痴迷南极的英国古植物学家Jane E. Francis教授
英国古植物学家Jane E. Francis教授曾跟随William Gilbert Chaloner教授 (FRS,1928--)从事博士后研究。Francis教授现任英国南极调查局局长。之前,她主要供职于ThebUniversity of Leeds。
(1) Education and Academic Career
Francis received her degree in Geology at the University of Southampton in 1979. Sheremained at Southampton until 1982 as a NERC research studentin Biology/Geology. From here she continued on as a NERC post doctorateresearch fellow for two years, until 1984, at BedfordCollege, University of London.
Her career began with a position as Palaeobotanist to theBritish Antarctic Survey, from 1984-1986.This was followed by five years as a Post Doctorate Research Associate at theUniversity of Adelaide. In 1991 she was accepted a position as a lecturer inthe Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Leeds. She was promotedto Senior Lecturer in 1996 and to Professor of Palaeoclimatology in 2004.[2] On October 1, 2013 Professor Francis took up her presentpost as Director of BAS after the previous director, Alan Rodgers, steppeddown.[3]
(2) Research speciality
Professor Jane Francis’principal research interests are palaeoclimatology and palaeobotany. Shespecialise in the study of fossil plants, especially woods, and their use astools for climate interpretation and information about past biodiversity. Hercurrent work focuses on understanding past climate change during bothgreenhouse and icehouse periods, particularly in the polar regions, the areason Earth most sensitive to climate change.
(3) Awards
Polar Medal 2002. For 'outstanding contribution to British polar research'. Presented by H.M. Queen, March 2002. http://reporter.leeds.ac.uk/480/honours.htm
President's Award from the Palaeontological Society
NSF (US) Antarctic Service Medal and US Navy Antarctic medal
Workplace Achievement Award. BBC 'eve' magazine, sponsored by Nivea.
Women of the Year Lunch/assembly participant 2002. WOYLA is a special assembly that celebrates the achievements of women.
(4) Publications
Frakes, L.A., Francis, J.E. and Syktus, J.I. 1992 Climate Modes of the Phanerozoic. Cambridge University Press, 274pp.
Francis, J. E. and Wignall, P. book in progress. Earth's Ancient Climates, Blackwells.
Refereed chapters in books
Francis, J.E. 1986. The calcareous paleosols of the basal Purbeck Formation (Upper Jurassic), southern England. In: Wright, V.P. (Ed.) Paleosols: their recognition and interpretation. Blackwells Scientific Publications, Oxford. 112-138.
Francis, J.E. 1987. Growth rings in Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous fossil wood from southern England and their palaeoclimatic significance. In: Ward, R.G. (Ed.) Applications of Tree-Ring Studies. British Archaeological Report Series 333, 21-36.
Creber, G.T. and Francis, J.E. 1987. Productivity in fossil forests. In: Jacoby, G.C. (Ed). Proceedings of the International Symposium on Ecological Aspects of Tree-ring Analysis. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Washington, D.C. 319-326.
Frakes, L.A. and Francis, J.E. 1990. Cretaceous climates. In: Ginsburg, R. N. and Beaudoin, B. (Eds.) Cretaceous Resources, Events and Rhythms. NATO ASI Series C, vol. 304. Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. 273-287.
Francis, J.E. (1991). The dynamics of polar fossil forests: Tertiary fossil forests of Axel Heiberg Island, Canadian Arctic. In: Christie, R.L. and McMillan, N.J. (Eds.) Fossil Forests of Tertiary age in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 403, 29-38.
Francis, J.E. 1991. The palaeoclimatic significance of Cretaceous and Tertiary fossil forests of the Antarctic Peninsula. In: Thomson, M.R.A., Crame, J.A. and Thomson, J.W. Geological Evolution of Antarctica, Cambridge University Press. 623-628.
Macdonald, D.I.M. and Francis, J.E. (1992). The potential for Cretaceous coals in Antarctica.In: McCabe, P.J. (Ed.) "Controls on the distribution and quality of Cretaceous coals". Geological Society of America Special Publication, 267, 385-395.
Francis, J.E. and Frakes, L.A. 1993. Cretaceous Climates. In PRIS Sedimentology Review, (Ed.) V.P. Wright, 17-30.
Creber. G. T. and Francis, J. E.1999. Tree ring analysis: palaeodendrochronology. In Jones, T. and Rowe, N. (Eds) Fossil Plants and Spores: Modern Techniques Geological Society Special Publication, 245-250.
Francis, J. E. 1998. Interpreting palaeoclimates. In Doyle, P. and Bennet, M. (Eds). Interpreting the Stratigraphic record. Wiley and Sons. 471-490.
Refereed journal papers
Francis, J.E. 1983. The dominant conifer of the Jurassic Purbeck Formation, England. Palaeontology, 26, 277-294.
Francis, J.E. 1984. The seasonal environment of the Purbeck (Upper Jurassic) fossil forests. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 48, 285-307.
