


已有 3963 次阅读 2017-2-25 18:26 |系统分类:科研笔记

Publications in English (2002-2010)

Mao, C. X. and Lindsay, B. G. (2002). A Poisson model for the coverage problem with a genomic application. Biometrika, 89: 669-682.

Mao, C. X. and Lindsay, B. G. (2002). Diagnostics for the heterogeneity of inclusion probabilities in a Bernoulli census. Indian Journal of Statistics, 64: 763-819.

Mao, C. X. and Lindsay, B. G. (2003). Tests and diagnostics for heterogeneity for the species problem. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 41: 389-398.


Mao, C. X. (2004). Prediction the conditional probability of discovering a new class. Journal of American Statistical Association, 99: 1108-1118.

Mao, C. X. and Lindsay, B. G. (2004). Estimating the number of classes in multiple populations: a geometric analysis.  Canadian Journal of Statistics, 32: 303-312.

Colwell, R. K., Mao, C. X. and Chang, J. (2004). Estimating species accumulation curves: an asymptotic model for incidence-based data. Ecology, 85: 2717-2727.

Mao, C. X., Colwell, R. K. and Chang, J. (2005). Estimating species accumulation curves using mixtures. Biometrics, 61: 433-441.

Mao, C. X. and Colwell, R. K. (2005). Estimation of the species richness: mixture models, the role of rare species, and inferential challenges. Ecology, 86: 1143-1153.

Mao, C. X. (2006). Inference of the number of species via geometric lower bounds. Journal of American Statistical Association, 101: 1663-1670.

Mao, C. X. (2006). On the probability of discovering a new species. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 18: 393-399.

Mao, C. X. (2007). Estimating species accumulation curves and diversity indexes, Statistica Sinica. 17: 761-772.

Mao, C. X. (2007). Estimating population sizes by catch-eort methods. Statistical Methodology, 4:111-119 .

Harman, J. A, Mao, C. X. and Morse, J. G. (2007). Selection of color of sticky trap for monitoring adult bean thrips, Caliothrips fasciatus. Pest Management Science, 63: 210-216.

Mao, C. X. and Lindsay, B. G. (2007). Estimating the number of classes. Annals of Statistics, 35: 917-930.

Mao, C. X. (2007). Testing list effects and diagnosing individual catchabilities in the Rasch model. Statistical Methodology, 4: 416-422.

Mao, C. X. (2007). Estimating population sizes for capture-recapture sampling with binomial mixtures. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 51: 5211-5219.

Mao, C. X. (2007). Estimating the number of species with multiple incidence-based subsamples. Statistica Sinica, 17: 1591-1600.

Harman, A., Robinson, L., Mao, C. X., Morse  J. (2007). Evaluation of two non-destructive sampling methods for bean thrips detection in navel oranges. Crop Protection, 26: 1747-1752.

Mao, C. X. (2007). Testing homogeneity of capture probabilities of animals in a removal experiment. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 14: 473-481.

Mao, C. X. (2008). Lower bounds to the population size when capture probabilities vary over individuals. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 50: 125-132.

You, N. and Mao, C. X. (2008). Population size estimation in a two-list surveillance system with a discrete covariate. Biometrics, 64: 371-376.

Mao, C. X. (2008). On the non-identifiability of population sizes. Biometrics, 64: 977-981.

You, N., Liu, J. and Mao, C. X. (2008). An empirical Bayes method for detecting differentially expressed genes using EST data. International Journal of Plant Genomics, doi:10.1155/2008/817210.

Mao, C. X. and You, N. (2008). On comparison of mixture models for closed population capture-recapture studies. Biometrics, 65: 547-553.

Mao, C. X. (2008). Computing the NPMLEs for two closed heterogeneous population models in capture-recapture studies. Biometrical Journal, 50: 983-992.

Mao, C. X. and Li, J. (2009). Comparing species assemblages via species accumulation curves. Biometrics, 65: 1063-1067.

You, N. and Mao, C. X.  (2009). On hierarchical log-linear models in capture-recapture studies. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 53: 3916-3920.

Mao, C. X. and You, N. (2010).  Estimate the initial population size from removal data. In book Biometrics: Methods, Applications and Analysis, Nova Publishing.

Publications in English (2010/06-2016/06)  (在上海财经大学已发表与接受的英文论文)

Li, J. and Mao, C.X. (2012). Simultaneous confidence inference on species accumulation curves. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 17: 1-12.

Colwell, R. K., Chao, A., Gotelli, N.J., Lin, S. Y., Mao, C. X., Chazdon, R. L., and Longino, J. T. (2012). Models and estimators linking individual-based and sample-based rarefaction, extrapolation, and comparison of assemblages. Journal of Plant Ecology, 5: 3-21. (Editor's choice)

Mao, C.X., Yang, N. and Zhong, J. (2013).  On population size estimators in the Poisson mixture model.  Biometrics, 69:  758-765.

Mao, C.X., Yang, N. and Zhong, J. (2015). On the Chao and Zelterman estimators in a binomial mixture model. Statistical Methodology, 22: 17-22.

Cui, C, Mao, C.X., Zhong, J. and Zhuang, W. (2015). On the Residual Plot in a Mixture Model.  Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 20: 218-228.


Ma, Z., Mao, C.X., Yang, Y. (2015). On the performance of hierarchical log-linear models given three lists. In book “Capture-Recapture Methods for the Social and Medical Sciences”. Accepted.

Mao, C.X., Chen, S. and Yang, Y. (2016).  A population size model for protein spot detection in proteomic studies. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics. 21:170-180, First online: September 2015.

Mao, C.X., Yang, Y.  Yang. C. and Zhuang, W. (2016). Estimating population sizes with the Rasch model. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics. 1:12. First online: March 2016.

Mao, C.X., Huang, R. and Zhang, S. (2016), Petersen estimator Chapmen adjustment, list effects and individual heterogeneity. Biometrics. Accepted. First online: June 2016

Mao, C.X., Zhang, S. and Liao, Z.  (2016). On the asymptotic variance of the Chao estimator for species richness estimation. Statistica Sinica. Accepted.

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