

CiteScore权威发布: JAS和《自动化学报》再创新高,JAS排名位列前9%

已有 2447 次阅读 2019-5-30 13:42 |系统分类:博客资讯

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IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica(《自动化学报》英文版)报道自动控制、人工智能、智能控制、模式识别、信息处理等自动化领域热点和前沿方向的研究进展。麻省理工学院、斯坦福大学、耶鲁大学、普林斯顿大学、中国科学院等科研机构的研究人员,包括美国国家工程院院士、加拿大皇家科学院院士、澳大利亚科学院院士、ESI高被引论文作者,选择通过JAS发布学术成果,与全球同行交流。随着投稿量的不断增加,JAS出版量逐年增长,2017年发表论文82篇,是2016年发文量的1.6倍,2018年起改为双月刊,年发文量增至117篇,发文总页数约1200页。《自动化学报》为月刊,近年平均年发文量195篇、发文总页数约2400页。




CiteScore Elsevier基于旗下Scopus数据库统计的学术期刊质量评价指标,其计算方式为:期刊连续3年论文在第4年度的篇均引用次数,且不剔除任何类型的文章。在此之前,Elsevier曾推出过 SJRSNIP 等期刊评价方式,但均未产生广泛影响。直到201612CiteScore 诞生,《自然》新闻的评价给人们留下了直观而深刻的印象——“影响因子的重量级对手”。Elsevier官方表示,CiteScore 定位为这样一个工具:帮助研究人员决定哪里发论文、哪里读论文、哪些研究者值得合作;帮助图书馆员和信息专家管理收录范围;帮助机构领导者展示研究成果、评估研究策略;帮助出版方评判出版物业绩。和影响因子一样,CiteScore 每年只发布一次。



1. 控制与系统工程领域2018CiteScore排名Q1区的出版物

Rank Publication name CiteScore 2018

#1 IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 11.53

#2 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 9.65

#3 IEEE Transactions on Robotics 9.53

#4 IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 9.49

#5 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 8.82

#6 Soft Robotics 8.45

#7 Automatica 8.30

#8 IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 8.17

#9 Information Sciences 6.90

#10 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control  6.72

#11 IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology  6.67

#12 Foundations and Trends in Systems and Control 6.62

#13 Automation in Construction 6.35

#14 Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 6.11

#15 IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 6.08

#16 IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 5.94

#16 Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 5.94

#18 Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 5.90

#19 IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems  5.80

#20 Journal of Field Robotics 5.70

#21 Journal of Manufacturing Systems  5.45

#22 IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica  5.31

#23 Annual Reviews in Control 5.24

#24 IEEE Systems Journal 5.17

#25 Nonlinear Dynamics 5.05

#26 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control  4.81

#27 Journal of Machine Learning Research 4.76

#28 Signal Processing 4.73

#29 Robotics and Autonomous Systems 4.69

#30 Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 4.58

#31 IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 4.56

#31 IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 4.56

#33 IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 4.43

#34 Journal of the Franklin Institute 4.41

#35 Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 4.28

#36 IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution 4.25

#36 Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 4.25

#38 IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 4.24

#39 IET Control Theory and Applications 4.21

#40 Journal of the Energy Institute 4.10

#41 Journal of Process Control 4.05

#42 IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems 4.03

#43 Control Engineering Practice 3.98

#44 Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 3.92

#45 Minerals Engineering 3.77

#46 Biosystems Engineering 3.64

#47 Journal of the ACM 3.63

#48 Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 3.61

#49 Systems and Control Letters 3.59

#50 Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 3.29

#51 Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME 3.22

#52 Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems 3.11

#53 International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 3.04

#54 Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 3.03

#55 Computers and Electrical Engineering 3.02

#55 International Journal of Control 3.02

#57 International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications  3.01

