20世纪50年代至70年代,伊利诺斯大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign—UIUC)的古植物学教学和科研非常辉煌,突出表现在:该校的煤核植物化石研究之实力非常雄厚,培养了很多古植物学人才。
美国古植物学家、古生态学家William Anthony DiMichele分别于1976年和1979年在UIUC获得硕士和博士学位。
William A. DiMichele供职于史密森研究院(Smithsonian Institution)的美国国家自然历史博物馆古生物部(National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC)。
1994年,William A. DiMichele服务美国植物学会古植物学分会,担任主席。参见:
Former Section Officers, Paleobotanical Section, Botanical Society of America
Year | Meeting Location | Month Elected | Chairperson | Secretary /Treasurer | Editor/compiler Bibliography | Web Manager | Editorial Rep. Amer. J. Bot. |
1994 | Knoxville | 8/93 | W. DiMichele | C.P. Daghlian | S. Manchester |
William Anthony DiMichele, Ph.D. University of Illinoisat Urbana-Champaign, 1979
∮1 教育背景(Education)
1974: B.S. Drexel University;
1976: M.S. University of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign;
1979: Ph.D. University of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign.
William A. DiMichele的博士论文基本信息:
Title: Arborescent lycopods of Pennsylvanian Agecoal swamps : morphology, evolution and paleoecology / by William AnthonyDiMichele.
Main Author: DiMichele,William Anthony, 1951-
Published: 1979
Physical Description: x, 254 leaves : ill. ;29 cm.
Includes: Bibliography: leaves 239-252.
Thesis/Dissertation: Thesis(Ph.D.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1979.
Notes: Typescript.
∮2 研究兴趣 (Research interests)
∮3 部分论著 (Publications)[见附录]
William A. DiMichele博士著述很多。
William A. DiMichele
Story of Paleobotany Series (No.372) [The 373rd issue in total]
铁打的营盘 VS 流水的兵: Paleobotany vs Paleobotanist
Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.228) [The 229thissue intotal]
Umbrella of American palaeobotany--1: An unfinished list of American palaeobotanists
2014-9-10 05:45
Story of PaleobotanySeries (No.370) [The 371st issue in total]
Umbrella of American paleobotany-129-
Open the Umbrella of American paleobotany--撑开美国古植物学之伞
2015-7-1 00:02
Umbrella of American palaeobotany—63:
Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.255) [The 256thissue in total]
A historical perspective of the palaeobotany of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign--UIUC
2014-12-12 08:42
Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.265) [The 266thissue in total]
Umbrella of American palaeobotany—71:
玩“虎石子”--煤核(Coal ball)的人
----美国科学院院士Tom L. Phillips
American palaeobotanist--Tom L. Phillips
Story of PaleobotanySeries (No.377) [The 378th issue in total]
Umbrella of Americanpaleobotany-134-
Panoramic perspectives on the history of coal-ball studies in America
2015-7-18 00:35
附录:William Anthony DiMichele的部分论著目录
DiMichele,William A. 2015. A compositionally unique voltzian conifer-callipterid florafrom a carbonate-filled channel, Lower Permian, Robledo Mountains, New Mexico,and its broader significance, New Mexico Museum of Natural History andScience Bulletin, 65():123-128
Rinehart, Larry F., Lucas, Spencer G., Tanner, Lawrence, John Nelson, W.,Elrick, Scott D., Chaney, Dan S. and DiMichele, William A. 2015. Plantarchitecture and spatial structure of an early Permian woodland buried by floodwaters, Sangre de Cristo Formation, New Mexico, Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 424:91-110
Gibling, M. R., Davies, N. S., Falcon-Lang, H., Bashforth , A. R., DiMichele,William A., Rygel, M. C. and Ielpi, A. 2014. Palaeozoicco-evolution of rivers and vegetation: a synthesis of current knowledge, Proceedingsof the Geologists' Association, 125(5-6):524-533
Moore, Lillien C., Wittry, Jack and DiMichele, William A. 2014. TheOkmulgee, Oklahoma fossil flora, a Mazon Creek equivalent: Spatial conservatismin the composition of Middle Pennsylvanian wetland vegetation over 1100 km,Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 200:24-52
DiMichele, William A. 2014. Wetland-DrylandVegetational Dynamics in the Pennsylvanian Ice Age Tropics, InternationalJournal of Plant Sciences, 175(2):123-164
Cecil, C. B., DiMichele, William A. and Elrick, Scott D. 2014. Middle andLate Pennsylvanian cyclothems, American Midcontinent: Ice-age environmentalchanges and terrestrial biotic dynamics, Comptes Rendus Geoscience,346(7-8):159-168
Looy, Cindy V., Kerp, Hans, Duijnstee, Ivo A. P. and DiMichele, William A.2014. Thelate Paleozoic ecological-evolutionary laboratory, a land-plant fossil recordperspective, The Sedimentary Record, 12(4):4-10
Lucas, Spencer G., Lerner, Allan J., DiMichele, William A., Cantrell, AmandaK., Suazo, Thomas L. and Chaney, Dan S. 2014. "Geology of the SacramentoMountains Region". Pp. 311-314 in Xiphosurid fossils from thePennsylvanian Beeman formation, Otero County, New Mexico ().
