2013年1月5日,晨9点出行,遇到自己在京最长时间的堵车,平时20分钟的车程,用了1小时56分!车上无事,我把所有的时间节点都记下,准备有时间写自己的第一篇Field Traffic Studies实证研究的文章。
附件1:“黄灯3秒 ”VS“ 大堵车”——交通瓶颈的提前
范文博:也谈黄灯的交通问题兼提改善建议【Jan. 12, 2013编辑】http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-92473-652210.html
图1: 1月5日晚18时45分保福寺桥南车行路况
//@岂不快哉wzk: 扯。让不让闯黄灯不是规则问题,是科学问题。 //@凡事望聞問切:一直步行上下班,个人感受:禁闯黃燈實行後,過馬路是安全了些;無論自己還是觀察別的行人;這就是坐在車里的和走在車外的不同角度。黃燈如果行人和機動車都能闖,不又跟綠燈一樣了 //@为明天忧: 另一种钓鱼执法!
【中国式黄灯的谬论】1) ”中国人见黄加速,外国人不会“ :我在美国三十多年,许多美国人也见黄加速,没去过外国别乱说,2)”危险驾车行为该严惩” :请勿偷换概念,问题存在不代表解决方案正确,可用闪秒等合理解决方案。3)“需要实践再修正”:全球已实验1000万亿次,有桥有船,不必摸石子过河。
转发(31157) | 评论(7767) 1月5日 09:30来自脉搏网
//@Geek李睿蛟: //@jlijames://@邓侃: 美国有个笑话,说,开车的人见到黄灯,就像西班牙的牛,见到了红布。 //@leekayak: 转发微博
【中国式黄灯的谬论】1) ”中国人见黄加速,外国人不会“ :我在美国三十多年,许多美国人也见黄加速,没去过外国别乱说,2)”危险驾车行为该严惩” :请勿偷换概念,问题存在不代表解决方案正确,可用闪秒等合理解决方案。3)“需要实践再修正”:全球已实验1000万亿次,有桥有船,不必摸石子过河。
转发(31157) | 评论(7767) 1月5日 09:30来自脉搏网
个人观点:自适应程度越高,越应显示红绿时间,使驾驶员能明确情况,否则不可避免的靠经验估计行为可能导致更多的事故。//@智能交通-王志彪: 区域控制自适应系统根据车流情况调整绿灯时间也不是随意的,都会在最后执行一个最小的绿灯时间来保证相位衔接的秩序。杭州的.....所以这个观点是站不住脚的 //
公安部解释北京为什么没有采取倒计时装置的信号灯:北京主城区采取的是区域控制的自适应系统,智能化程度比较高,信号机道路流量变化,及时调整信号灯配时。为了防止信号突变造成的紊乱,北京市没有采用倒计时装置 @中国新闻网 #中新分享# http://t.cn/zjR754G (分享自 @中国新闻网)
1月3日 12:48来自中新网微博 转发(45) | 评论(20)
1月4日 13:00来自新浪微博 转发| 评论
//@智能交通王志彪: 区域控制自适应系统据车流调整绿灯时间也不是随意的,都会在最后执行一个最小绿灯时间来保证相位衔接秩序。杭州SCATS系统是自适应控制系统,在相位变换前最后几秒中会开始倒计时,而平时是不显示。所以当你看到倒计时牌点亮时,就要准备停车或要起步了。所以这个观点是站不住脚 //
公安部解释北京为什么没有采取倒计时装置的信号灯:北京主城区采取的是区域控制的自适应系统,智能化程度比较高,信号机道路流量变化,及时调整信号灯配时。为了防止信号突变造成的紊乱,北京市没有采用倒计时装置 @中国新闻网 #中新分享# http://t.cn/zjR754G (分享自 @中国新闻网)
1月3日 12:48来自中新网微博 | 转发(45) | 评论(20)
1月4日 12:49来自新浪微博 转发| 评论
//@马少平THU: “小心熊出没”//@Avatar_C: 小心黄灯出现 //@左南ZuoNan:马老师...... //@Leon_里昂王:绿灯恐惧症。 //@酒井鱼鱼:绝对要转!
