

Russian palaeobotany苏联拔尖古植物学家Sergei V. Meyen

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   Russian palaeoobtany

   苏联著名古植物学家Sergei V.  Meyen(1935—1987)1935年出生于莫斯科。他在少年时代就对古生物学产生了浓厚的兴趣。

   (The above pictue is cited from T.N. Taylor et al., 2009, p.642) 

       1958年,Sergei V.  Meyen毕业莫斯科大学。随后,他开始供职于苏联科学院地质研究所(莫斯科),跟随M. F.Neuburg专攻晚古生代植物。

        1987年,Sergei V.  Meyen病逝,享年52岁。


        1969年,Sergei V.  Meyen提交了他的博士学位论文,主要开展了欧亚石炭纪和二叠纪植物群的对比分析。


    Sergei V.  Meyen出版了一本古植物学教科书,他亲自绘制插图。

Meyen, Sergei V. 1987. Fundamentals of Palaeobotany.London: Chapman and Hall.


    Sergei V.  Meyen还思考、探讨一些理论性的问题。参见:

Analysis of Meyen's Typological Concept of Time

Meyen S.V. 1974. Aboutcorrelation between nomogenetic and tychogenetic aspects of evolution. Zhurnalobshchei biologii (Journal of general biology), 35: 353-364 (in Russian).
Meyen S.V. 1977. Taxonomy and meronomy. In: Methodological problems ingeological sciences. Kiev, p. 36-33 (in Russian).
Meyen S.V. 1978. Principal aspects of organism typology. Zhurnal obshcheibiologii (Journal of general biology), 39: 495-508 (in Russian).
Meyen S.V. 1982. Methodology of the study of temporal relations in geology. In:Development of time concept in geology, Naukova Dumka, Kiev, p.361-381 (inRussian).
Meyen S.V. 1983. The notion of time and typology of objects (in geology andbiology, as an example). In: Dialectics in sciences about nature and man.Moscow, p. 311-317 (in Russian).
Meyen S.V. 1984. The principles of historic reconstructions in biology. In:Systemness and Evolution. Moscow, p. 7-32 (in Russian).
Meyen S.V. and Schreider J.A. 1976. Methodological aspects of classificationtheory. Voprosy filisofii (Problems of philosophy), N12: 67-79 (in Russian).


1979—1987年,Sergei V.  Meyen担任国际古植物学协会副主席。


Meyen's publications  of palaeobotany

Meyen, S. V., 1964. On morphology,anatomy and nomenclature of the Angaro-Gondwana genus Noeggerathiopsis. In:Gondwana (ed. V. A. Vakhrameev), Nauka, Moscow (in Russian, English summary).

Meyen, S. V., 1965. On classification ofdispersed cuticles. Palaeontol. Zhurn., 4:75—87 (in Russian)

Meyen, S. V., 1966. Cordaiteans of theUpper Palaeozoic of North Eurasia (morphology, epidermal structure, systematicsand stratigraphical significance). Trudy Geol. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 150:1—184 (in Russian)

Meyen, S. V., 1969. Comparativehistorical analysis of the Carboniferous and Permian floras of Eurasia,Abstract of Thesis, Moscow (in Russian)

Meyen, S. V., 1969. New data onrelationship between Angara and Gondwana Late Palaeozoic floras. In: GondwanaStratigraphy IUGS Symp., Buenos Aires, 1967, UNESCO, Paris, pp.141—157.

Meyen, S. V., 1969. New genera Entsoviaand Slivkovia from the Permian deposits of the Russian platform and Fore-Urals.Paleontol. Zhurn., 4:93—100 (in Russian)

Meyen, S. V.,  1970.Epidermisuntersuchungern an permischen Landpflanzen des Angaragebietes. Palaontol. Abh., B3:523—552.

Meyen, S. V., 1971. Parallelism and itssignificance for the systematics of fossil plants. Geophytology, 1:34—47.

Meyen, S. V., 1971. Phyllotheca-likeplants from the Upper Palzeozoic flora of Angaraland. Palaeontographica,B133:1—33.

Meyen, S. V., 1973. Plant morphology inits nomothetical aspects. Bot. Rev., 39:205—260.

Meyen, S. V., 1973. The Permian-Triassicboundary and its relation to the Palaeophytic-Mesophyte floral boundary. Can.Soc. Petrol. Geol., Mem., 2:662—667.

