偶极分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/instanton 理性是北极,感性是南极



已有 2144 次阅读 2018-4-2 14:58 |系统分类:诗词雅集| 轻松一刻

本帖的附件是智利诗人Neruda的名诗I like for you to be still 的5种不同译稿。原诗是西班牙语写的,本人只看得懂英译版,并据此提供了一份自己的译稿,也在附件中。


I like for you to be still

It is as though you are absent

And you hear me from far away

And my voice does not touch you

It seems as though your eyes had flown away

And it seems that a kiss had sealed your mouth

As all things are filled with my soul

Your emerge from the things

Fill with my soul

You are like my soul

A butterfly of dreams

And you are like the word,  melancholy

I like for you to be still, and you seem far away

It sounds as though you are lamenting

A butterfly cooing like a dove

And you hear me from far away

And my voice does not reach you

Let me come to be still in your silence

And let me talk to you with your silence

That is bright like a lamp

simple as a ring

You are like the night

with its stillness and constellations

Your silence is that of a star

as remote and candid

I like for you to be still

It is as though you are absent

Distant and dull of sorrow

So you would've died

One word then,

one smile, is enough

And I’m happy

Happy that’s not true





下一篇:轻松一刻:浣溪沙 • 送李敖
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