1月3日 09:33来自新浪微博 转发(75) | 评论(4)
//@科研战线上的工兵: //@译言:遇到黄灯,停不住,有错的是交管部门,因为他们的黄灯设置不合理;不停车,有错的就是你。#交规都不遵守,谈什么尊重法律#
【你以为黄灯是个新问题?】其实全世界司机碰到黄灯都头疼。为什么?一般黄灯的时长是按照1秒的反应时间加上车辆的制动时间设置的。但问题是,司机的反应时间远远要超过1秒:http://t.cn/zj8s3pQ 但归根到底,无论老交规还是新交规,#见到黄灯就应该准备停车#,不信回家翻翻你几年前学驾照的课本去。
1月3日 11:17来自专业版微博 转发(225) | 评论(77)
1月3日 13:04来自新浪微博 转发| 评论
1月3日 08:21来自享拍微博通 转发(36) | 评论(10)
被堵胡汝鼎: http://t.cn/zOIvyFC //@中科院王飞跃: 黄种人发明黄色信号灯,是信史吗?有文献吗?应当核查一下。 //@中科院王飞跃:转发微博
1月3日 08:21来自享拍微博通 转发(36) | 评论(10)
黄种人发明黄色信号灯,是信史吗?有文献吗?应当核查一下。 //@中科院王飞跃:转发微博
1月3日 08:21来自享拍微博通 转发(36) | 评论(10)
//@概而不论: 黄灯儿从本质上说啊!是这么回事儿!不等于红灯,就等于绿灯!不等于绿灯,就等于红灯!
1月3日 00:12来自新浪微博 转发(20) | 评论(23)
//@古长宏: 民意亮起黄灯,权力何去何从?晚安。
1月2日 23:33来自人民日报微博 转发(4598) | 评论(1533)
//@silverspring: 目前的系统好像读秒就无法实现按流量实时控制红绿灯时长这样的智能控制。北京曾为两种方案论证过,郊区也试点过读秒。未推广,应也有改造成本因素。当初也没预料会出台这样的交规吧 //@传奇没那么简单:新法大家可遵。但问题是为什么北京不能在信号灯上显倒计数呢,为什么别城都可
1月2日 18:23来自新华新媒体 转发(5509) | 评论(1173)
//@钅彡壴: 大数据中数据挖掘 //@cnsns:爷,这是屁股问题,不是数据问题!//@叶开: 从大数据角度讲北京海量的路口数据、红绿灯数据及事故监测数据,如进行数据挖掘和预测分析,足可支撑一合理的决策出来,可为什么还要拍脑袋? //@我是大刚: 想起那句话:肉食者鄙,未能远谋。//@牛文文:一个开文艺酒店
1月1日 17:00来自新浪微博 转发(20679) | 评论(3426)
//@云泉微博: //@蓝旗主的当代微博版史记://@漆洪波:都是倡导创新社会整的,交通局也搞创新。下回教委创新一下数学,说一加一不再等于二。 //@王冉: 我很怀疑是不是交管局有什么情绪才会这样有意找骂。 //@光头王凯: 今后只设一个绿灯就好,亮了走灭了停。低碳中国,从交管局做起,耶!
