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今晚八点iCANX Talks直播︱光的科学

已有 2589 次阅读 2021-1-22 09:05 |个人分类:国际交流|系统分类:论文交流


2021122日晚8点(北京时间),大家期待已久的 iCANX Talks38期即将重磅来袭,本次邀请了国内外两位顶尖学者为大家带来最新科研成果。他们分别是来自清华大学的杨原牧教授和来自威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校的Mikhail Kats教授。杨原牧教授将为大家带来亚波长光场调控与应用的精彩报告,Mikhail Kats教授将给大家介绍热辐射工程学及其表征的最新进展。

The highly expected iCANX Talks Vol.38 will be ceremoniously holed at 8:00 pm of January 22(Beijing time). This time, two top scholars were invited to bring you the latest scientific research reports. They are professor Yuanmu Yang from Tsinghua University and professor Mikhail A. Kats from University of Wisconsin-Madison. The professor Yuanmu Yang will bring you the latest research progress in Manipulating Light at the Subwavelength Scale and Related Applications. Professor Mikhail A. Kats will present the latest progress in Engineering and measurement of thermal radiation.

在前面37iCANX Talks直播中,累计收看观众已达千万人次,受到了国内外专家学者的普遍好评和追捧,目前,iCANX Talks已经成为极具国际影响力的高科技云端学术峰会。

In the previous 37 weeks iCANX talks , it totally attracted 10+ million audiences worldwide. iCANX has been highlighted by experts and audiences globally. Now, iCANX Talks already becomes a well-known and popular international high-tech online event.


Talk 1

Manipulating Light at the Subwavelength Scale and Related Applications


Yuanmu Yang杨原牧

Tsinghua University清华大学


Optical science and technology have undergone remarkable development over the past few centuries, with some major impact on our daily life. Our knowledge about light has also evolved over time. The design of microscope and telescope, with a characteristic length of the instrument much greater than the wavelength of light, were mainly based on the ray-tracing principle in geometric optics. Following the later development of wave optics, new optical elements such as gratings and spatial light modulators with characteristic length scale on the same order of the wavelength of light are invented. Moving into the 21st century, following the rapid advancement of nanofabrication techniques and numerical simulation tools, manipulating light at the sub-wavelength scale becomes possible, which leads to the development of new concepts such as metamaterials and metasurfaces. Recently, by leveraging innovation in physics and materials science, we try to realize a series of novel subwavelength optical elements. In this talk, I will introduce our recent work on:

1)How to leverage subwavelength-thick optical thin film with an epsilon-near-zero response to overcome limitations of conventional nonlinear optical crystal, to realize nonlinear light sources emitting in the UV and THz spectral range;

2)How to combine optical metasurfaces with conventional light sources or detectors, to build miniatured optical sensors that may detect multi-dimensional light information such as depth and polarization of a scene. 






Yuanmu Yang has been a tenure-track associate professor at the Department of Precision Instrument at Tsinghua University since 2018. His main research interest is in meta-optics. By engineering and enhancing light-matter interaction at the subwavelength scale, he aims to overcome the limitation in size and functionality of conventional diffractive optical elements and nonlinear optical crystals, and realize novel subwavelength optical elements. His research currently focuses on subwavelength optical thin-films and metasurfaces for applications in nonlinear optics and multi-dimensional light field sensing. Before joining Tsinghua, he obtained his bachelor’s degree in optoelectronics from Tianjin University/Nankai University in 2011, and his PhD in interdisciplinary materials science from Vanderbilt University in 2015. He was a postdoctoral researcher at Sandia National Laboratories from 2015 to 2017, and was a research scientist at Intellectual Ventures from 2017 to 2018, in an attempt to commercialize the optical metasurface technology. His work has been published in high impact journals such as Nature Photonics and Nature Physics, receiving over 3000 citations. His recognitions include the outstanding oversea student award given by the Chinese Scholarship Council as well as the Forbes China “30 under 30” in 2018.

