

British palaeobotanist: Chris J. Cleal

已有 3798 次阅读 2015-2-1 05:18 |个人分类:古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|系统分类:人物纪事| Chris, Cleal

   英国古植物学家Chris J. Cleal于1975年毕业于University of Sheffield,获博士学位(导师:Robert Herman Wagner)。Cleal博士目前供职威尔士国家博物馆(NationalMuseum of Wales)。


Late Palaeozoic palaeobotany, including gymnosperm taxonomy,cuticle studies, biogeography and biostratigraphy.

Taxonomy of Palaeozoic Medullosales, Marattiales and Sphenophyta
Biostratigraphy, biogeography and biodiversity of Palaeozoic floras
The interaction of climate and vegetation in Palaeozoic times
Palaeobotanical taxonomic nomenclature
The history of palaeobotany in Britain


I started work on late Carboniferous palaeobotany in1972, studying for a PhD with Bob Wagner at the University of Sheffield. Myinitial interests were a combination of biostratigraphy and the taxonomy of theMedullosales, based mainly around the Saar-Lorraine floras, and these havestayed with me most of my working life. After leaving Sheffield in 1975, Ispent two years in the Geology Department of the National Museum of Wales inCardiff, where I helped curate the Emily Dix and other collections ofCarboniferous plant fossils held there. I returned to Sheffield for a year todo more work with Bob Wagner, and then in 1978 joined the Nature ConservancyCouncil (NCC), whose geological offices were based in Newbury, Berkshire (whereI still live).

The NCC was then undertaking a complete review ofthe protected geological sites in Britain, and I was responsible for the upperCarboniferous stratigraphical and all palaeobotanical sites. I was required tovisit all sites in Britain showing these interests, to assess their scientificimportance in a national and international context, ultimately selecting themost important as proposed Sites of Special Scientific Interest. I also wasresponsible for organising excavations and site cleaning work, which includeddigs on dinosaur sites on the Isle of Wight, Devonian fish sites in Shropshire,and Carboniferous palaeobotany sites in the Forest of Dean, north Wales,Lancashire and Berwickshire.

The NCC work finished in 1988 and I spent two yearsas a ‘house husband’ caring for our eldest daughter, Helen. However, in 1990 Iwas invited by Barry Thomas to join the Botany Department of the NationalMuseum of Wales, where I have been ever since. Initially I acted as a researchassistant to Barry but, when the department was later merged with Zoology (tofor the Department of Biodiversity & Systematic Biology) I was appointedAssistant Keeper in charge of Vegetation History. During this time I havecontinued to develop my interest in Carboniferous palaeobotany and terrestrialenvironments, including the development of a number of internationalcollaborative projects, of which IGC 575 is the most recent.


Projects and organisations
Late Variscan terrestrial biotas and palaeoenvironments (IGCP 469): SeniorCo-ordinator
Climatic and vegetational changes in the Late Carboniferous tropical belt(Supported by NATO Science Programme): Project Co-ordinator
Bibliography of European Palaeobotany and Palynology: co-editor
International Association for Plant Taxonomy (IAPT), Fossil Plant Committee
IUGS Subcommission on Carboniferous Stratigraphy: Corresponding Member
European Association for the Conservation of Earth Heritage (ProGeo): BritishDelegate
British Institute for Geological Conservation: Secretary
Fellow of the Linnean Society and the Geological Society, London
Former editor and Council Member of the Palaeontological Association


Publications (Books)
Cleal, C. J (ed.) 1991. Plant fossils in geological investigation: thePalaeozoic. Ellis Horwood, Chichester, 233 pp.

Cleal, C. J. & Thomas, B. A. 1995. Palaeozoic palaeobotany of GreatBritain. Chapman & Hall, London, Geological Conservation Review Series, No.9, xii + 295 pp.

Cleal, C. J. & Thomas, B. A. 1995. British Upper Carboniferous stratigraphy. Chapman & Hall, London, xii + 295 pp. (GeologicalConservation Review Series, No. 11)

Cleal, C. J. & Thomas, B. A. 1994. Plant fossils of the British Coal Measures. Palaeontological Association, London, 222 pp. (Field Guide toFossils).

Cleal, C. J. & Thomas, B. A. 1999. Plant fossils. Boydell Press,Woodbridge, ix + 188 pp., 128 pls. (Fossils Illustrated, Volume 2).

Cleal, C. J., Thomas, B. A., Batten, D. J. & Collinson, M. E. 2001.Mesozoic and Tertiary palaeobotany of Great Britain. Joint Nature ConservationCommittee, Peterborough, xviii + 335 pp. (Geological Conservation ReviewSeries, No. 22)

Anderson, J. M., Anderson, H. M. & Cleal, C. J. 2007. Brief history of thegymnosperms: classification, biodiversity, phytogeography and ecology. SouthAfrica National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria, x + 279 pp (Strelitzia, 20).