1月1日 20:54来自新浪微博 转发(2955) | 评论(528)
//@段永朝: //@曹增辉: #修订黄灯#//@王亚彬: 转
新交规实行第一天上路,试验几十次黄灯问题,很难掌控。要么灯前50米左右就把车速降至极低——这必将给本就拥堵不堪的交通造成更大灾难; 要么随时准备灯前急刹——这必将造成更多追尾事故。我积极赞成交规从严,但这一条确实极不合理,民意反对声音也极大,郑重呼吁@北京交通 修订此条。同意者请转发
1月1日 13:26来自新浪微博 转发(18306) | 评论(3388)
1月1日 22:10来自人民日报微博 转发(1901) | 评论(744)
//@马少平THU: 另一种可能的修改方案就是在红绿灯前加一条黄线,过了这个黄线的车可以闯黄灯但不能闯红灯。也许是最经济的不就措施了。//@程序员邹欣: 文章有理有据. 天朝在黄灯这件事上也要摸自己的石头过河么?! //@牛文文: 一个开文艺酒店的愤青老板,能把黄灯这点事研究得这么门清!
1月1日 17:00来自新浪微博 转发(20679) | 评论(3426)
2012-10-20 23:01来自新浪微博 转发(2)| 评论
Traffic Congestion and Social Media in China
Ke Zeng
Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
Wenli Liu
National University of Defense and Technology, China
Xiao Wang and Songhang Chen
Chinese Academy of Sciences
The 1st of October is Chinese National Day; in celebration, Chinese citizens get an eight-day holiday, known as the Golden Week, from 30 September to 7 October //au: rewording correct? Ok//. During this week?, the Chinese government implements a policy in which vehicles with seven seats or less travel toll-free on the highways //au: rewording correct? Ok//. Unfortunately, this policy over stimulates domestic travel and creates more traffic congestion.
As Figure 1 shows, the highway turns into a giant parking lot. In 2012, Chinese citizens took 189 million trips while this policy was in place and received//received? ok// 6.54 billion free tolls; however, 68,422 traffic accidents occurred over the Golden Week(Statistical result via URL: http://finance.people.com.cn/money/BIG5/n/2012/1011/c218900-19226060.html), and 794 people lost their lives(Statistical result via URL: http://leaders.people.com.cn/n/2012/1008/c58278-19186170.html).
Figure 1. Traffic congestion on China’s National Day. The government’s policy of allowing many vehicles to use the highways for free during the Golden Week increases congestion //au: correct? ok/. (Figure via http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1893369318 and http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1922476418).
Unexpectedly, traffic congestion on roads in physical space also caused an “opinion explosion” in cyberspace. Participants in social media included potential travelers and people who got caught in the holiday traffic jams. Online social media participants have shown great enthusiasm for road trips. Figure 2 shows the growth of topics about road trips on social media sites over the past few years. The number of road-trip related topics were far fewer prior to 2008, but the topic type increased significantly over the past four years. Especially in 2012, such a high growth rate and high occupancy on such sites //correct? Yes// could provide early warning signals, giving a preview of road traffic conditions via social media that indicates that traffic for the holiday could experience unprecedented growth.
Figure 2. Growth in road-trip-related topics. Such topics have increased steadily on social media over the past few years.
Here, we examine Golden-Week-related topics’ evolution over the past 10 years //au: ok? ok // using comprehensive online communities such as xcar.com.cn, tianya.cn, autohome.com.cn, and Sina Weibo (weibo.com, a Twitter equivalent in China). Using methods based on topic clustering, we can analyze the attention users give to various topics, study the geographic distribution of online topics concerning Golden Week, get travelers’ growth tendencies and geographic distributions, and provide primary research for traffic emergencies during holidays. //au: IS avoids “signposting,” or summarizing point by point what the article will discuss, so I’ve deleted the last few sentences of the introduction. Agree//
Topic EvolutionWith the development of SNS(Social Network Site) //au: SMS? Or what does SNS stand for? Stand for Social Network Site//, IM, Twitter, and other social media platforms, more people prefer to communicate and exchange opinions online.1,2 Plenty of topic threads let people exchange tourism experiences, such as discussions of travel routes. Right before the 2012//2012?ok// holiday, a few topics about the Golden Week and travel became popular. As highway traffic congestion emerged in real time //au: correct? Just ok, and I prefer to emphasize the synchronism between physical world and online world.//, related topics quickly grew on the Internet. As time passed, the traffic jam became a larger traffic disaster. Concurrently, the deterioration of the situation due to high traffic conditions attracted the attention of users from various social communities and triggered a furious discussion about the Golden Week traffic policy and the traffic congestion. Moreover, online users put forward some emergency strategies to dealing with the congestion and got great support //from or for who/what? The word “put forward” is much better than “developed…from”.//. To illustrate the topic transformation during the entire Golden Week, we constructed dynamic evolutionary social networks to reveal topic participants’ characteristics in accordance with online discussions on Tianya.cn.
