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霍金老矣 精选

已有 12184 次阅读 2017-7-3 09:26 |个人分类:随想|系统分类:科普集锦



   今年2月,Anna Ijjas(普林斯顿大学),Paul J Steinhardt(普林斯顿大学理论科学中心主任,几年前与Turok提出一种“大爆炸-大挤压-大爆炸-……”的循环宇宙),AbrahamLoeb(哈佛大学天文系主任)——老霍们简称他们IS&L——在科普杂志Scientific AmericanSA)上发表了一篇文章,题目“普普”的:Pop Goes the Universe,明显是对着大爆炸的Bang! Goes the Universepopbang正好代表两个理论的特征。有趣的是,Paul原是暴胀论的先驱者之一。他在哈佛做博士后时,听过“暴胀兄”AlanH. Guth的讲座,19845月,他们一起在SA打响了暴胀论的一枪:The Inflationary Universe: A new theory of cosmology suggests that the observable universe is embedded in a much larger region of space that had an extraordinary growth spurt a fraction of a second after the primordial big bang——看来SA是暴胀论的娘家,所以今天吵闹也在那儿。Paul还因暴胀论获Dirac奖章。可在过去30多年里,他看到了暴胀的成功,也看到了它的问题,所以叛变了。

  大爆炸之后“必然”暴胀(inflation),才能实现我们在几代微波背景辐射(CMB)数据中看到的均匀性、平直性和各向同性,它还预言了标度不变性,解决了视界疑难。所以暴胀论赢得大家的欢迎。可是,IS&L认为,最新的Planck卫星的CMB数据其实并不支持暴胀,而宇宙学家们至今熟视无睹(Yet even now the cosmology community has not taken a cold, honest look at the bigbang inflationary theory or paid significant attention to critics who question whether inflation happened.)还自以为是(cosmologists appear to accept at face value the proponents’ assertion that we must believe the inflationary theory because it offers the only simple explanation of the observed features of the universe.


      如果就问题说问题,拿出新模型来,大概不会激起老霍的天使的愤怒——说暴胀问题的多了,Paul几年前(20114月)就在SA上质疑过:Is the theory at the heart of modern cosmology deeply flawed?不信暴胀的人也多,老朋友Penrose就不信(我也不信),但老霍都没怒。可是,这回IS&L的批评太一般了,从头就有点儿“怪腔怪掉”的,像从根儿上否定暴胀的科学性:it is clear that inflation is not a precise theory but a highly flexible frame workthat encompasses many possibilitiesInflation is such a flexible idea that any outcome is possible. 它太善变,能说很多,就等于什么也没说。他们判决:暴胀论的方法根本就不能用科学方法来评判("cannot be evaluated using the scientific method")。最后他们还“含沙射影”地说,要把“空理论”推向标准,如果没有神谕,就只有靠权威了。(Declaring an empty theory as the unquestioned standard view requires some sort of assurance outside of science. Short of a professed oracle, the only alternativeis to invoke authorities.)(这话真好,在其他场合更正确。)

  【至于IS&L以“反弹”(big bounce)取代暴胀,与老彭的“共形循环宇宙”一样,更不自然,它们没有解决问题,只是将问题转移给了“前世”的宇宙。我想连批评都是多余的。

   总之,老霍生气了,团结了32个物理学家给SA写信(pennedan angry letter),表达了强烈的categorical disagreement。生气团的信说,IS&L暴胀论不科学,等于打我们的脸,不仅打我们写信的人,还打了科学界的大部分人。("By claiming that inflationary cosmology lies outside the scientific method, IS&L are dismissing the research of not only all the authors of this letter but also that of a substantial contingent of the scientific community,")老霍的反对没什么力量,抱团生气更是可笑,有点儿打群架的意思。我想,这些吵闹越多越激烈,他应该越高兴;该高兴却怒了,没逻辑;再看他近年的一些活动和言论,铜豌豆似的证明他老了。


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