DiMichele, William A., Cecil, C. B., Chaney, D. S., Elrick, S. D. and Nelson,W. J. 2014. "Fossil floras from the Pennsylvanian-Permian Cutler Group ofsoutheastern Utah". Pp. 491-504 in Geology of Utah's Far South ().
DiMichele, William A., Elrick, Scott D. and Bateman, Richard M. 2013. Growthhabit of the late Paleozoic rhizomorphic tree-lycopsid family Diaphorodendraceae:Phylogenetic, evolutionary, and paleoecological significance, AmericanJournal of Botany, 100(8):1604-1625
DiMichele, William A., Chaney, Dan S., Lucas, Spencer G., Kerp, Hans and Voigt,Sebastian. 2013. Flora of the Lower Permian Abo Formation redbeds, westernequatorial Pangea, New Mexico, New Mexico Museum of Natural History andScience, Bulletin, 59:265-288
DiMichele, William A., Wagner, Robert H., Bashforth, Arden R. andÁlvarez-Vázquez, Carmen. 2013. An updateon the flora of the Kinney Quarry of Central New Mexico (Upper Pennsylvanian),its preservational and environmental significance, New Mexico Museum ofNatural History and Science, Bulletin, 59:289-325
Lucas, Spencer G., Nelson, W. J., DiMichele, William A., Krainer, Karl,Barrick, James E., Voigt, Sebastian, Chaney, Dan S., Elrick, Scott andSpielmann, Justin A. 2013. Field guideto the Carboniferous-Permian transition in the Cerros de Amado and vicinity,Socorro County, Central New Mexico, New Mexico Museum of Natural Historyand Science, Bulletin, 59:39-76
Tabor, Neil J., DiMichele, William A., Montañez, Isabel P. and Chaney, Dan S.2013. LatePaleozoic continental warming of a cold tropical basin and floristic change inwestern Pangea, International Journal of Coal Geology, 119:177-186
Tabor, Neil J., Romanchock, Charles M., Looy, Cynthia V., Hotton, Carol L.,DiMichele, William A. and Chaney, Dan S. 2013. Conservatismof Late Pennsylvanian vegetational patterns during short-term cyclic andlong-term directional environmental change, western equatorial Pangea, GeologicalSociety, London, Special Publications, 376:201-234
DiMichele, William A., Kerp, Hans, Sirmons, Roberta, Fedorko, Nick, Skema,Viktoras, Blake, Bascombe M., Jr. and Cecil, C. B. 2013. Callipteridpeltasperms of the Dunkard Group, Central Appalachian Basin, InternationalJournal of Coal Geology, 119:56-78
O'Keefe, Jennifer M. K., Bechtel, Achim, Christanis, Kimon, Dai, Shifeng,DiMichele, William A., Eble, Cortland F., Esterle, Joan S., Mastalerz, Maria,Raymond, Anne L., Valentim, Bruno V., Wagner, Nicola J., Ward, Colin R. andHower, James C. 2013. On the fundamental difference between coal rank and coal type,International Journal of Coal Geology, 118:58-87
Lucas, Spencer G., Krainer, Karl, Chaney, Dan S., DiMichele, William A., Voigt,Sebastian, Berman, David S. and Henrici, Amy C. 2013. The LowerPermian Abo Formation in Central New Mexico, New Mexico Museum ofNatural History and Science, Bulletin, 59:161-180
Stull, Gregory W., Labandeira, Conrad C., Dimichele, William A. and Chaney, DanS. 2013. The"Seeds" on Padgettia readi are Insect Galls: Reassignment of thePlant to Odontopteris, the Gall to Ovofoligallites N. Gen., and theEvolutionary Implications Thereof, Journal of Paleontology,87(2):217-231
Lucas, S. G., Krainer, K., Chaney, Dan S., DiMichele, William A., Voigt, S.,Berman, D. S. and Henrici, A. C. 2012. "The Lower Permian Abo Formation inthe Fra Cristobal and Caballo Mountains, Sierra County, New Mexico". Pp.345-376 in Geology of the Warm Springs Region: New Mexico Geological Society63rd Annual Field Conference Guidebook (Lucas, S. G., McLemore, V. T., Lueth,V. W., Spielmann, J. A. and Krainer, K.). New Mexico Geological Society
