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“好为人师的饶 海先生”讲课 :朊病毒不是病毒 (II)

已有 12132 次阅读 2012-9-25 07:08 |个人分类:科研教学|系统分类:科研笔记| 病毒

“好为人师的饶 海先生”课 :朊病毒是病毒 (II)






其实最近有心写点疯牛病有关的长文,但连prion 的中文都不知道。正好李连达老师文里带出,就利用了下。其中阿拉也偷师了不少,疯牛病有关的中文词汇也不用百度了; 谢谢大家!不来这一下,还真不知有朊病毒一说。


不过讲朊病毒是病毒的人,可是要叫Stanley Pruisner 童鞋吐血疯鸟,千辛万苦发现疯牛病是病毒引起的,是朊蛋白PrP带来的;一下就给大家和谐了。当年那可差不多要完蛋了,HHMI 停了支助,tenure 第一次没过的。


疯牛病有关的研究早期可能多是搞病毒的人在做,大家(包括Pruisner)多认为是病毒。Pruisner 的发现是推翻了病毒理论的(病毒的定义可去黄秀清的博文)。大家查点 Pruisner的文章,传记都可看到这点。 估计这中文翻译是国内搞疯牛病病毒的人的,可能是不认输也可能是便于“理解”,还有可能是怕基金没了,给翻成朊病毒。


疯牛病现在还有少数人认为是病毒引起的,比如Yale University neuropathologist Laura Manuelidis , 但他们认为朊PrP 不在这病毒中。 Manuelidis L, Yu ZX, Barquero N, Banquero N, Mullins B. "Cells infected with scrapie and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease agents produce intracellular 25-nm virus-like particles". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104 (6): 1965–70.)


“朊病毒”英文是PrPSc.  Sc 是scrapie, 由来的,羊得这病,不疯,就是痒得一塌糊涂,靠树上蹭痒痒。人得这病,不疯,浑身没力,失记忆,行动失控。。。



早期几例里,有手术刀传播的,医生在不了解的情况下,给个prion disease 的人动了手术,这手术刀“消毒”后, (prion 很难用常规 消毒 ),又给个其他病人动了手术。。。

如果正常 prion 变了蛋白折叠,这变性了的 蛋白可像遗传因子那样。所以有称prion protein-based genetic element.

还有,有些人prion PrP基因有突变,较易 变蛋白PrP折叠, 容易得prion disease.


蛋白以前是专指prion PrP,  prion PrP是最有名的prion.  但现在有上10个prionprion 已经给变成了“新”名词(如同kinase 等),比如这篇文章有个新的prion (http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/02/100204144420.htm).  也有给生物带来好处的prion,对进化可能也有帮助。有趣的是,老年性神经疾病Alzheizmers, Parkinsons, 也有开始和prion 挂钩的, 见下。(也有异议)。


当然如果科学网童鞋们,将计就计,决定坚持叫 prion朊病毒 , 也可以。就像1+1=2, 如果科学网上大家决定从此1+1=31+3=2,网上 也可以玩得很爽,不是吗?网下您也 试试 这样玩 。




Science 22 June 2012: Vol. 336  pp. 1511-1513


A Unifying Role for Prions in Neurodegenerative Diseases

Stanley B. Prusiner


Many neurodegenerative diseases—including Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinson's disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)—share two remarkable characteristics. The first is that more than 80% of cases are sporadic. The second is that although many of the disease-specific mutant proteins are expressed in embryogenesis, the inherited forms of these neurodegenerative diseases are late-onset. This suggests that some event occurs with aging that renders a disease-specific protein pathogenic. More than 20 years ago, I argued that this event involves a stochastic refolding of the etiologic protein into a misfolded infectious state known as a prion. In the past decade, there has been renewed interest in the possibility that the proteins causing neurodegeneration are all prions, which would profoundly influence the development of diagnostics and effective therapies.




另:“The word prion, coined in 1982 by Stanley B. Prusiner, is derived from the words protein and infection.”

PrP =Prion Protein

瞎猜:PrP = Prusiner’s Protein?


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