The Internet contains many Golden-Week-related topics, but most of these have low participation, so their discussions are insignificant. Such topic threads can’t reflect the overall attention and tendencies of online holiday-related topics. For our study, we chose only threads with high reply and user-engagement rates, selecting 11 threads on road travel from different online communities.
Figure 3a shows different communities’ discussions concerning holiday trips from 28 September. The discussion thread content and direction was very different; although many people participated, the overlapping coefficient among them is small, and no users participated in different topics at the same time. Topics at that moment mainly focused on scenic spots and travel routes.
Figure 3. The evolution network of Golden-Week-related topics on social media. We can see (a) the discussion concerning holiday trips on 28 September; (b) topics related to the toll-free policy; (c) and (d) policy-related topics becoming more prevalent over time; and (e) our social network of participants in Golden-Week-related topics. Nodes represent participants in road-trip related topics; node size is proportional to the degree of online users. Lines between nodes represent different users’ reply and reposting behaviors, whereas the node color represents different topics.
In the time leading up to the Golden Week, new topics arose (Figure 3b) about the toll-free policy and road traffic conditions (in pink and red, respectively). As we can see, these two topics attracted few online users until 30 September.
As time passed, the policy-related topics became more prevalent (Figures 3c and 3d). They attracted many participants from other travel-related topics and communities. More and more online users took part in the discussion about the toll-free policy; some also suggested reasonable emergency responses.
By 8 October, we could construct a social network of participants in Golden-Week-related topics (Figure 3e). Apparently, almost every topic thread included some participants who also took part in the policy-related discussion threads. Simultaneously, topics about road traffic conditions and policy feedback were attracting participants from different communities, and became hot topics on Tianya.cn. Moreover, the crossover and overlap rates of holiday-related topics were at their highest at that time.
Opinion AnalysisTopics about the Golden Week not only attracted considerable attention in social communities but also generated furious discussion among Sina Weibo users. Analysis about traffic jams, feedback on traffic flow and conditions, and traffic congestion suggestions are still debate topics. The most popular Weibo on Sina.com comes from Daokui Li, a professor from Tsinghua University who asked, “Why not increase the highway toll by 50 percent and give this money to welfare institutions?” This caused immediate and enormous attention. As shown in Figure 4, we constructed a dynamic network to illustrate how holiday-related topics evolved and grew on social networks and thus study their dynamic evolution characteristics.
The growth process is similar to that of the topic evolution we discussed previously, where topics analyzing traffic conditions and providing feedback on the policy were the most critical. Many online users gave suggestions for improving traffic congestion, while others also put forward temporary suggestions such as “cancel the ‘pass’ card at the highway entrance,” which attracted considerable attention from online users. We extracted various relevant suggestions, analysis, and viewpoints and classified them in accordance with their helpfulness as regards traffic congestion (see Figure 5) //au: where in the text should Figure 4 be called out? Added//.
Figure 4. A dynamic Sina Weibo network. The nodes represent the participants in policy feedback topic threads; lines between nodes represents the reply and reposting relationship between different users; and node color represents the time period during which the information was posted: the earlier the post, the darker the node.
Figure 5. Categories of suggestions, analysis, and viewpoints. We classified this feedback according to its helpfulness as regards traffic congestion.
