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大亚湾文章被接收发表,引用22次 精选

已有 13403 次阅读 2012-4-1 13:43 |个人分类:我的物理|系统分类:博客资讯| 大亚湾, 中微子

大亚湾反应堆中微子实验发现新的振荡模式的文章(Observation of electron-antineutrino disappearance at Daya Bay, F.P. An et al.) 今天被Phys. Rev. Lett.接收发表,从3月7日投稿到接收,历时24天,已被引用22次。其中邢志忠引了两次,清华、北大各一次。


第一篇引用来自邢老人家,仅用四天就在中国物理C上发表,被引用6次,他引5次,其中不乏S.M. Bilenky, C. Giunti,D. Meloni等知名的中微子唯象学家。


法国Double Chooz实验去年11月份公布的1.7倍sigma结果,12月写成文章投稿,还没有被正式发表。被引用28次。



1) Implications of the Daya Bay observation of theta_{13} on the leptonic flavor mixing structure and CP violation.
Zhi-zhong Xing, . Mar 2012. 25pp. Temporary entry
Published in Chin.Phys.C36:281-297,2012.
e-Print: arXiv:1203.1672 [hep-ph]

References | LaTeX(US) | LaTeX(EU) | Harvmac | BibTeX | Keywords | Cited 6 times Abstract and Postscript and PDF from (mirrors: au br cn de es fr il in it jp kr ru tw uk za aps lanl ) Journal Server Bookmarkable link to this information

2) Spontaneous leptonic CP violation and nonzero $\theta_{13}$.
G.C. Branco, R.Gonzalez Felipe, F.R. Joaquim, H. Serodio, . Mar 2012. 17pp. Temporary entry
e-Print: arXiv:1203.2646 [hep-ph] References | LaTeX(US) | LaTeX(EU) | Harvmac | BibTeX | Keywords | Cited 3 times Abstract and Postscript and PDF from (mirrors: au br cn de es fr il in it jp kr ru tw uk za aps lanl ) Bookmarkable link to this information

3) The neutrino mixing matrix could (almost) be diagonal with entries {pm}1.
Yoni BenTov, A. Zee, . Mar 2012. 9pp. Temporary entry
e-Print: arXiv:1203.2671 [hep-ph] References | LaTeX(US) | LaTeX(EU) | Harvmac | BibTeX | Keywords Abstract and Postscript and PDF from (mirrors: au br cn de es fr il in it jp kr ru tw uk za aps lanl ) Bookmarkable link to this information

4) Octahedral Symmetry with Geometrical Breaking: New Prediction for Neutrino Mixing Angle theta_{13} and CP Violation.
Hong-Jian He, Xun-Jie Xu, . Mar 2012. Temporary entry
e-Print: arXiv:1203.2908 [hep-ph] References | LaTeX(US) | LaTeX(EU) | Harvmac | BibTeX | Keywords | Cited 1 time Abstract and Postscript and PDF from (mirrors: au br cn de es fr il in it jp kr ru tw uk za aps lanl ) Bookmarkable link to this information

5) Neutrino Hierarchies from a Gauge Symmetry.
Julian Heeck, Werner Rodejohann, . Mar 2012. 14pp. Temporary entry
e-Print: arXiv:1203.3117 [hep-ph] References | LaTeX(US) | LaTeX(EU) | Harvmac | BibTeX Abstract and Postscript and PDF from (mirrors: au br cn de es fr il in it jp kr ru tw uk za aps lanl ) Bookmarkable link to this information

6) Impacts of the observed theta_13 on the running behaviors of Dirac and Majorana neutrino mixing angles and CP-violating phases.
Shu Luo, Zhi-zhong Xing, . Mar 2012. 15pp. Temporary entry
e-Print: arXiv:1203.3118 [hep-ph] References | LaTeX(US) | LaTeX(EU) | Harvmac | BibTeX | Cited 1 time Abstract and Postscript and PDF from (mirrors: au br cn de es fr il in it jp kr ru tw uk za aps lanl ) Bookmarkable link to this information

