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已有 4155 次阅读 2016-6-27 05:30 |系统分类:生活其它


1. July 2013
I reached the stage of all-but-dissertation (ABD) during my doctoral program. Myex-fiancé and I arrived at our Three Love Principles: (1) exclusive and faithful family relationship, (2) filial piety to the family, and (3) no toleranceof domestic violence.

My ex-fiancé requested that I leave my own campus to join him during my dissertation preparation. He promised both in verbal and written form (affidavit of support)that he would be responsible for me and that he will do so either until we getmarried, or until I graduate if we have not yet married then.

2. August 2013
Before August 2013, I had worked as an on-campus teaching assistant at MU.Since I came to Ohio in August 2013, I have relied on his promise, because itis illegal for an international student to work off campus.

3. Aug. 2013-Feb.2014
I faithfully undertook a wife’s obligations, took care of all the house chores,and fulfilled the obligation of filial piety. During this period of time, myex-fiancé had intended on the one hand to renderme an obedient wife that promises a steady life, delicious food, and filialpiety and on the other to make me accept his pursuit of a free life withdifferent women.

I had been strugglinga lot between his request for my obedience and my value of faithful love:Although God would be happy to see both, obedience and faithful love were in a strikingconflict in my case.

4. Feb. 2014

I refused to compromise in terms of our Three Love Principles. My ex-fiancé broke our engagement on Feb. 18, 2014 through his own unfaithful behaviors. I expressed clearly my respect for his thought and decision. Out of this respect, I moved to a different bedroom in his condoand then returned the engagement ring.

5. Feb. 2014-Oct.2014
During this period between Feb. 18, 2014 and Nov. 4, 2015, I offered to him twooptions: First, he needs to follow our Three Love Principles, in which case thedoor to our home is always open to him; Second, if he cannot promise to followour principles, I will move out, but he needs to fulfill the affidavit ofsupport as he promised both in oral and written form.

My ex-fiancé refused to accepteither of them. FromFeb. 18, 2014 on, he refused to provide food or pay anyof my living expenses and school related fees, despite the Affidavit of Supporthe signed. During this period, I had one meal a day or one meal every two days.

A). Feb. 2014 – May 2014: I used mycredit card for food between Feb. 2014 and March 2014. When I ran out of moneyon my credit card and made my situation known to my mother in China (my father died in 2006 and my mother retired since 1990s), my siblings’ family managed to send me 5000 dollars in March 2014. In late May 2014, my ex-fiancé contacted MU to cancelthe affidavit of support.

B). June 2014 –Oct. 2014: With lessthan 3000 dollars in my bank account and over 3000 dollars for the 2016 spring tuition due inlate May, I explained my situation to MU. Under my ex-fiancé’s request, MU removed theaffidavit of support from my student account, and then asked me to use litigation to enforce the affidavit of support by myself.

C). July 2014- early Oct. 2014: With 500 dollars paid in early July 2014 and1500 dollars in late July 2014 as an attorney fee, Ieven could not afford one meal a day. From late July 2014 to early Oct. 2014, Iexchanged my labor for food in a Chinese restaurant.

6. May 2014 –Oct. 2014

With the 2016 spring, summer, andfall semester tuition unpaid, my school had my student account placed on hold.  

I repeatedly contact MU, but MU legal aid tried his best to convince me that my ex-fiancé had no responsibility despite his oral and written promise.

7. Sept. 2014-Oct. 2014
On Sept. 3, 2014 and on Oct. 3, 2014, my ex-fiancé stated at Athens CountyMunicipal Court (8 E Washington, Athens, OH45701) that University of Missouri removed the affidavit of support frommy student record and that by doing so, MU supported his refusal to fulfill thecorresponding responsibilities.