杨原牧自2018年起任清华大学精密仪器系准聘副教授。主要研究兴趣为超构光学,力图通过在亚波长尺度灵活调控并增强光与物质的相互作用,突破传统衍射光学元件和非线性光学晶体在集成度、功能性等方面的局限,实现一系列新型亚波长光学元件。近期的研究重点是亚波长光学薄膜和超构表面在非线性光学以及多维光场感知中的应用。在加入清华大学之前,他于2011年获天津大学/南开大学光电子技术与科学专业学士学位,2015年获美国范德堡大学交叉材料科学博士学位,2015-2017年在美国Sandia国家实验室从事博士后研究,2017-2018年在美国Intellectual Ventures公司工作,从事光学超构表面的产业化研发。多次在Nature PhotonicsNature Physics等高影响力期刊发表研究论文,文章总引用3000余次。获得的奖项与荣誉包括国家留学基金委优秀留学生奖学金、福布斯中国2018年度“3030岁以下优秀科学家等。

Talk 2

Engineering and measurement of thermal radiation


Mikhail A. Kats

University of Wisconsin-Madison威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校


Thermal radiation is the phenomenon responsible for most of the light in the universe. Though understanding of thermal radiation dates back over a century, recent advances have encouraged the re-examination of this phenomenon and its applications. This talk will describe our group’s advances and outline future work in the measurement and manipulation of thermal radiation. First, I will discuss our efforts to improve thermal-radiation metrology, especially for low-temperature thermal emitters, emitters with temperature-dependent emissivity, and emitters out of equilibrium. Such improvements can enable techniques such as our recently demonstrated depth thermography, in which measurements of thermal radiation yield temperature information below the surface of objects. I will also describe our invention of a minimalistic spectroscopy technique that requires no gratings, interferometers, or any other wavelength-selective components. Then, I will describe the use of phase-transition materials including vanadium dioxide and rare-earth nickelates to demonstrate new phenomena, including negative- and zero-differential thermal emittance, radiative thermal runaway, and thermo-dichroism. I will also discuss our recent demonstration of nanosecond-scale modulation of emissivity and thermal-radiation pulses down to picosecond scales. The talk will include discussion of exciting opportunities of thermal-radiation engineering for infrared-privacy and thermoregulation technologies.



Mikhail Kats is Jack St. Clair Kilby Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Wisconsin-Madison, with affiliate appointments in the Departments of Physics and Materials Science and Engineering, as well as the Wisconsin Energy Institute, the Wisconsin Quantum Institute, and the McPherson Eye Research Institute. Mikhail’s research interests include optical properties of engineered materials, novel optical and optoelectronic devices, tailoring of thermal radiation and radiative heat transfer, and related topics in optics and photonics. Prior to joining UW-Madison, he received his BS in Engineering Physics from Cornell University in 2008, and his PhD in Applied Physics from Harvard University in 2014. In 2018 and 2019, he was identified by Web of Science as a Highly Cited Researcher. His recognitions include the ONR Young Investigator Award, the AFOSR Young Investigator Award, and the NSF CAREER award, the IEEE Photonics Society Young Investigator Award, the IEEE Nanotechnology Council Early Career Award, as well as selections to the Forbes “30 Under 30” and ASEE Prism’s “20 Under 40” lists.

Mikhail Kats现任威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校电子与计算机工程系的Jack St. Clair Kilby 副教授,并在该校物理系,材料科学与工程系以及威斯康星州能源研究所,威斯康星州量子学院,和McPherson眼科研究所任兼职教授。Mikhail的研究领域广泛涉及应用光学和光子学,主要包括工程光学材料,新型光学及光电器件,对热辐射源及热辐射传递的调制。在执教之前,他于2008年获得康奈尔大学工程物理学士学位,于2014年获得哈佛大学应用物理博士学位。Mikhail20182019连续两年被Web of Science评为全球高被引科学家。他曾获的代表性的奖项包括美国海军研究所 ONR)青年学者奖,美国空军研究所(AFOSR)青年学者奖和美国国家科学基金会(NSF)科研事业成就奖,IEEE光子学会青年学者奖,IEEE纳米技术委员会科研事业初期成就奖,以及入选福布斯2016年度“3030岁以下杰出科学家ASEE Prism杂志的“2040岁以下杰出科学家名单。

同时,本次讲座也邀请了来自澳大利亚国立大学的Chennupati Jagadish教授和北京大学的张海霞(Alice)教授为大家带来精彩的主持。

 每一期iCANX Talks直播结束后,都深受参会者好评,不仅为感兴趣的参会者和读者深度理解相关技术提供了帮助,也为研究生深入开展科研提供了一个很好的平台。更多精彩,尽在iCANX Talks





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