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翻译:世界粮食与农业----过去50年的教训(6. 1990s年代)

已有 4177 次阅读 2014-8-29 00:08 |个人分类:翻译实践|系统分类:观点评述| 粮食, 粮农组织, FAO, 世界农业























1.    保证有效的政治、社会和经济环境。

2.    实施消除贫困和不平等的政策,改善所有人获取粮食的经济途径和自然途径。

3.    寻求参与性的可持续粮食生产和农村发展政策,以及高产地区和低产地区的粮食生产措施。

4.    确保有利于所有人的粮食安全的贸易政策。

5.    预防和防止自然灾害和人为灾害,满足暂时的和紧急的粮食需求。

6.    在高产和低产地区分配公有投资的和私人投资,培养人力资源,建立持续农业体系,促进农村发展。



















THE 1990s

·Emergence of a new political, economic and trade order
.Liberalization, globalization and financial upheavals
.Food security - the World Food Summit
.UNCED - sustainable agricultural and rural development

.Trade - conclusion of the Uruguay Round

The years bridging the 1980s and 1990s marked what were possibly the most momentous political changes since the end of the Second World War. An extraordinary sequence of events heralded the effective end of communism in the USSR and Eastern Europe and raised expectations of a new era of closer collaboration in international relationships to replace the former political and ideological confrontation.

The end of the cold war brought optimism regarding international collaboration and greater attention to countries in transition.

The subsequent transformation of formerly centrally planned systems into market-based economic systems took place in the context of serious economic, social and institutional problems and, in some countries, dramatic political events. Ethnic and political tensions also developed and degenerated into devastating ethnic confrontations in former Yugoslavia as well as in some countries in central Africa. The dismantling of previous economic and trade structures and the ensuing disruptions in production and distribution systems did not spare the agrifood sector in Eastern Europe. Severe shortages of even the most essential products arose in some of these countries, creating a new focus of attention for international assistance, including food aid. Nevertheless, several countries of Eastern Europe showed a growing capacity to adjust to the new circumstances and entered into a process of greater economic and political integration with the rest of Europe. Several of them began to show convincing signs of recovery.

The 1990s showed an uneven pattern of economic activity among the major industrialized countries. Integration gained momentum in the EU, despite complex political issues and difficulties linked to slow economic growth, pressure to adhere to fiscal and monetary discipline and a seemingly intractable unemployment problem in much of the EU. Japan, formerly a star performer in the industrialized world, was hit by a serious recession from which it is still struggling to emerge. In contrast, in 1992 the United States entered into an unprecedented process of economic growth, accompanied by low unemployment and inflation and dynamic trade.

For many developing countries the 1990s were a period of recovery from the disastrous performances of the 1980s. Their overall GDP growth averaged more than 5 percent during the period 1991-1999 and exceeded 6 percent for five consecutive years (1992-1996) despite the global recessionary conditions prevailing during the early part of the decade and pronounced swings in growth rates. These were caused by conflicts, unusually severe climatic disasters (including a particularly destructive El Ni?o phenomenon ) and a series of financial shocks. The general environment for growth and food security was improved by a move towards democratic regimes, particularly in Africa, and a consolidation of economic reforms that began to yield long-awaited results. Many developing countries, including some of the largest and most populous, benefited from this process and made further inroads into the longstanding problems of hunger and malnutrition. This was particularly the case of Asian economies, seen for a long period as archetypes of dynamism and stability. However, the Asia region had its exceptional growth performances interrupted in 1997, following a severe financial crisis that erupted in Southeast Asia. Initially affecting several fast-growing economies in the subregion, the crisis transmitted destabilizing and recessionary shockwaves to other countries within and outside the region as a whole. By the end of the decade, however, economic recovery was rapidly gaining ground in Asia.