I offered all the documents to the lawyer, including all my bank statements for the past twoyears, my emails, affidavit of support, tuition bills, etc. With no permissionto talk about the truth concerning domestic violence and abuse, a courtdecision was made based on Judge Gxxx’s belief that I have no livingdifficulty: A total of 4500 dollars would be paid to me for all the responsibilitiesof the year of 2014 as required by the affidavit of support, a net payment of 300 dollars with 4200 dollars as an attorney fee.

8. Oct. 2014- Nov. 2014

In early Oct. 2014, I lost theopportunity to exchange labor for food. In the meantime, with the attorney feedue, my ex-fiancé refused to pay the court decision concerning the affidavit ofsupport. Instead, he went to Miami for a romantic vacation.

9. Late Oct. 2014 – Nov. 2014

On Oct. 31, 2014, the intentionalinfliction of starvation and intentional infliction of emotional distress by myex-fiancé led to my lost consciousness twice a day, temporary blindness forboth eyes, and overnight blood transfusion. I was then hospitalized for fivedays due to anemia, gastritis, depression, and anxiety. My mom told my siblingsabout my dangerous situation.

10. Nov. 2014

A) Oct. 31, 2014 -Nov. 4, 2014

During myhospitalization, the O’Bleness Hospital doctor suggested that I take a sickleave and offered me a regular follow-up after discharge. I myself denied theoffer of a sick leave, nor did I inform MU of any issues concerning the sickleave, because I had intended to work hard on my dissertation and regainindependence and self-esteem as soon as possible.

B) Nov. 4, 2014

I was dischargedfrom hospital.

C) Nov. 5, 2014

On the first dayof my discharge, my ex-fiancé and a lady from Athens Municipal Court carriedout eviction and threw all my personal properties away on the street.

D) Mid- and late Nov. 2014

I settled down in a living room inan apartment of four bedrooms in River Park in early Nov. 2014.

In the meantime, I received a totalof 19960 dollars my siblings managed to borrow from her ex-husband. This is all themoney that I depended on for my tuition and daily life from Nov. 2014 to March2016.

I paid off all the debt to MU onNov. 11, 2014. The hold on my student account was taken off immediately.

11. Nov.2014-Sept. 2015
I moved three times and lived in three different living-rooms during thisperiod, one apartment at River Park and two apartments at Mill Street Village.

12. Nov. 2014 - May2015

During this periodof time, I had spent all my non-sleeping time in Alden library, where Isuffered from suspicious poisoning of unattended tea and my research materialswere stolen in April 2015.

A). Dec. 5, 2014-

On Dec. 5, 2014, One month after Iwas discharged from hospital, I was notified by MU that I was placed onprobation.

B) Feb. 2015

I requested MUthat I need more time to work on my paper.

C) March 2015

MU informed methat I was dismissed from my doctoral program. I emailed in return that Ineeded more time to work on my paper and would try my best to finish it as soon as possible.

D). Feb. 2015-May2015

Mr. Sxxxxxxxx, the Alden library staff, had kept making trouble whenever he found me work longerhours in Alden library since Feb. 2015, while the other staff allowed me to work on my paper as late as needed.

E). March 2015 -April 2015

I often felt nausea when drinking unattended tea. In April 2015, all my books and references were stolen during the closing time of the sixth floor in Alden Library.

It turned out that Mr. Sxxxxxxxx had stolen my books and references.  When I reported to OUPD and requested checking library gate camera, he immediately returned them.

F). April 2015

I reported my nausea to Dr. Sxxxxx at O’Bleness Hospital during the April 2015 follow-up, but I was told that my constant nausea had nothing to do with anemia. Nausea wasgone when I started to put my cup in my locker whenever I left my seat. It has been suspected that the issue involved intentional poisoning, but no one couldbe charged with no camera installed inside the library.

13. May-July 2015
Out of consideration of security and shorter opening hours for Alden library during the summer break, I moved to Academic and Research Center (ARC) to continue with my writing.

14. June-July 2015
All the photos stored in my old cellphone, concerning domestic violence andabuse, were deleted without my knowledge by unknown people.