Horton, Daniel E., Poulsen, Christopher J., Montañez, Isabel P. and DiMichele,William A. 2012. Eccentricity-paced late Paleozoic climate change, Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 331-332:150-161
Bashforth, Arden R. and DiMichele, William A. 2012. PermianCoal Forest Offers a Glimpse of Late Paleozoic Ecology, Proceedings ofthe National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,109(13):4717-4718
DiMichele, William A., Lucas, Spencer G. and Krainer, Karl. 2012. VertebrateTrackways Among a Stand of Supaia White Plants on An Early PermianFloodplain, New Mexico, Journal of Paleontology, 86(4):584-594
Lucas, Spencer G., Harris, Susan K., Spielmann, Justin A., Berman, David S.,Henrici, Amy C., Krainer, Karl, Rinehart, Larry F., Dimichele, William A.,Chaney, Dan S. and Kerp, Hans. 2012. Lithostratigraphy,Paleontology, Biostratigraphy, and Age of the Upper Paleozoic Abo FormationNear Jemez Springs, Northern New Mexico, Usa, Annals of Carnegie Museum,80(4):323-350
Stull, Gregory W., DiMichele, William A., Falcon-Lang, Howard, Nelson, W. Johnand Elrick, Scott. 2012. Palaeoecology of Macroneuropteris scheuchzeri, and itsimplications for resolving the paradox of 'xeromorphic' plants in Pennsylvanianwetlands, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology,331-332:162-176
DiMichele, William A. and Falcon-Lang, Howard. 2012. Calamitalean"pith casts" reconsidered, Review of Palaeobotany andPalynology, 173
DiMichele, William A. and Falcon-Lang, Howard J. 2011. Pennsylvanian'fossil forests' in growth position (T0 assemblages): origin,taphonomic bias and palaeoecological insights, Journal of the GeologicalSociety, 168(2):585-605
Lucas, Spencer G., Allen, Bruce D., Krainer, Karl, Barrick, James, Vachard,Daniel, Schneider, Joerg W., DiMichele, William A. and Bashforth, Arden R.2011. Preciseage and biostratigraphic significance of the Kinney Brick Quarry Lagerstatte,Pennsylvanian of New Mexico, USA, Stratigraphy, 8(1):7-27
Falcon-Lang, Howard J., Heckel, Philip H., Dimichele, William A., Blake,Bascombe M., Easterday, Cary R., Eble, Cortland F., Elrick, Scott, Gastaldo,Robert A., Greb, Stephen F., Martino, Ronald L., Nelson, W. John, Pfefferkorn,Hermann W., Phillips, Tom L. and Rosscoe, Steven J. 2011. Reply: no major stratigraphicgap exists near the middle–upper Pennsylvanian (Desmoinesian–Missourian)boundary in North America: Palaios, v. 26, no. 3, p. 125–139, 2011, Palaios,26(10):671-671
Falcon-Lang, Howard J., Heckel, Philip H., DiMichele, William A., Blake,Bascombe M., Easterday, Cary R., Eble, Cortland F., Elrick, Scott, Gastaldo,Robert A., Greb, Stephen F., Martino, Ronald L., Nelson, W. John, Pfefferkorn,Hermann W., Phillips, Tom L. and Rosscoe, Steven J. 2011. No MajorStratigraphic Gap Exists Near the Middle-Upper Pennsylvanian(Desmoinesian-Missourian) Boundary in North America, Palaios,26(3):125-139
DiMichele, William A., Skema, Vik and Harper, John A. 2011. "Pleasant HillGap". Pp. 168-173 in Geology of the Pennsylvanian-Permian in the Dunkardbasin. Guidebook, 76th Annual Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists(Harper, John A.). Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists, Inc
DiMichele, William A., Blake, Bascomb M., Cecil, C. B., Fedorko, Nick, Kerp,Hans and Skema, Viktoras. 2011. "Callipterids of the Dunkard Group of theAppalachian Basin: Their identity and paleoenvironmental significance".Pp. 144-167 in Geology of the Pennsylvanian-Permian in the Dunkard Basin.Guidebook for the 76th Annual Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists(Harper, John A.). Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists, Inc.