The Asian financial crisis also affected countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, which had already been hit by an earlier crisis of a similar nature (the Mexican crisis) in 1994, from which they had shown an unexpectedly firm recovery. Recent developments suggest that most of the region is absorbing the new crisis relatively well, a feat that can be attributed to improvements in economic fundamentals and lessons learned over the past decade. Nevertheless, the crisis has already involved considerable costs, particularly in Brazil, in terms of reduced economic growth and social stress, while it has also slowed the momentum of reform and regional integration. In Africa, much improved economic performances were recorded by a large number of countries since 1995, sustained in particular by a dynamic agri-export sector. While much of the turnaround was related to transient factors, in particular higher commodity prices during 1996/97 and the successful currency devaluation of countries in the CFA franc zone, The State of Food and Agriculture stressed that the unusual length of the improvement and its breadth across countries suggested that other more fundamental forces, in particular reform policies and progress in debt cancellation, may also have played a role. The still relatively high growth rates expected for 1999 and 2000 (more than 3 and 5 percent, respectively, according to IMF) tend to support this view. This publication also noted, however, that the improvement in Africa had to be seen in the context of a long period of regression that had brought many countries in the region to extreme levels of economic and social hardship.

As regards the Near East, The State of Food and Agriculture also noted generally improved economic conditionsduring the 1990s and progress by practically all countries in raising the nutritional standards of their populations to more satisfactory levels. This occurred despite considerable problems: a mediocre growth of the agricultural sector, pronounced swings in performances linked to climatic factors and fluctuations in petroleum and other commodity prices as well as conflicts in the region. The State of Food and Agriculture also noted, however, the increased efforts made towards achieving regional peace and cooperation and the comprehensive economic and agricultural reforms carried out in several countries.

Against this general background, the publication also reviewed a number of unsolved problems and risks for the developing world, with direct implications for food security: recurrent food emergencies and civil strife, which appeared as frequently and severely as in previous decades; unabated poverty and social stress in many countries, not least in rural areas, and even in countries registering a significant macroeconomic improvement; a process of liberalization that promised a sounder basis for growth but also involved clear risks of accentuating inequalities in incomes and opportunities among and within countries; a largely unresolved external debt burden affecting many countries; and increasing risks of financial upheavals arising from the liberalization of financial markets.

Nutrition and food security

The International Conference on Nutrition, jointly sponsored by FAO and the World Health Organization (WHO), was held in Rome in December 1992. The initiative arose from the realization that about 800 million people in the world were undernourished and that the incidence of malnourishment was worsening rather than receding in many countries; the need for closer identification of the causes, nature and magnitude of the problem so as to define coordinated strategies and realistic objectives; and the need to enhance international solidarity and mobilize the necessary resources. The Conference issued the World Declaration on Nutrition, affirming the commitment of the participant states to work together to ensure sustained nutritional well-being for all people; and a global Plan of Action for Nutrition, containing recommendations for policies, programmes and activities aimed at the achievement of these objectives.

The awareness that the International Conference on Nutrition and other events and initiatives had not mobilized sufficient political commitment at the highest levels to remove the stigma of widespread hunger from the world prompted the convening of the World Food Summit in 1996. A major institutional event, it brought together delegations from 185 states and the EU, many of which were represented at the highest political level, as well as international institutions, religious leaders and more than 1 000 NGOs from 80 countries, totalling close to 10 000 participants. The Summit conveyed the fundamental message that, although more than 800 million people around the world still suffered from undernourishment, world food security was an achievable goal.

The Plan of Action adopted by the Summit participants reaffirmed the commitment of the international community to eradicating the hunger and malnutrition affecting about one fifth of the developing world's population, and specifically to halving the number of undernourished people in the world within a period of 20 years. The Summit also confirmed a consensus on several important points: that the problems of hunger and malnutrition are associated primarily with poverty and are intensified by conflict or political instability; and that food security is not just a matter of ensuring food supplies, but also of ensuring their availability and stability as well as access to them. To accomplish the complex task of halving the incidence of hunger by 2015, combined efforts were to be made at all levels of society: international, national and community.

The Rome Declaration on World Food Security reaffirmed the "right of everyone to have access to safe and nutritious food, consistent with the right to adequate food and the fundamental right of everyone to be free from hunger"; and the World Food Summit Plan of Action included seven commitments (see Box 17).

