程京德(Jingde Cheng)的博 ...分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/JingdeCheng 相关逻辑,软件工程,知识工程,信息安全性工程;自强不息,厚德载物。



已有 3032 次阅读 2017-6-16 09:19 |个人分类:信息安全性工程|系统分类:论文交流



这是本人 2008 年和 2009 年的两篇论文,开创了“信息安全性工程环境”这一新研究方向,是笔者研究室在这一研究方向上所有工作的初始基础。现将两篇论文存放于此,一方面留作保存记录,另一方面提供给听课学生和有兴趣者获取。


ISA08 论文: 确保信息系统安全性的本质困难在于,攻击者是能够日复一日地获取知识和技能的活跃的人,可以始终以新技术持续攻击目标信息系统。因此,具有高度安全性要求的信息系统的设计人员、开发人员、用户和维护者都需要对其任务的持续支持以期保护系统免受攻击者之害。然而,到目前为止,还没有为此目的提出过任何系统的方法论。基于我们的思考,系统设计人员、开发人员、用户和维护者的持续支持只能通过标准的、形式的和一致的方法来提供,本文提出安全性工程环境的新概念,并展示一个我们正在基于 ISO/IEC 信息安全性标准开发的真正的安全性工程环境,以便为具有高度安全性要求的信息系统的设计人员、开发人员、用户和维护者的设计、开发、操作和维护工作提供标准的、形式的和一致的支持。

J. Cheng, Y. Goto, S. Morimoto,and D. Horie, “A Security Engineering Environment Based on ISO/IEC Standards: Providing Standard, Formal, and Consistent Supports for Design, Development, Operation, and Maintenance of Secure Information Systems,” Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Security and Assurance, pp.350-354, Busan, Korea, IEEE Computer Society Press, April 2008.

Abstract:“An intrinsic difficulty in ensuring security of information systems is that assailants (crackers) are active persons who can get knowledge and skills day after day and then continuously attack target information systems always with new techniques. Therefore, designers, developers, users, and maintainers of information systems with high security requirements need continuous supports for their tasks to protect the systems from assailants.  However, until now, there is no systematic methodology proposed for this purpose.  Based on our consideration that the continuous supports for system designers, developers, users, and maintainers only can be provided by a standard, formal, and consistent methodology, this paper proposes the new concept of security engineering environment and presents a real security engineering environment we are developing based on ISO/IEC information security standards in order to provide designers, developers, users, and maintainers with standard, formal, and consistent supports for design, development, operation, and maintenance of information systems with high security requirements.”


SECRYPT09 论文: 安全性工程具有与软件(可靠性)工程在本质上不同的一些特性。传统的软件工程环境在设计、开发、管理和维护安全的软件系统方面是不够充分和有效的。 本文介绍了 ISEE,我们正在开发的信息安全性工程环境,它集成了各种工具,并提供全面的功能,以持续不间断地支持信息/软件系统安全性功能的设计、开发、管理和维护,并指导和帮助所有用户可以严格地遵照 ISO/IEC 安全性标准来执行任务。 本文介绍了 ISEE 开发的基本思想、ISEE 的基本要求和 ISEE 的设计。 ISEE 是第一个真正的信息安全工程环境。

J. Cheng, Y. Goto, and D. Horie,“ISEE: An Information Security Engineering Environment,” Proceedings of International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pp. 395-400, Milan, Italy, INSTICC Press, July 2009.

Abstract:“Security Engineering has some features that are intrinsically different from Software (Reliability) Engineering.  Traditional software engineering environments are not adequate and effective for designing, developing, managing,and maintaining secure software systems. This position paper presents ISEE, an information security engineering environment we are developing, that integrates various tools and provides comprehensive facilities to support design, development, management, and maintenance of security facilities of information/software systems continuously and consistently, and guides and helps all users to perform their tasks regularly according to ISO/IEC security standards. The paper presents the basic ideas on development of ISEE, basic requirements for ISEE, and a design of ISEE.  ISEE is the first real information security engineering environment.”



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