DiMichele, William A., Cecil, C. B., Chaney, Dan S., Elrick, Scott D., Lucas,Spencer G., Lupia, Richard, Nelson, W. J. and Tabor, Neil J. 2011."Pennsylvanian-Permian vegetational changes in tropical Euramerica".Pp. 60-102 in Geology of the Pennsylvanian-Permian in the Dunkard Basin.Guidebook for the 76th Annual Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists(Harper, John A.). Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists, Inc.
Cecil, C. B., DiMichele, William A., Fedorko, Nick and Skema, Viktoras. 2011."Autocyclic and allocyclic controls on the origin of the DunkardGroup". Pp. 26-45 in Geology of the Pennsylvanian-Permian in the DunkardBasin. Guidebook for the 76th Annual Field Conference of PennsylvaniaGeologists (Harper, John A.). Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists, Inc
DiMichele, William A., Looy, Cindy V. and Chaney, Dan S. 2011. A New Genusof Gigantopterid from the Middle Permian of the United States and China and itsRelevance to the Gigantopterid Concept, International journal of plantsciences, 172(1):107-119
Green, Walton A., Hunt, Gene, Wing, Scott L. and DiMichele, William A. 2011. Does extinctionwield an axe or pruning shears? How interactions between phylogeny and ecologyaffect patterns of extinction, Paleobiology, 37(1):72-91
Falcon-Lang, Howard J., Jud, Nathan A., Nelson, W. John, DiMichele, William A.,Chaney, Dan S. and Lucas, Spencer G. 2011. Pennsylvanianconiferopsid forests in sabkha facies reveal the nature of seasonal tropicalbiome, Geology, 39(4):371-374
DiMichele, William A., Cecil, C. Blaine, Montañez, Isabel P. and Falcon-Lang,Howard J. 2010. Cyclic changes in Pennsylvanian paleoclimate and effects onfloristic dynamics in tropical Pangaea, International Journal of CoalGeology, 83(2-3):329-344
DiMichele, William A., Chaney, Dan S., Kerp, Hans and Lucas, Spencer G. 2010. LatePennsylvanian floras in Western Equatorial Pangea, Cañon del Cobre, New Mexico,New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 49:75-113
Falcon-Lang, Howard J. and DiMichele, William A. 2010. Whathappened to the coal forests during pennsylvanian glacial phases?, Palaios,25(9):611-617
Lerner, A. J., Lucas, Spencer G., Spielmann, J. A., Krainer, K., DiMichele,William A., Chaney, Dan S., Schneider, J. W., Nelson, W. John and Ivanov, AntonB. 2009. Thebiota and paleoecology of the Upper Pennsylvanian (Missourian) TinajasLocality, Socorro County, New Mexico, New Mexico Geological Society 60thField Conference Guidebook, :267-280
Lucas, Spencer G., DiMichele, William A., Krainer, K., Chaney, Dan S. andSpielmann, J. A. 2009. A coal-measure forest near Socorro, New Mexico, NewMexico Geological Society 60th Field Conference Guidebook, :235-242
Falcon-Lang, H., DiMichele, William A., Elrick, S. and Nelson, W. J. 2009. Going underground:in search of Carboniferous coal forests, Geology Today, 25:181-184
Chaney, Dan S., Mamay, Serguis H., DiMichele, William A. and Kerp, Hans. 2009. Auritifoliagen. nov., Probable Seed Plant Foliage with Comioid Affinities from the EarlyPermian of Texas, U.S.A, International journal of plant sciences,170(2):247-266