Traffic Flow Information from Social MediaSocial media can also forecast the geographic distribution of potential tourists. We did considerable data mining work on several communities; analyzed the travel-related topics that emerged online from 1 to 30 September in those communities; and extracted online users’ attributes and their published content to study potential travelers’ geographic distribution features.
We studied the data in detail and categorized it in accordance with its geographic distribution. Simultaneously, we gathered travelers’ geographic distributions and the proportional relationships between travel-related topics from 2011 and 2012 (see Figure 6). More importantly, as our analysis indicates, the geographic distribution features of different provinces reflect road travelers’ potential distribution as well. We can also get each region’s growth proportion in accordance with last year’s travel-related topics and participants. Thus, we can use our analysis to strengthen the accuracy of geographic distribution forecasts as compared to real-world traffic conditions. In the future, besides looking at the number of tourists, we will deploy text mining technologies3 to travel-related content mining from social media, and to identify tourists’ time of departure, origin, and destination. This data is key for traffic-flow forecasts. With the increase in those using social media while traveling, this method could let users obtain more detailed and useful data for traffic management. For example, travelers could access information about traffic emergencies (such as subway crashes or floods) from social media in real time.
Figure 6. The geographic distribution of traffic flow on social media. This chart includes data from 298 online communities, 1,842 travel-related topics, and 42,232 posted messages from autohome.com.cn.
Social media plays an increasingly important role in our lives.4 Here, we’ve used social network analysis5 methods to analyze online topic evolution for traffic management. Our results could potentially support government decisions and help officials more efficiently manage traffic. Social media has obvious advantages during traffic emergencies—compared to wireless sensors, for example, it isn’t limited by information sources and can get different types of online data, such as videos or pictures. Compared to traditional media, social media is more flexible and more applicable to road emergency management and traffic dispersion.
1. J. Zhang et al., “Data-Driven Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Survey,” IEEE Trans. Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 12, no. 4, 2011, pp. 1624-1639.
2. F. Qu, F.-Y. Wang, and L. Yang, “Intelligent Transportation Spaces: Vehicles, Traffic, Communications, and Beyond,” IEEE Comm., vol. 48, no. 11, 2010, pp. 136-142.
3. K. Lerman, “Social Information Processing in News Aggregation,” IEEE Internet Computing, vol. 11, no. 6, 2007, pp. 16-28.
4. J. Sutton, L. Palen, and I. Shklovsk, “Backchannels on the Front Lines: Emergent Uses of Social Media in the 2007 Southern California Wildfires,” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management(ISCRAM), Captus Press Inc. (Eds. F. Fiedrich and B. Van de Walle), 2008, pp.624-632.
5. F.-Y. Wang et al., “Social Computing: From Social Informatics to Social Intelligence,” IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 22, no. 4, 2007, pp. 79-83.
Ke Zeng is a PhD student in the School of Electronic and Information Engineering at Xi’an Jiaotong University, China. Contact him at ke.zeng@live.cn.
Wenli Liu is a PhD student in the Center of Military Computational Experiments and Parallel Systems Technology, National University of Defense Technology, China. Contact him at lwl_david@163.com.
Xiao Wang is a PhD candidate at the State Key Laboratory of Management and Control for Complex Systems, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Contact her at kara0807@gmail.com.
Songhang Chen is a PhD student at the State Key Laboratory of Management and Control for Complex Systems, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Contact him at chensohg@gmail.com.
Research on social media has been applied to various academic fields. During this year’s Chinese National Holiday traffic congestion event, online users showed great enthusiasm on social media, such as forums, Weibo, communities, and other platforms. This article describes the construction of a dynamic evolution network, analyzes the transformation of online users’ concentration, and studies the geographic distribution of travelers by analyzing online users’ attributes.
social media, Chinese National Holiday, traffic congestion, online forums, Weibo, dynamic evolution network
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