Francis, J.E. 1986. Growth rings in Cretaceous and Tertiary wood from Antarctica and their palaeoclimatic implications. Palaeontology, 29, 665-684.
Frakes, L.A. and Francis, J.E. 1988. A guide to Phanerozoic cold polar climates from high-latitude ice-rafting in the Cretaceous. Nature, 333, 547-549.
Francis, J.E. 1988. A 50-million-year-old fossil forest from Strathcona Fiord, Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada: evidence for a warm polar climate. Arctic, 41, 314-318.
Francis, J.E. and Coffin, M.F. (1992). Cretaceous fossil wood from the Raggatt Basin, southern Kerguelen Plateau (ODP Leg 120, Site 750). Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, 120, 273-280.
Watkins, D.K., Quilty, P.G., Mohr, B.A.R., Mao, S., Francis, J.E., Gee, C.T. and Coffin, M.F. (1992). Cretaceous paleontology of the central Kerguelen Plateau. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, 120, 951-960.
Read, J. and Francis, J.E. (1992). Responses of some southern hemisphere tree species to a prolonged dark period and their phytogeographic and palaeoecological implications for high-latitude Cretaceous and Tertiary floras. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 99, 271-290.
Dettman, M.E., Molnar, R.E., Douglas, J.G., Burger, D., Fielding, C., Clifford, H.T., Francis, J.E., Jell, P., Rich, T., Wade, M., Rich, P.V., Pledge, N., Kemp, A. and Rozefelds, A. 1992. Australian Cretaceous terrestrial faunas and floras: biostratigraphic and biogeographic implications. Cretaceous Research. 13, 207-262
Francis, J. E., Woolfe, K. J., Arnot, M. J. and Barrett, P. J. 1993. Permian forests of Allan Hills, Antarctica: the palaeoclimate of Gondwanan high latitudes. Special Papers in Palaeontology, 49, 75 - 83.
Francis, J. E., Woolfe, K. J., Arnot, M. J. and Barrett, P. J. 1994. Permian climates of the southern margins of Pangea: evidence from fossil wood in Antarctica. Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, 17, 275-282.
Francis, J. E. 1994. Palaeoclimates of Pangea - geological evidence.Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, 17, 265-274.
Ensom, P. C., Evans, S. E., Francis, J. E., Kielan-Jaworoska, Z., and Milner, A. R. 1994. The fauna and flora of the Sunnydown Farm footprint site and associated sites: Purbeck Limestone Formation, Dorset. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History Society, 115, 181-182.
Francis, J. E. and Hill, R.S. 1996. Pliocene Fossil Plants from the Transantarctic Mountains: Evidence for Climate from Growth Rings and Fossil Leaves. PALAIOS Special Thematic Issue on 'Skeletal records of ecologic change'. 11, 389-396
Francis J. E. 1996. Antarctic palaeobotany: clues to climate change. Terra Antarctica, 3, 135-140.
Clayton, T., Francis, J. E., Hillier, S. J., Hodson, F., Saunders, R. A., and Stone, J. 1996. The implications of reworking on the mineralogy and chemistry of Lower Carboniferous k-bentonites. Clay Minerals 31, 377-390.
Allen, P., Alvin, K. L., Andrews, J. E., Batten, D. J., Charlton, W. A., Cleevely, R. J., Ensom, P. C., Evans, S. E., Francis, J. E., Hailwood, E. L., Harding, I. C., Horne, D. J., Hughes, N. F., Jarzembowski, E. A., Jones, T. P., Knox, R.W.O'B., Milner, A., Norman, D. B., Palmer, C. P., Parker, A., Radley, J. D., Rawson, P. F., Ross, A. J., Rolfe, S., Ruffell, A. H., Sellwood, B. W., Taylor, K. G., Watson, J., Wright, V. P. and Wimbledon, W. A. 1998. Purbeck-Wealden (early Cretaceous) climates. Proceedings of the geologists' Association. 109, 197-236.
Francis, J. E. 1999. Evidence from Fossil Plants for Antarctic Palaeoclimates over the past 100 Million Years. Terra Antarctica Reports, 3, 43-52.
Poole I. and Francis, J.E., 1999. The first record of Atherospermataean wood from the Cretaceous of Antarctica. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 107, 97-107.
Poole, I. and Francis, J. E. 1999. Reconstruction of Antarctic palaeoclimates using angiosperm wood anatomy. Acta Palaeobotanica. Supplementum No. 2, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, Poland. 173-180.
Woolfe, K. J., Francis, J. E., and Arnot, M. J. 2000. PC99: new freeware for manipulating and graphically displaying palaeocurrent data. Sedimentary Geology 133, 1-5.
Poole, I. and Francis, J.E., 2000. The first record of fossil wood of the Winteraceae from the Upper Cretaceous of Antarctica. Ann. Bot. 85, 307-318.
Poole, I., Gottwald, H. and Francis, J.E., 2000. Illicioxylon, an Element of Gondwanan Polar Forests? Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary wood in Antarctica. Annals of Botany, 86, 421-432.
