Step4. 第一段 (逐句评论).
All the assumptions of Proposition 5.5 are satisfied in our setting except that SuppB may contain some strata of (X, Λ) apart from x.
---- 此句表明,整个证明是向命题5.5的条件靠拢.
---- 现在只剩SuppB 与 stratum 的关系问题.
We will modify B so that this assumption on support of B is also satisfied.
---- 将修改 B 使之满足“禁”的条件.
---- 后文整个围绕这件事展开(直到Step7).
Since we are assuming Theorem 1.6 in dimension ≤ d - 1, by taking hyperplane sections, we find a positive number t depending only on d, r, eps such that (X, B + 2tB) is klt outside finitely many closed points.
---- 这里引用了定理1.6 (假定维度 ≤ d - 1).
---- 但定理1.6没有直接出现这里的结果(?).
---- 注意,这里出现新的配对(X, B + 2tB).
In particular, (X, B + tB) is eps/2-lc outside these finitely many closed points because Kx + B + tB = 1/2(Kx + B) + 1/2(Kx + B + 2tB).
---- 这里出现另一配对 (X, B + tB).
---- 它是 (X, B) 和 (X, B + 2tB) 的凸组合.
---- 这里涉及到 “closed point”,但出处不详.
---- 暂时假设 closed point 以外 klt 相当于 0-lc.
---- 由此,1/2eps + 1/2·0 = 1/2eps (参 Lemma 2.3).
---- 没有出现矛盾,前述假设(暂时)成立.
小结:Step4 第一段读写完毕.