Environment, natural resources and climate change

A number of meetings of major importance to these issues took place in the 1990s: the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), in Rio de Janeiro in 1992; the Convention on Biological Diversity, in the Bahamas in 1994; the creation by the UN Committee on Sustainable Development of an open-ended, ad hoc Intergovernmental Panel on Forests (IPF), which held its first session in New York in 1995; the first session of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, in Rome in 1997; and the Third Conference of the Parties (COP-3) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, in Kyoto in 1997.

Although UNCED attracted considerable attention, the results fell short of the high expectations. Major differences persisted on such key issues as the time scale for reducing carbon dioxide emissions; the sustainable and equitable use of biodiversity; and the establishment of a Special Fund to assist developing countries in the implementation of its Agenda 21, the "plan of action for the twenty-first century". Nevertheless, UNCED did alert world opinion and policy-makers to the high stakes involved, and it provided operational guidelines for future action. It also contributed substantially to the forces advocating a change in the way natural resources are utilized. Apart from

Box 17


1. Ensuring an enabling political, social, and economic environment.
2. Implementing policies aimed at the eradication of poverty and inequality and improving physical and economic access to food by all.
3. Pursuing participatory and sustainable food production and rural development policies and practices in both high- and low-potential areas.
4. Ensuring trade policies conducive to fostering food security for all.
5. Preventing and forestalling natural and human-induced disasters and meeting transitory and emergency food requirements.
6. Allocating public and private investments to foster human resources, sustainable agricultural systems and rural development in high- and low-potential areas.
7. Implementing, monitoring and following up the Plan of Act

Agenda 21, the main products of UNCED were: the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, laying down the guiding principles concerning the rights and duties of states to achieve a global partnership in sustainable development; two framework conventions - on climate change and on the conservation of biodiversity; a statement of non-legally binding principles for the management, conservation and sustainable development of all types of forest; a decision to start a negotiation process for an international convention to combat desertification; and an agenda for action on freshwater resources, arising mainly from the Conference on Water and the Environment, held in Dublin in 1992.

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in 1992 recognized the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and agreed that developed countries in the first place should aim at reducing emissions to 1990 levels by 2000 and beyond, although caveats provided exemption for some countries.

The 1997 conference in Kyoto pursued these issues further and agreed that industrialized countries as a whole should decrease their emissions by an average of 5.2 percent by 2005. A "flexibility clause" was built into the agreement, allowing countries to trade emissions quotas among themselves to encourage reductions where they were most "cost effective". The issue of global warming was also discussed in The State of Food and Agriculture 1997, which focused on the implications, positive and negative, of greenhouse gas abatement policies for the developing countries and their agriculture.

In the field of resource management and environment, problems relating to freshwater availability and use also attracted global attention - UNCED and the Dublin Conference on Water and the Environment in 1992 and the 1990 Montreal meeting "NGOs Working Together". In 1993, the special chapterof The State of Food and Agriculture, entitled Water policies and agriculture, examined the problems and policy options behind agricultural development and water use. It noted thatwater was already in short supply in many areas of the world; that agriculture was by far the largest user of freshwater and that it was a relatively low-value, low-efficiency and highly subsidized user of the resource.

The 1992 special chapter, Marine fisheries and the law of the sea: a decade of change, focused on sustainability and economic issues in the area of fisheries. It discussed developments that had occurred in the previous ten years and their implications for the future management of fisheries.

The chapter discussed the massive waste in fisheries under conditions of open access. For the first time, it presented tentative global estimates of fishing costs and revenues, reaching the remarkable conclusion that the annual operating costs of the global marine fishing fleet in 1989 were approximately US$22 billion greater than the total revenues obtained. This chapter provoked a lively debate.

UNEP opened the first session of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in November 1994. The objectives of the Conference were "the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components, and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of genetic resources". For the first time, an international legal instrument described the rights and obligations of the parties involved with regard to scientific, technical and technological cooperation.

During its third session in April 1995, the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) established the IPF to continue and stimulate the intergovernmental forest policy dialogue that had been initiated at UNCED.


