

Bristish palaeobotanist--Michael Charles Boulter

已有 3049 次阅读 2015-1-28 23:47 |个人分类:古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|系统分类:人物纪事| Charles, Boulter

英国古植物学家、孢粉学家Michael Charles Boulter 

    英国东伦敦大学(University of East London)退休教授Michael Charles Boulter (1942--)古植物学家、孢粉学家。他曾是William Gilbert Chaloner (FRS, 1928--)的学生。1989—2002年,Michael Charles Boulter东伦敦大学从事古生物学的教学和科学研究。

        1977—2000年,Michael Charles Boulter连续担任国际古植物协会(International Organization of Palaebotany-IOP)秘书,为推动国际古植物学的交流和合作做出了贡献。

         Michael Charles Boulter教授部分出版物:

  • 1971: A palynological study of two of the Neogene     plant beds in Derbyshire. Bulletin of the British Museum Natural History     19, 359-410.

  • 1971: with P.T. Walsh et al. The Brassington     Formation: a newly recognised Tertiary formation. Nature 231, 134-136.

  • 1972: with P.T. Walsh et al. Preservation of Neogene     Pocket Deposits of the southern Pennines and their bearing on the     evolution of upland Britain. J. Geological Society 128, 519-559.

  • 1978: with D. Curry et al. A Correlation of the     Tertiary Rocks of the British Isles. Geological Society London 83pp.

  • 1980: with G.C. Wilkinson. Oligocene pollen and     spores from the western part of the British Isles. Palaeontographica B     175, 27-83.

  • 1981: with M.E. Collinson et al. Floristic changes     indicate a cooling climate in the Eocene of southern England. Nature 291,     315-317.

  • 1983: with RN.L.B. Hubbard. Reconstruction of     Palaeogene climate from palynological evidence. Nature 301, 147-150.

  • 1988: with R.A. Spicer et al. Patterns of plant     extinction from some palaeobotanical evidence. In: Fossils and Climate,     OUP. 1-36.

  • 1989: with Z. Kvacek. The Palaeocene Flora of the     Isle of Mull. Sp. Pap. Palaeontology 41, 249pp.

  • 1990: with Hodges, Christopher, Australia's First     International Art Movement. Utopia Art Sydney 1990, ISBN     0-7316-9906-8

  • 1994: with H. Fisher (Eds.) Cenozoic Plants and     Climates of the Arctic (Nato a S I Series Series I, Global Environmental     Change, Springer Verlag. 401pp.

  • 1997: A Lost Continent in a Temperate Arctic. Endeavour     21, 105-8.

  • 1999: with D. Hewzulla et al. Evolutionary patterns     from mass originations and mass extinctions. Proceedings Royal Society B     354, 463-9.

  • 2002: Extinction: Evolution and the End of Man.     Fourth Estate, 210pp.

  • 2002: with J.-F. Manen. The complex history of the     genus Ilex. Plant Systematics Evolution 235, 79-98.

  • 2008: Darwin's Garden - Down House and The Origin     of Species. Constable, 251pp.




Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.272) [The 273rdissue in total]


英国古植物学家、孢粉学家Michael Charles Boulter (1942--)

British palaeobotanist and palynologist-- Michael Charles Boulter (1942--)

2015-1-28 23:47



Michael Boulter

Seward umbrella of world palaeobotany

2014-11-21 00:13


Storyof Palaeobotany Series (special issue for British palaeobotany)


我所认识的第一位英国古植物学家--Dianne Edwards(FRS,1942--)

Dianne Edwards (FRS, 1942--), the first British palaeobotanist I have known

(The 1st Addendum to the Special Issue for British Palaeobotany)[in Chinese]

2013-5-19 03:53


Presidents and other officers of IOP---International Organization of Palaebotany

2014-11-14 05:29



上一篇:Umbrella of American Palaeobotany-75: Gar W Rothwell
下一篇:American palaeobotanist—Charles Jack Smiley (1924--1996)
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