The chair of the Professor of Botany at the University of Cambridge was founded by the university in 1724. In 2009 the chair was renamed the Regius Professor of Botany.
A lectureship in botany had been founded in 1704. From 1718 to 1818, the subject was combined with Anatomy. The chair was founded in 1818 by King George III.
我想,很少有人会知道Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker对地质学和古植物学甚感兴趣。1855年,“小Hooker”与著名地质学家和古植物学Edward William Binney (1812-1881)合作发表了一篇研究论文,首次研究了植物化石的重要研究材料—煤核(coal balls)。他们是研究煤核植物化石的先驱。直到1979年,西方人才知道中国地区已发现煤核植物化石。
著名古植物学家John Walton(1895-1971)于1930年开始在Glasgow大学担任植物学“Regius教授”。John Walton是Albert Charles Seward的学生。