Land cleared by fire for agricultural production
Deforestation has been a major means of increasing arable
land, with dramatic environmental consequences

- FAO/13925

The UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), in its annual substantive meeting in Geneva in July 1997, established the ad hoc, open-ended Intergovernmental Forum on Forests (IFF)to continue the dialogue on a number of outstanding issues left by the IPF at the end of its mandate. Since then, the IFF has held four organizational meetings - the latest took place in New York from 31 January to 11 February 2000.

The first session of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification was held in Rome in 1997, with the intention of promoting a "fresh approach" to managing dryland ecosystems, as well as managing development aid flows which, in the past, have been a point of contention between aid agencies and recipients. The Convention was to address the major problems of dryland degradation, now caused by economic or social factors including overcultivation, overgrazing, deforestation and poor irrigation as well as violent national or international conflicts. More than 250 million people are directly affected by desertification and nearly 1 billion people are at risk. Programmes to help prevent or reverse the process of desertification were at the core of the Convention, which was signed by 110 countries. Action programmes at the national level were developed to "address the underlying causes of desertification and drought" and to identify appropriate prevention measures. The national action programmes are to be supplemented by regional and subregional programmes for more accurate assessments and implementation.

The changing international trade order

In April 1994, the Final Act of the Uruguay Round of MTNs was signed in Marrakesh. Launched in 1986, the Round concluded with an agreement to create the World Trade Organization (WTO) to replace GATT. The State of Food and Agriculture 1995 reported that, given the importance of the issues and the seven years of strenuous negotiations involved, the outcome of the Uruguay Round in terms of market access and reductions in domestic support and export subsidization fell short of what might have been expected. Agricultural protectionism remained high and was likely to continue to plague agricultural markets in traditional and new forms in the future.

The special chapter of the 1995 issue (Agricultural trade: entering a new era?) analysed the achievements and shortcomings of the Uruguay Round, with particular reference to the Agreement on Agriculture, and raised a number of questions that remain pertinent in the current context of preparations for a new round of MTNs. It suggested that a "new era" may be emerging with the deregulation of the world economy; the increasing presence of the developing countries in world markets, new trade patterns arising from the transformations in Eastern Europe and the CIS and Baltic states, and changes in world markets and trading rules following the conclusion of the Uruguay Round and the creation of the WTO. The chapter said there were risks, however, that this open trade regime would remain unjust, with an asymmetric distribution of opportunities and gains, risks and losses among countries.

The open trade regime promises the increasing integration of agricultural trade markets but threatens to exclude some countries from the gains.


The past half century has seen changing perceptions of what constitutes the main developmental challenges, shifting policy priorities and a dramatic transformation of the perceived role of the state in fostering welfare and social progress. In this evolving policy context, agriculture and food security have not always occupied a priority position, suggesting an inadequate awareness of the irreplaceable role of the agricultural sector in economic and social development. Such relative neglect on the part of the authorities has mirrored a similar neglect by the media and, therefore, by public opinion at large. Although recent decades have increasingly become known as the "information age", hunger and food insecurity have tended to attract media coverage and priority attention only when exceptional events bring to light their most dramatic manifestations. The same holds true for positive developments, which have "made the news" to a lesser degree still. Indeed, surprisingly little attention has been paid to what can be seen as the most significant achievement of humankind over the past 50 years: the major retreat of world hunger, particularly in densely populated Asian countries - demonstrating that even massive and extreme food insecurity situations can be overcome.

World hunger has been substantially reduced over the past 50 years as a result of a greater understanding of the problem as well as improved institutions and increased agricultural productivity.

Now that we have entered the new millennium, there is a growing consensus at the international level on the need to address poverty and food insecurity as critical factors in achieving a more just and safe world for all. This tendency is gaining ground in a context of international economic integration and interdependence, with a convergence of views on the potential benefits of freer and more open markets. The international order that will emerge from this complex interplay of factors and influences is difficult to foresee. One major challenge, discussed in the following sections of this chapter, will be to integrate marginalized and disadvantaged countries and populations into world economic and social progress and to ensure that the benefits of liberalization and globalization are shared by all.


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