#58 Smart Structures and Systems 3.00


2. 信息系统领域2018CiteScore排名Q1区的出版物

Rank Publication name CiteScore 2018

#1 MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems 11.80

#2 IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 11.53

#3 IEEE Internet of Things Journal 11.33

#4 Information Fusion 11.21

#5 IEEE Network 8.98

#6 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 8.82

#7 International Journal of Information Management 8.81

#8 Journal of Big Data 8.79

#9 Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval 8.36

#10 Journal of Service Research 8.04

#11 Journal of Information Technology 7.56

#12 Big Data Research 7.43

#13 Information and Management 6.97

#14 European Journal of Information Systems 6.58

#15 Journal of the Association of Information Systems 6.51

#16 Scientific data 6.44

#17 Information Systems Research 6.33

#18 Journal of Strategic Information Systems 6.26

#19 Information Systems Journal 6.17

#20 IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 6.02

#21 Decision Support Systems 5.97

#22 Semantic Web  5.84

#23 Advanced Engineering Informatics  5.72

#24 IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 5.62

#25 Egyptian Informatics Journal 5.54

#26 Information Processing and Management 5.51

#27 IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica  5.31

#28 Briefings in Bioinformatics 5.11

#29 Information and Software Technology 5.07

#30 Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research 4.70

#31 Neuroinformatics 4.67

#32 Business and Information Systems Engineering 4.63

#33 IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks 4.60

#34 Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data 4.54

#35 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 4.45

#36 Information Systems Frontiers 4.42

#37 IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 4.36

#38 Journal of Systems and Software 4.25

#39 International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems - ASPLOS 4.24

#40 Information Systems 4.23

#41 Information and Organization 4.08

#42 IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems 4.03

#43 Applied Computing and Informatics 3.93

#44 ACM Transactions on Information Systems 3.89

#45 International Journal of Geographical Information Science 3.87

#46 Journal of Enterprise Information Management 3.83

#47 Journal of Grid Computing 3.82

#48 Pervasive and Mobile Computing 3.79

#49 IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 3.70

#50 Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 3.68

#51 VLDB Journal 3.66

#52 Journal of the ACM 3.63

#52 Requirements Engineering 3.63

#54 Knowledge and Information Systems 3.62

#55 Database : the journal of biological databases and curation 3.52

#56 Journal of Medical Systems 3.31

#57 Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 3.29

#58 Information Technology and People 3.16

#59 Computers and Geosciences 3.02

#60 International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications 3.01

#61 GeoInformatica 2.99

#62 Journal of Information Science 2.97

#63 Digital Investigation 2.88

#64 ACM Transactions on Database Systems 2.79

#65 Online Information Review 2.70

#65 Proceedings of the ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems 2.70

#67 Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology 2.66



3. 人工智能领域2018CiteScore排名Q1区的出版物

Rank Publication name CiteScore 2018

#1 IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 19.67

#2 Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning 19.00

#3 International Journal of Computer Vision 15.78

#4 Science Robotics 12.56

#5 IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 12.16

#6 Neural Networks 9.86

#7 IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 9.49

#8 Soft Robotics 8.45

#10 International Journal of Robotics Research 8.10

#11 Pattern Recognition 7.35

#12 Knowledge-Based Systems 7.01

#13 Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 7.00

#14 Information Sciences 6.90

#15 Expert Systems with Applications 6.36

#16 International Journal of Intelligent Systems 6.25

#17 Artificial Intelligence Review 6.09

#18 Advanced Engineering Informatics 5.72

#19 ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems 5.66

#20 IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica  5.31

#21 Neurocomputing 5.00

#22 Journal of Machine Learning Research 4.76

#23 Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research 4.70

#24 Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering 4.66

#25 Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 4.58

#26 IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 4.56

#26 IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 4.56

#28 ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology

#29 Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 4.35

#29 Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making

#29 IEEE Intelligent Systems 4.35

#32 Artificial Intelligence 4.33

#32 IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine 4.33

#34 Autonomous Robots 4.21

#35 Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 4.20

#35 Neural Computing and Applications 4.20

#37 Cognitive Psychology 4.18

#38 Journal of Memory and Language 4.09

#39 Swarm Intelligence 3.82

#40 Design Studies 3.74

#41 Pattern Recognition Letters 3.73

#42 International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics  3.72

#43 Journal of the ACM 3.63

#44 Knowledge and Information Systems 3.62

#45 Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 3.61

#46 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 3.59

#47 Applied Intelligence 3.53

数据来源: CiteScore 2018

上一篇:基于CPSS 平行系统懒惰强化学习算法的实时发电调控
下一篇:IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica声明
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