7) S3 as a flavour symmetry for quarks and leptons after the Daya Bay result on theta 13.
Davide Meloni, . Mar 2012. 15pp. Temporary entry
e-Print: arXiv:1203.3126 [hep-ph] References | LaTeX(US) | LaTeX(EU) | Harvmac | BibTeX | Cited 2 times Abstract and Postscript and PDF from (mirrors: au br cn de es fr il in it jp kr ru tw uk za aps lanl ) Bookmarkable link to this information

8) Neutrino Oscillations in the Precision Era.
M. Bishai, M.V. Diwan, S. Kettell, J. Stewart, B. Viren, E. Worchester, L. Whitehead, . Mar 2012. Temporary entry
e-Print: arXiv:1203.4090 [hep-ex] References | LaTeX(US) | LaTeX(EU) | Harvmac | BibTeX | Keywords | Cited 1 time Abstract and Postscript and PDF from (mirrors: au br cn de es fr il in it jp kr ru tw uk za aps lanl ) Bookmarkable link to this information

9) Non-zero $\theta_{13}$ and CP violation in a model with $A_4$ flavor symmetry.
Y.H. Ahn, Sin Kyu Kang, . Mar 2012. 20pp. Temporary entry
e-Print: arXiv:1203.4185 [hep-ph] References | LaTeX(US) | LaTeX(EU) | Harvmac | BibTeX | Keywords | Cited 1 time Abstract and Postscript and PDF from (mirrors: au br cn de es fr il in it jp kr ru tw uk za aps lanl ) Bookmarkable link to this information

10) An expansion for Neutrino Phenomenology.
Benjamin Grinstein, Michael Trott, . Mar 2012. Temporary entry
e-Print: arXiv:1203.4410 [hep-ph] References | LaTeX(US) | LaTeX(EU) | Harvmac | BibTeX | Keywords Abstract and Postscript and PDF from (mirrors: au br cn de es fr il in it jp kr ru tw uk za aps lanl ) Bookmarkable link to this information

11) The flavor symmetry in the standard model and the triality symmetry -Do we need right-handed leptons?
Sadataka Furui, . Mar 2012. 19pp. Temporary entry
e-Print: arXiv:1203.5213 [hep-ph] References | LaTeX(US) | LaTeX(EU) | Harvmac | BibTeX | Keywords Abstract and Postscript and PDF from (mirrors: au br cn de es fr il in it jp kr ru tw uk za aps lanl ) Bookmarkable link to this information

12) Neutrinoless double-beta decay. A brief review.
S.M. Bilenky, C. Giunti, . Mar 2012. 22pp. Temporary entry
e-Print: arXiv:1203.5250 [hep-ph] References | LaTeX(US) | LaTeX(EU) | Harvmac | BibTeX | Keywords Abstract and Postscript and PDF from (mirrors: au br cn de es fr il in it jp kr ru tw uk za aps lanl ) Bookmarkable link to this information

13) Fitting Neutrino Physics with a U(1)_R Lepton Number.
Enrico Bertuzzo, Claudia Frugiuele, . Mar 2012. 19pp. Temporary entry
e-Print: arXiv:1203.5340 [hep-ph] References | LaTeX(US) | LaTeX(EU) | Harvmac | BibTeX Abstract and Postscript and PDF from (mirrors: au br cn de es fr il in it jp kr ru tw uk za aps lanl ) Bookmarkable link to this information

14) B-L Violating Nucleon Decay and GUT Scale Baryogenesis in SO(10).
K.S. Babu, R.N. Mohapatra, . OSU-HEP-12-04, UMD-PP-012-004, Mar 2012. 26pp. Temporary entry
e-Print: arXiv:1203.5544 [hep-ph] References | LaTeX(US) | LaTeX(EU) | Harvmac | BibTeX Abstract and Postscript and PDF from (mirrors: au br cn de es fr il in it jp kr ru tw uk za aps lanl ) Bookmarkable link to this information