15. July 7, 2015

I was handcuffed,arrested, and confronted with a suspicious charge of trespassing when I studiedin the authorized area.

16. Mid July 2015

I finished my proposal and submitted it to MU.

17. Aug. 2015
My medical record from O’Bleness Hospital, Dr. Sxxxxx’s letter, and the letterfrom My Sister’s Place were submitted to MU. Title IX office started toinvestigate my case, when my student account was reopened.

18. July 9, Aug.6, Sept. 24, 2015
On the three specified days, I experienced three pre-trials. The investigationfrom Public Defender’s Office found that the Alden library staff Mr. Sxxxxxxxxx(who stole my materials in April 2015 at Alden library) and the College ofEngineering staff Ms. Bxxxxx (who reported me to OUPD with biased and misleading information) are connected.

During thepre-trial of Sept. 24, 2015, Mr. Paul Trinh stated at the court that the otherside would like to dismiss the criminal charge of trespassing, if I couldpromise to leave Athens forever and never to return. I refused to make such apromise that blatantly mock U.S law and democratic values.

19. Daytime of Sept.29, 2015
Around 8:30 am before the jury trial started, in the Chamber, Athens CityProsecutor Ms. Txxxx Mxxx criticized in front of Judge Gxxx, another legal counsel, and me the public defender for his effort to defend justice.

Two professors from OU College of Medicine, Dr. Karen Coschigano and Dr. Aili Guo, told the judge honestly at the court that they opened the door to ARC room 303 for me withtheir own keys, they gave me permission to study there, and they had the authority to do so.

In contrast Ms.Bxxxxx from College of Engineering and two policemen from OUPD told lies against their work ethics. Ms. Bxxxxx told lies and said that she did not sayon July 2, 2015 that I could study in the ARC if I got any permission. The twopolicemen also told lies and said that on July 7, 2015, I did not show them thepermission letter when they went to Room 303.

Judge Gxxx stated that he still remembered me because he supported the eviction by my ex-fiancé againstme one year before and that I should be inflicted with a severe punishmentgiven my “bad” history.

20. Nighttime of Sept. 29, 2015
Title IX office at MU notified me that their investigation confirmed thedomestic violence and abuse, but they could not impose this consideration onany decision made by my department: It is up to my department to decide whetherdomestic violence and abuse would be taken into consideration or not.

Despite all the documents from the hospital, My Sister’s Place, and me that demonstrated that Ialmost lost my life during domestic violence and that I worked hard on mypaper, my department should refuse to consider the influence of domesticviolence on my academic work, while MU should agree with the dismissaldecision.

Is it ridiculous that I have been reduced to a criminal and dismissed from my doctoral programwhen I denied the doctor’s suggestion of a sick leave, worked hard on my paper,finished the paper and submitted it, while everything should have been fine if Ifollowed the doctor’s suggestion, took a sick leave, and read or wrote nothingat the time?

21. Sept.-Oct.2015
I moved to My Sister’s Place in mid-Sept 2015 and moved to a Christian churchshelter in late Oct. 2015. I have lived in this Christian church shelter up tonow.

22. Oct. 2015
The criminal charge of trespassing was submitted to Columbus appellate office.

23. Mid-Oct. 2015
A male in Title IX office at MU told me by phone that MU has no choice but todismiss me, because my F-1 visa and I-20 cannot get approved with a criminal charge of trespassing even if MU agrees to readmit me into my program.

24. Nov. 2015
U.S. Department of Education set out to investigate my case.

25. From Nov. 2015to April 2016
I contacted Senator Rob Portman, Senator Sherrod Brown, Governor Kasich, U.S.Supreme Court, U.S. Department of Justice. I was told that my situationrequires a private attorney.

26. May 2016
The U.S. Department of Education informed me that administrative remedies havebeen exhausted. I can only resort to a legal action to have my situationresolved.

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