Cleal, C. J. & Thomas, B. A. 2009. Introduction to plant fossils. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, viii +237 pp.

Selected recent papers
Thomas, B. A. & Cleal, C. J. 2001. A new early Westphalian D flora fromAberdulais Falls, South Wales. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 112,373-377.

Šimunek, Z. & Cleal, C. J. 2002. The taxonomy of middle Westphalianmedullosalean foliage known as 'Alethopteris grandinioides early form' from theCentral and Western Bohemian Basin. Bulletin of the Czech Geological Survey,77, 61-64.

Shute, C. H. & Cleal, C. J. 2002. Ecology and growth habit ofLaveineopteris: a gymnosperm from the Late Carboniferous tropical rain forests.Palaeontology, 45, 943-972.

Cleal, C. J. & Wang Ziqiang. 2002. A new and diverse plant fossilassemblage from the upper Westphalian Benxi Formation, Shanxi, China, and itspalaeofloristic significance. Geological Magazine, 139, 107-130.

Cleal, C. J. 2002. Two new late Carboniferous Neuropteris species(Medullosales) from Saarland, Germany and their palaeogeographical significance.Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 139, 193-205.

Evans, B. G., Cleal, C. J., Thomas, B. A. & Wimbledon, W. A. P. 2003. TheWestphalian succession of the Glyn-neath area, South Wales: an internationallyimportant geological resource. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 114,291-305.

Pšenicka, J., Bek, J., Zodrow, E. L., Cleal, C. J., & Hemsley, A. 2003. Anew late Westphalian fossil marattialean fern from Nova Scotia. BotanicalJournal of the Linnean Society, 142, 199-212.

Cleal, C. J., Dimitrova, T. Kh. & Zodrow, E. L. 2003. Macrofloral andpalynological criteria for recognising the Westphalian - Stephanian boundary.Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 39, 181-208.

Cleal, C. J. & Shute, C. H. 2003. Systematics of the Late Carboniferous medullosaleanpteridosperm Laveineopteris and its associated Cyclopteris leaves.Palaeontology, 46, 353-411.

Šimunek, Z. & Cleal, C. J. 2004. Small-pinnuled odontopterid medullosaleansfrom the middle and upper Stephanian of Central Bohemia and Saar-Lorraine.Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 129, 21-38.

Cleal, C. J. & Thomas, B. A. 2004. Late Carboniferous palaeobotany of theupper Bideford Formation, north Devon: a coastal setting for a Coal Measuresflora. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 115, 267-281.

Cleal, C. J. 2004. IGCP 469 Late Westphalian terrestrial biotas andenvironments of the Variscan Foreland and adjacent intramontane basins.Geologica Balcanica, 34, 3-10.

Cleal, C. J., Tenchov, Y. & Zodrow, E. L. 2004. Review of the lateWestphalian early Stephanian macrofloras of the Dobrudzha Coalfield, Bulgaria.Geologica Balcanica, 34, 11-20.

Cleal, C. J. & Thomas, B. A. 2005. Palaeozoic tropical rainforests andtheir effect on global climates: is the past the key to the present? Geobiology,3, 13-31.

Cleal, C. J. 2005. The Westphalian macrofloral record from the cratonic centralPennines Basin, UK.
Zeitschrift derDeutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 156, 387-410.

Cleal, C. J., Lazarus, M. & Townsend, A. 2005. Illustrations andillustrators during the 'Golden Age' of palaeobotany: 1800-1840. In: Bowden, A.J., Burek, C. V. & Wilding, R (ed.) History of palaeobotany: selectedessays. Geological Society of London, Special Publication, 241, 41-61.

Burek, C. V. & Cleal, C. J. 2005. The life and work of Emily Dix(1904-1972). In: Bowden, A. J., Burek, C. V. & Wilding, R (ed.) History ofpalaeobotany: selected essays. Geological Society of London, SpecialPublication, 241, 181-196.

Dimitrova, T. Kh., Cleal, C. J. & Thomas, B. A. 2005. Palynology of lateWestphalian early Stephanian coal-bearing deposits in the eastern South WalesCoalfield. Geological Magazine, 142, 809-821.

Zodrow, E. L., Cleal, C. J. & Tenchov, Y. G. 2006. The Pennsylvanian-agedLinopteris obliqua tree from the Sydney Coalfield, Nova Scotia. CanadianPalaeobiology, 13, 5-8.

Zodrow, E. L., Šimunek, Z., Cleal, C. J., Bek, J. & Pšenicka, J. 2006.Taxonomic revision of the Palaeozoic marattialean fern Acitheca. Review ofPalaeobotany and Palynology, 138, 239-280.

