这次seminar,在个小会议室而不是上次那个电化教室,只有一个圆桌。人比上次少。4位教师,除Brian和Lihua,还有机械系动力学与控制教学组(Teaching Group)的负责人高级讲师Roger Halkyard博士。另有一位教师不认识。研究生有3个。这次报告,主题是能量采集,虽然热门,但比振动控制还是窄些。而且聚焦在我们自己提出的内共振能量采集,就更专门了。人少也在情理之中
Recent explorations on internal resonance energy harvesting
A vibration-based energy harvesteris essentially a resonator working in a limited frequency range. To increase the working frequency range is a challenging problem. A promising solution approach is to introduce intentionally nonlinearities into the design of energy harvesters. The bending of amplitude-frequency response curves can be employed to broaden the harvester working frequency bands. Internal resonance may be a possible mechanism to enhance energy harvesting, because, amplitude-frequency response curves will bend to both increasing and decreasing frequency directions in the presence of internal resonance. The presentation summarizes three investigations on internal resonance energy harvesting. Firstly, a prototype of an internal resonance piezoelectric energy harvester is conceptually designed, and the averaged root-mean-square output voltages are calculated under four kinds of noses, namely, the Gaussian whitenoise, the colored noise defined by a second-order filter, the narrow-bandnoise, and exponentially correlated noise. Secondly, an electromagnetic device with snap-through nonlinearity is proposed as an archetype of an internal resonance energy harvester, the amplitude-frequency response curves derived from the method of multiple scales have two peaks bending to the left and the right respectively, and the averaged power is calculated under the four kinds of noises. Finally, an L-shaped cantilevered structure laminated with a piezoelectric patch and augmented with frequency tuning magnets is treated numerically and experimentally. All these works demonstrate that the internal resonance increases the opening bandwidth and the output electricity.
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