize the measurement outlier

❄ A new algorithm is proposed to find the measurements corrupted by outliers

❄ A new set-membership filter is designed to guarantee the filtering performance

❄ Rigorous analysis is provided on the ultimate boundedness of the filtering error

Long Cheng, Weizhou Liu, Chao Zhou, Yongxiang Zou and Zeng-Guang Hou, "Automated Silicon-Substrate Ultra-Microtome for Automating the Collection of Brain Sections in Array Tomography," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 389-401, Feb. 2021.

❄ A novel mechanism based on circular silicon substrates is proposed for collection of brain section

❄ An automatic collection system based on microscopic object detection and feedback control strategy is proposed

❄ With the proposed automatic collection device, human operators can be partially liberated from the tedious manual collection process

Xin Luo, Wen Qin, Ani Dong, Khaled Sedraoui and MengChu Zhou, "Efficient and High-quality Recommendations via Momentum-incorporated Parallel Stochastic Gradient Descent-Based Learning," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 402-411, Feb. 2021.

❄ Proposing an MPSGD algorithm with faster convergence than existing parallel SGD algorithms when building an LF model for an RS

❄ Performing theoretical analysis and algorithm design for the proposed MPSGD-based LF model

❄ Conducting empirical studies on four HiDS matrices generated by industrial applications to evaluate the proposed model

Chuang Chen, Ningyun Lu, Bin Jiang and Cunsong Wang, "A Risk-Averse Remaining Useful Life Estimation for Predictive Maintenance," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 412-422, Feb. 2021.

❄ Degradation feature selection procedure helps to lessen calculative burden

❄ Hybrid model helps to enhance prediction robustness and increase marginal utility

❄ Evolutionary algorithm helps to determine hybrid model parameters

❄ Cost function with penalty mechanism allows alleviating prediction risk

❄ Cost metric allows measuring risk-averse predictive maintenance benefit

Qinglai Wei, Xin Wang, Xiangnan Zhong and Naiqi Wu, "Consensus Control of Leader-Following Multi-Agent Systems in Directed Topology With Heterogeneous Disturbances," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 423-431, Feb. 2021. 

❄ A new distributed control law for multi-agent system is proposed

❄ The system is directed and inferred by external stochastic disturbance

❄ The proposed control law can solve the dynamic consensus problems

Chengdi Xiang, Shan Ma, Sen Kuang and Daoyi Dong, "Coherent H∞ Control for Linear Quantum Systems With Uncertainties in the Interaction Hamiltonian," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 432-440, Feb. 2021.

❄ This paper considers a class of quantum systems with uncertainties in the interaction Hamiltonian

❄ A necessary and sufficient condition for the robustly strict bounded real property of this type of uncertain quantum system is proposed

❄ A coherent robust controller design method via direct and indirect couplings is studied for this type of uncertain quantum system

Yongliang Yang, Zhijie Liu, Qing Li and Donald C. Wunsch, "Output Constrained Adaptive Controller Design for Nonlinear Saturation Systems," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 441-454, Feb. 2021. 

❄ A barrier Lyapunov function with an asymmetric time-varying constraint is presented to ensure the prescribed transient performance on the output tracking error

❄ To estimate the unmeasured states, the high-gain observer with adaptive feedback gain is designed with a relaxed continuity assumption

❄ The input saturation is solved by introducing an additional auxiliary system, of which the stability analysis is based on the Nussbaum function-based method

Zhaofeng Liu, Ren Zheng, Wenlian Lu and Shouhuai Xu, "Using Event-Based Method to Estimate Cybersecurity Equilibrium," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 455-467, Feb. 2021.

❄ The paper presents an event-based method for estimating cybersecurity equilibrium in the preventive and reactive cyber defense dynamics, which has been proven globally convergent

❄ Numerical examples show that the event-based method can reduce 98% of the observation cost incurred by the periodic method

❄ This bridge may be of independent value because probability-state models have been widely used to approximate exponentially-many discrete state systems

Zhao Gao, Jiahu Qin, Shuai Wang and Yaonan Wang, "Boundary Gap Based Reactive Navigation in Unknown Environments," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 468-477, Feb. 2021.

❄ The narrowest gap extraction algorithm (NGEA) is proposed which extracts the narrowest gap to evaluate the accessibility reliably

❄ Present the boundary gap which is a new concept for reactive navigation, and design a strategy of identifying the boundary gap that enables the robot to move along the obstacle boundary, which can lessen the possibility of ending in local minima

❄ The navigation performance in terms of the trajectory smoothness is improved by applying a modified dynamic window approach (DWA) into our framework

Xi Jin, Changqing Xia, Nan Guan and Peng Zeng"Joint Algorithm of Message Fragmentation and No-Wait Scheduling for Time-Sensitive Networks," IEEE/CAA J. Autom. Sinica, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 478-490, Feb. 2021.

❄ An optimization-modulo-theories specification for the joint problem of message fragmentation and no-wait scheduling is proposed to improve the schedulability of time-sensitive networks and reduce the overhead of fragmenting and reassembling

❄ The worst-case delays of messages are calculated based on a recursive function, and two corollaries are proposed on how to construct low-delay transmissions

❄ Based on the two corollaries, a joint algorithm is proposed that uses packets from large to small to construct schedules under hard real-time constraints. Thus, the proposed joint algorithm can strike a balance between temporality and overhead

下一篇:乔俊飞, 贾庆山等:深度信念网络研究现状与展望
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