Cleal, C. J. & Shute, C. H. 2007. The effect of drying on epidermal cellparameters preserved on plant cuticles.
Acta Palaeobotanica, 47, 315-326.
Zodrow, E. L., Tenchov, E. L. & Cleal, C. J. 2007. The arborescentLinopteris obliqua plant (Medullosales, Pennsylvanian). Bulletin ofGeosciences, 82, 51-84.

Dimitrova, T. Kh. & Cleal, C. J. 2007. Palynological evidence for lateWestphalian–early Stephanian vegetation change in the Dobrudzha Coalfield, NEBulgaria. Geological Magazine, 144, 513-524.

Cleal, C. J., Tenchov, Y. G., Dimitrova, T. Kh., Thomas, B. A. & Zodrow, E.L. 2007. Late Westphalian-Early Stephanian vegetational changes across theVariscan Foreland. In Wong, Th. E (ed.) Proceedings of the XVth InternationalCongress on Carboniferous and Permian Stratigraphy. Utrecht, the Netherlands,10-16 August 2003. Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Amsterdam,pp. 367-377.

Cleal, C. J., Zodrow, E. L. & Šimunek, Z.. 2007. Leaf cuticles from thePennsylvanian-aged medullosalean Odontopteris cantabrica Wagner. ActaPalaeobotanica, 47, 327-337.

Cleal, C. J. 2007. The Westphalian-Stephanian macrofloral record from the SouthWales Coalfield. Geological Magazine, 144, 465-486.

Opluštil, S. & Cleal, C. J. 2007. A comparative analysis of some Late Carboniferousbasins of Variscan Europe. Geological Magazine, 144, 417-448.

Hilton, J. & Cleal C. J. 2007. The relationship between Euramerican andCathaysian tropical floras in the Late Palaeozoic: palaeobiogeographical andpalaeogeographical implications. Earth-Science Reviews, 85, 85-116.

Fraser, H. E. & Cleal, C. J. 2007. The contributions of British women toCarboniferous palaeobotany during the first half of the 20th century. In:Burek, C. V. & Higgs B (ed.) The role of women in the history of geology.Geological Society of London, Special Publication, 281, 51-82.

Cleal, C. J. 2008. IGCP 469 Late Variscan terrestrial biotas andpalaeoenvironments. Studia Geologica Polonica, 129, 7-8.

Cleal, C. J. 2008. Macrofloral biostratigraphy of the Ottweiler Group inSaar-Lorraine and its consequences for Stephanian palynostratigraphy andgeochronology. Studia Geologica lPolonica, 129, 9-23.

Cleal, C. J. 2008. Palaeofloristics of Middle Pennsylvanian lyginopteridaleansin Variscan Euramerica. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 261,1-14.

Cleal, C. J. 2008. Westphalian-Stephanian macrofloras of the southern PenninesBasin, UK. Studia Geologica Polonica, 129, 25-41.

Cleal, C. J. 2008. Palaeofloristics of Middle Pennsylvanian medullosaleans inVariscan Euramerica. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 268,164-180.

Pšenicka, J., Bek, J., Cleal, C. J., Wittry, J. & Zodrow, E. L. 2009.Description of synangia and spores of the holotype of the Carboniferous fernLobatopteris miltoni, with taxonomic comments. Review of Palaeobotany andPalynology, 155, 133-144.

Cleal, C. J., Fraser, H. E., Lazarus, M. & Dannell, G. 2009. The forestsbefore the flood: the palaeobotanical contributions of Edmund Tyrell Artis(1789-1847). Earth Sciences History, 28, 245-275.

Cleal, C. J., Shute, C. H., Hilton, J. & Carter, J. 2009. A revision of thePennsylvanian-aged Eremopteris-bearing seed plant. International Journal ofPlant Sciences, 170, 666-698.

Cleal, C. J. 2010. Proposal to conserve the name Eusphenopteris Gothan exSimson-Scharold against Eusphenopteris Kidst (fossil Lyginopteridales). Taxon,59, 653-655.

Tenchov, Y. G. & Cleal, C. J. 2010. Neuralethopteris foliage (Medullosales)in the Carboniferous of Dobrudzha Coalfield, Bulgaria. Review of Palaeobotanyand Palynology, 158, 298-307.

Cleal, C. J. & Thomas, B. A. 2010. Botanical nomenclature and plantfossils. Taxon, 59, 261-268.

Cleal, C. J. & Thomas, B. A. 2010. Proposals to modify the provisions inthe Code for naming plant fossils. Taxon, 59, 312-313.

Thomas, B. A., Zodrow, E. L. & Cleal, C. J. 2010. Leafy branches ofBothrodendron punctatum from the Westphalian D (Asturian) of Nova Scotia,Canada. Atlantic Geology, 46, 1-6.





Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.290) [The 291stissue in total]


英国古植物学家[British palaeobotanist]Chris J. Cleal

2015-2-1 05:18

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