另一方面,Gurzadyan等人在几年前借Kolmogorov 的一个“绝妙定理”证明了宇宙的随机性很微弱(他们发表的文章以问号为题:A weakly random universe?是设问呢,惊讶呢,还是心里没谱呢?),不超过20%——他们的结果说:
Derivingthe empirical Kolmogorov’s function in the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe’s maps, we obtain the fraction of the random signal to be about 20 percent, i.e. the cosmological sky is a weakly random one.
然而,奥斯陆大学理论天体物理研究所的H. K. Eriksen却说作者的宣扬过分了:These are truly extraordinary claims, and in our view have no root in reality. 他认为那些文章混淆了随机性与相关性——相关性不等于非随机性,而随机的也可以是相关的:
When reading these papers, it seems clear to us that Gurzadyan et al. confuse randomness with correlation: While the CMB field is (most likely) a random field, it is not uncorrelated. Instead, the CMB field is asmooth field on scales comparable with the instrumental beam, and it has awell-defined non-flat power spectrum. Thus, the real-space correlations are strong. Of course, the instrumental noise is virtually uncorrelated, and so there are indeed two components here,one correlated and one uncorrelated. But neither is non-random.
澳大利亚数学家A.A. Kocharyan对这个批评不以为然,似乎认为批评者没有理解KSP方法。遗憾的是,他的反驳只是举了一个例子,说明貌似一样随机的两个数字序列可以有着不同的随机度,如A={3, 9, 27,81, 43, 29, 87, 61, 83, 49, 47, 41, 23, 69, 7}就比B={37, 74,11, 48, 85, 22, 59, 96, 33, 70, 7, 44, 81, 18, 55}更加随机。可随机性与相关性的问题还是模糊。
As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.
Physics is mathematical not because we know so much about the physical world, but because we know so little; it is only its mathematical properties that we can discover.
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