Meyen, S. V., 1973. Uber die Hypotheseder Kontinentaldrift unter dem Aspekt der Palaobotanik von Karbon und Perm. Z.Geol. Wiss. Berlin, 1:415—429.

Meyen, S. V.,  1976. Carboniferous and Permian lepidophyesof Angaraland. Palaeontographica, B157:112—157.

Meyen, S. V., 1976—1978. Permianconifers of the West Angaraland and new puzzles in the coniferalean phylogeny.Palaeobotanist, 25:298—313.

Meyen, S. V., 1978. An attempt at aradical improvement of suprageneric taxonomy of fossil plants. Phyta, 1:76—86.

Meyen, S. V., 1978. Main aspects of organismtypology, Zhurn. Obshch, Biol., 39:495—508 (in Russian with English summary)

Meyen, S. V., 1978. Morphology ofpropteridophytes (‘psilophytes’). Bull. Mosk. Obshch. Ispyt. Prirody, Otd.Biol., 83(2):96—107 (in Russian with English summary)

Meyen, S. V., 1978. Nomothetical plantmorphology and the nomothetical theory of evolution: the need for cross-pollination.Acta Biotheoretica, 27 (suppl.:Folia Biotheoretica 7), 21—36

Meyen, S. V.,  1978. Systematics, phylogeny and ecology ofpropteridophytes. Bull. Mosk. Obshch. Ispyt. Prirody, Otd. Boil., 83(4): 72—84(in Russian with English summary)

Meyen, S. V., 1979. Ancestors of higherplants. Priroda, 11:40—49 (in Russia)

Meyen, S. V., 1979. Permianpredecessors of the Mesozoic pteridosperms in Western Angaraland, USSR. Rev.Palaeobot. Palynol., 28:191—201.

Meyen, S. V., 1979. The North AmericanPermian flora—an Angara palaeobotanist’s first impression. IOP Newsletter,10:9—10

Meyen, S. V.,  1981. Traces of Indian Herbs, Mysl, Moscow(in Russian)

Meyen, S. V., 1982. Gymnospermfructifications and their evolution as evidenced by paleobotany. Zhurn. Obshch.Biol., 43:303—323 (in Russian with English summary)

Meyen, S. V., 1982. The Carboniferousand Permian floras of Angaraland (a synthesis). Biol. Mem., 7:1—109

Meyen, S. V., Basi features ofgymnosperm systematics and phylogeny as shown by the fossil record. Bot. Rev.,50:1—111.

Meyen, S. V., 1984. Gamoheterotopy –aprobable process in morphological evolution of higher plants. IOP Newsletter,25:4--5

Meyen, S. V., 1985. Sphenobaiera isunder fire again. IOP Newsletter, 26:6.

Meyen, S. V., 1985. Tree weeks in palaeobotanicallaboratories in France. IOP Newsletter, 26:8—9.

Meyen, S. V., ? Permian conifers ofWestern Angaraland. Palaeontographica B.

Meyen, S. V., and gomankov, A. v., 1980.Peltaspermaceous pteridosperms of the genus Tararina. Paleontol. Zhurn., 2:116—132(in Russian)

Meyen, S. V., and Menshikova, L. v.,1983.  Systematics of the UpperPalaeozoic articulates of the family Tchernoviaceae. Bot. Zhurn., 68:721—729(in Russian with English summary)

Meyen, S. V., and Smoller, H.g., ? Thegenus Mostotchkia Chachlov (Upper Palaeozoic of Angaraland) and its bearing onthe characteristics of the order Dicranophyllales (Pinopsida). Rev.Palaeobotany and Palynology

Meyen, S. V., and Traverse, A., 1979.Remove ‘Form-genus’ too! Taxon, 28:595--598

6 相关阅读

A.V. Gomankov (1987), in: IOPNewsletter 33 (PDF file). Scroll to page 10: "Obituary": SergeiViktorovich Meyen (1935-1987).
See also "Letters of Appreciation of the late S.V. Meyen". Goto:
IOPNewsletter 38 (PDF file). Scroll to PDF page 12.



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Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.301)[The 302nd issue in total]

苏联拔尖古植物学家Sergei V. Meyen(1935—1987)

Sergei V. Meyen(1935—1987) was one of top palaeobotanists in U.S.S.R.


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