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已有 3812 次阅读 2016-9-12 09:43 |系统分类:论文交流


关键词: 荧光探针; 多硫化氢;亚硝酰氢;硫化氢;硫烷硫;荧光成像





影像科学与光化学, 2016,34(5),402-425.


Small-molecular Fluorescent Probes for the Detection of HydrogenPolysulfides and Nitroxyl

ZHANG Peng, HAN xiaoyue, YU Fabiao,* CHEN Lingxin*

Imaging Science and Photochemistry2016,34(5),402-425.

Abstract: Hydrogenpolysulfides (H2Sn) and nitroxyl (HNO) play importantroles in a series of physiological and pathological processes, includingregulating intracellular redox signaling processes, strengthening myocardialcontractility and inhibiting platelet aggregation. H2Sncan be formed by the reaction between hydrogen sulfide (H2S) andreactive oxygen species. Nitric oxide (NO) and HNO can interconvert in thepresent of superoxide dismutase. H2S can react with NO and form H2Snand HNO, which will alter the enzymatic activity and protein–proteininteractions, and then affect protein functions. Therefore, the capability toreal-time detect the concentrations of H2Sn and HNO invivo are of great significance in biomedical research area. Among the variousbioanalysis methods, the fluorescent probe technology with the advantages ofgood selectivity, high sensitivity, real-time in situ detection and negligibledamage to sample, has received widespread attention. This review classifies andsummarizes the fluorescent probes which are developed in recent years to detectH2Sn and HNO concentrations based on the reaction typesbetween the response units and the analytes. This review mainly focus onelaborating the design concepts, detection mechanisms and biologicalapplications of these probes. Finally, the application prospect of fluorescentprobes are discussed. At the same time, this review also cover the fluorescenceprobes for the detection of hydrogen sulfide and other sulfane sulfur.

Key words: fluorescent probe; hydrogen polysulfides;nitroxyl; hydrogen sulfide; sulfane sulfur; fluorescent imaging


上一篇:Fluorescent Discrimination of Adenosine Triphosphate
下一篇:Fluorescent probes for accurate tumor diagnosis and therapy
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