Poole, I., Richter, H. and Francis, J.E., 2000. Gondwanan origins for Sassafras (Lauraceae): evidence from Late Cretaceous fossil wood of Antarctica. IAWA Bulletin 21,
Poole, I., Cantrill, D.J., Hayes, P., Francis, J.E., 2000. The fossil record of Cunoniaceae: new evidence from Late Cretaceous wood of Antarctica. Rev. Palaeobotany Palynology 111, 127-144.
Beerling, D. J. and Francis J, E. 2000. Back to the future for plant and ecosystem evolution. TREE 15, p.442.
Francis, J. E. 2000. Fossil wood from Eocene high-latitude forests, McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. American Geophysical Union, Antarctic Research Series, 76, 253-260.
Francis, J. E. and Poole, I. 2002 Cretaceous and early Tertiary climates of Antarctica: evidence from fossil wood. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 182, 47-64.
Haywood, A. M., Valdes, P. J., Sellwood, B. W., Francis, J. E. and Kaplan J. O. 2002. Global middle Pliocene biome reconstruction: A data/model synthesis. G3 Geochemistry, geophysics, Geosystems. 3 (12), doi:10.1029/2002GC000358.
Creber and Francis. 2004. The growth of trees in the polar regions: evidence from Glossopteris of Permian age, Antarctica. Acta Horticulturae International Society for Horticultural Science.
Eklund, H., Cantrill, D. J. and Francis, J. E. 2004. A Late Cretaceous mesofossil assemblage from Table Nunatak, Antarctica: Lycopods, ferns and vegetative structures of conifers and angiosperms. Cretaceous Research, 25, 211-228.
Crame, J.A., Francis, J.E., Cantrill, D. and Pirrie, D. 2004, Maastrichtian stratigraphy of Antarctica. Cretaceous Research, 25, 411-423.
Howe, J. and Francis, J. E. about to be submitted. Metamorphosed palaeosols from the Cretaceous fossil forests of Alexander Island, Antarctica. Journal of the Geological Society.
Public articles (unrefereed)
Francis, J.E. and McMillan, N.J. 1987. Fossil Forests in the Far North. Geos, 16, 6-9.
Francis, J.E. 1989. In search of polar forests. South Australian Museum Newsletter, 20, 3-5.
Francis, J.E. 1989. Antarctica: the search for fossil forests. Geology Today, 5, 155.
Francis, J.E. and Frakes, L.A. 1990. Cretaceous climates of Australia. Contribution to 'Biology: The Common Threads'. Australian Academy of Science School Biology Project.
Francis, J.E. Polar Forests. (1990). Geology Today, 92-95.
Francis, J.E. 1991. Arctic Eden. Natural History, 1/91, 57-63
Woolfe, K.J., Arnot, M.J., Barrett, P.J. and Francis, J.E. 1991. 1990/91Victoria University of Wellington geological field season to Allan Hills, Transantarctic Mountains. Report for the Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research (SCAR).
Arnot, M.J., Barrett, P.J., Francis, J.E., Smith, N.D., Woolfe, K.J. 1992. Paleocurrent data from Allan Hills. In: Woolfe, K.J. Paleocurrent data from the Beacon Supergroup at Allan Hills and other localities in Southern Victoria Land and the Darwin Mountains, Antarctica. Data Series 16, V.U.W, Wellington, N.Z. p.7-113
Feldman, R., and Francis. J. E. 1995. Antarctic biotas through time. The Antarctic region: geological evolution and processes. 975-6.
Scott, A., Butler, R., Francis, J. E., and Barnicoat, A. 1995. Geological Map Skills. Computer aided learning module. UK Earth Science Courseware Consortium.
Francis, J. E. 1997. Glaciation - a geocatastrophe? Journal of the Open University Geological Society. 18, 43-47.
Francis, J. E. & Wignall. P. B. 1997. Fieldwork safety at Leeds University. Teaching Earth Sciences, 22, 91.
Francis, J. E. and Feldmann, R. M. 1997. Antarctic Fossil Biotas through Time. Thematic Session Overview of VII ISAEA 1995. Terra Antarctica, 3, 152-153.
Kneale, P. E, Francis, J. E., Humphries, J. and Jackson, P. 1999. Faculty Reflective Portfolio. University of Leeds. http://www.geog.leeds.ac.uk/publications/portfolio/
Francis, J. E. 2000 Forests in the Frost. Rockwatch magazine, winter 99, 4-5.
Francis, J. E. and Smith, M. P. 2002. Palaeoclimate reconstructions using fossils and lithological indicators - foreword. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 182, 1.
Francis, J. E. 2002. Fossil forests of the polar regions: heralds of global climate change. Open University Geological Society Journal, 23, 26-28.
Jane Francis
Seward umbrella of world palaeobotany
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Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.298) [The 299THissue in total]
痴迷中国植物化石的英国古植物学家Dr. Jason Hilton
2015-2-4 00:43
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