Mamay, Serguis H., Chaney, Dan S. and DiMichele, William A. 2009. Comia,a seed plant possibly of peltaspermous affinity: a brief review of the genusand description of two new species from the Early Permian (Artinskian) ofTexas, C. greggii sp. nov. and C. craddockii sp. nov, Internationaljournal of plant sciences, 170(2):267-282
DiMichele, William A., Nelson, W. John, Elrick, Scott and Ames, Philip R. 2009.CatastrophicallyBuried Middle Pennsylvanian Sigillaria and Calamitean Sphenopsids from Indiana,Usa: what Kind of Vegetation was This?, Palaios, 24(3):159-166
Falcon-Lang, Howard J., Nelson, W. John, Elrick, Scott, Looy, Cindy V., Ames,Philip R. and DiMichele, William A. 2009. Incisedchannel fills containing conifers indicate that seasonally dry vegetationdominated Pennsylvanian tropical lowlands, Geology, 37(10):923-926
Bennington, J. B., DiMichele, William A., Badgley, Catherine, Bambach, RichardK., Barrett, Paul M., Behrensmeyer, Anna K., Bobe, Rene, Burnham, Robyn J.,Daeschler, Edward B., Van Dam, Jan, Eronen, Jussi T., Erwin, Douglas H.,Finnegan, Seth, Holland, Steven M., Hunt, Gene, Jablonski, David, Jackson,Stephen T., Jacobs, Bonnie E., Kidwell, Susan M., Koch, Paul L., Kowalewski,Michal J., Labandeira, Conrad C., Looy, Cindy V., Lyons, Sara K.,Novack-Gottshall, Philip M., et al. 2009. CriticalIssues of Scale in Paleoecology, Palaios, 24(1-2):1-4
DiMichele, William A., Montañez, I. P., Poulsen, C. J. and Tabor, Neil J. 2009.Climateand vegetational regime shifts in the late Paleozoic ice age earth, Geobiology,7(2):200-226
DiMichele, William A. 2008. Plants as aforce of nature, Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 23(2):60-61
DiMichele, William A., Kerp, Hans, Tabor, Neil J. and Looy, Cynthia V. 2008. Theso-called "Paleophytic-Mesophytic" transition in equatorial Pangea:Multiple Biomes and Vegetational Tracking of Climate Change through GeologicalTime, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology,268(3-4):152-163
DiMichele, William A. and Gastaldo, R. A. 2008. Plantpaleoecology in deep time, Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden,95:144-198
Pfefferkorn, H. W., Gastaldo, R. A., DiMichele, William A. and Philips, T. L.2008. Pennsylvaniantropical floras of the United States as a record of changing climate, SpecialPapers / Geological Society of America, 441:305-316
DiMichele, William A., Chaney, Dan S., Nelson, W. J., Lucas, Spencer G., Looy,C. V., Quick, K. and Jun, Wang. 2007. A lowdiversity, seasonal tropical landscape dominated by conifers and peltasperms:Early Permian Abo Formation, New Mexico, Review of Palaeobotany andPalynology, 145:249-273
Montañez, I. P., Tabor, N. J., Niemeier, D., DiMichele, William A., Frank, T.D., Fielding, C. R. and Isbell, J. L. 2007. CO2-forcedclimate and vegetation instability during Late Paleozoic deglaciation, Science,315:87-91
DiMichele, William A., Falcon-Lang, H. J., Nelson, W. J., Elrick, S. D. andAmes, P. R. 2007. Ecological gradients within a Pennsylvanian mire forest, Geology,35(5):415-418
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