15) Precision on leptonic mixing parameters at future neutrino oscillation experiments.
Pilar Coloma, Andrea Donini, Enrique Fernandez-Martinez, Pilar Hernandez, . CERN-PH-TH-2012-071, IFIC-12-21, IFT-UAM-CSIC-12-24, EURONU-WP6-12-47, Mar 2012. 30pp. Temporary entry
e-Print: arXiv:1203.5651 [hep-ph] References | LaTeX(US) | LaTeX(EU) | Harvmac | BibTeX Abstract and Postscript and PDF from (mirrors: au br cn de es fr il in it jp kr ru tw uk za aps lanl ) Bookmarkable link to this information

16) Flavour in heavy neutrino searches at the LHC.
J.A. Aguilar-Saavedra, F. Deppisch, O. Kittel, J.W.F. Valle, . IFIC-12-18, Mar 2012. 4pp. Temporary entry
e-Print: arXiv:1203.5998 [hep-ph] References | LaTeX(US) | LaTeX(EU) | Harvmac | BibTeX Abstract and Postscript and PDF from (mirrors: au br cn de es fr il in it jp kr ru tw uk za aps lanl ) Bookmarkable link to this information

17) Neutrino mass hierarchy and octant determination with atmospheric neutrinos.
Vernon Barger, Raj Gandhi, Pomita Ghoshal, Srubabati Goswami, Danny Marfatia, Suprabh Prakash, Sushant K. Raut, S Uma Sankar, . Mar 2012. 4pp. Temporary entry
e-Print: arXiv:1203.6012 [hep-ph] References | LaTeX(US) | LaTeX(EU) | Harvmac | BibTeX Abstract and Postscript and PDF from (mirrors: au br cn de es fr il in it jp kr ru tw uk za aps lanl ) Bookmarkable link to this information

18) Discrete family symmetry, Higgs mediators and theta_{13}.
Ivo de Medeiros Varzielas, Graham G. Ross, . DO-TH-12-11, Mar 2012. 8pp. Temporary entry
e-Print: arXiv:1203.6636 [hep-ph] References | LaTeX(US) | LaTeX(EU) | Harvmac | BibTeX Abstract and Postscript and PDF from (mirrors: au br cn de es fr il in it jp kr ru tw uk za aps lanl ) Bookmarkable link to this information

19) On self-complementarity relations of neutrino mixing.
Xinyi Zhang, (Peking U.) , Bo-Qiang Ma, (Peking U. & Peking U., CHEP) . Feb 2012. 11pp.
e-Print: arXiv:1202.4258 [hep-ph] References | LaTeX(US) | LaTeX(EU) | Harvmac | BibTeX | Keywords Abstract and Postscript and PDF from (mirrors: au br cn de es fr il in it jp kr ru tw uk za aps lanl ) Bookmarkable link to this information

20) Getting the best out of T2K and NOvA.
Suprabh Prakash, Sushant K. Raut, S.Uma Sankar, . TIFR-TH-12-03, Jan 2012. 31pp. Temporary entry
e-Print: arXiv:1201.6485 [hep-ph] References | LaTeX(US) | LaTeX(EU) | Harvmac | BibTeX | Keywords Abstract and Postscript and PDF from (mirrors: au br cn de es fr il in it jp kr ru tw uk za aps lanl ) Bookmarkable link to this information

21) Comment on Reparametrization Invariance of Quark-Lepton Complementarity.
Guan-Nan Li, Hsiu-Hsien Lin, Xiao-Gang He, . Dec 2011. 5pp. Temporary entry
e-Print: arXiv:1112.2371 [hep-ph] References | LaTeX(US) | LaTeX(EU) | Harvmac | BibTeX | Keywords | Cited 1 time Abstract and Postscript and PDF from (mirrors: au br cn de es fr il in it jp kr ru tw uk za aps lanl ) Bookmarkable link to this information

22) T2K Signals Non-Maximal Atmospheric Neutrino Mixing.
David A. Eby, Paul H. Frampton, . Dec 2011. 3pp. Temporary entry
e-Print: arXiv:1112.2675 [hep-ph] References | LaTeX(US) | LaTeX(EU) | Harvmac | BibTeX | Keywords Abstract and Postscript and PDF from (mirrors: au br cn de es fr il in it jp kr ru tw uk za aps lanl ) Bookmarkable link to this information

Paper 1 to 22 of 22

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