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《AI 3.0》美拉尼·密歇尔(著) 中文版序

已有 3162 次阅读 2021-2-12 21:04 |个人分类:论文交流|系统分类:论文交流

《AI 3.0》美拉尼·密歇尔(著) 中文版序


It is very exciting for me to have my book published in Chinese.  I have long felt a strong kinship with the Chinese people and language. In the late 1980s, I had the opportunity to spend some time at Peking University, learning some Chinese and interacting with the team of people creating a Chinese translation of Gödel, Escher, Bach, a famous book by my PhD advisor, Douglas Hofstadter.  Translating Hofstadter's book into Chinese was an enormously ambitious project, in part due to the complexity of rendering the book's ubiquitous English word play into equally playful Chinese, and I was in awe of the creativity of the translation team in carrying this out.


In 2019, Professor Fei-Yue Wang of the Chinese Academy of Sciences visited me in my office in Portland, Oregon. I was very happy to learn that Professor Wang, a distinguished AI researcher, was coordinating the Chinese translation of my book.  We discussed how translating my book into Chinese would also be a complicated undertaking, especially the chapters that focus on AI approaches to natural language processing, which discuss many subtle points about nature of language itself.  I am thrilled with the ability of the translators who have faithfully captured the content and spirit of my English text into Chinese.


Some readers of this book may have also read the Chinese translation of my previous book, Complexity: A Guided Tour, and might wonder about the relation between the two books. The Complexity book was a broad survey of the science of Complex Systems—the study of how complex behavior arises from the interaction among relatively simple components, with examples ranging from genetic networks and insect colonies to human intelligence and society.  The book you are reading now focuses less broadly but more deeply on some of the most difficult questions of complexity science: What is the nature of intelligence? How are researchers attempting to create intelligent machines? How do we judge their success? And how far are today’s machines from actually being able to understand the world as humans do? 

本书的一些读者可能读过我之前出版的一本书的中文译本,《复杂(Complexity: A Guided Tour)》,并且可能会想知道两本书之间的关系。《复杂》这本书是对复杂系统科学—关于复杂行为如何从相对简单的组件中产生—的一个广泛调查。而您正在阅读的这本书,关注的少了一些宽度但是更深度地聚焦于复杂科学中的一些最难的问题:智能的本质是什么?研究者们如何试着来创建智能机器?我们如何评判他们的成功?今天的机器距离真正像人一样来理解世界还有多远?

This book is meant to be accessible to anyone.  You don't have to know any computer science or mathematics to read it; the only requirement is an interest in learning about how today’s AI works, how it is applied, and how far it has to go before we can honestly call it “intelligent”.  This book is one among many recent books about AI, but I believe that it is the only book that explains in a deep but accessible way how current AI methods actually work, what they have achieved, what limitations they have, and what central properties of human cognition still remain outside the abilities of all modern AI approaches.  Understanding these factors is essential for all of us, as citizens, to know the extent to which we can trust the AI applications that are increasingly impacting all of our lives.  I hope that you, the reader, find the journey through this book enlightening and that it helps you appreciate both how far AI has come and the distance that remains for it to go.


Melanie Mitchell


Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA


October, 2020



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