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科学界一“老刺头” 精选

已有 9035 次阅读 2011-5-29 11:31 |个人分类:海外生活|系统分类:海外观察| style

    这里说的“老刺头”就是Peter Lawrence。在科学界做“刺头”至少要满足两个条件:1)够牛,学术水平够高;2)敢做愤青。“老刺头”就得在原来的基础上多加一些东西:1)学术水平一直很牛;2)从小愤青一直做到老愤青。

    Peter Lawrence做的是发育生物学,英国人,在英国工作,今年芳龄70。先不说他做了什么,就凭他是a member of the European Molecular Biology Organization,[3] a Fellow of the Royal Society, was awarded the Darwin Medal, a recipient of the Prince of Asturias Prize for scientific research and was elected a Foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in 2000.”,就知道他是大牛了。


    下面我就讲三段我所知道的Peter Lawrence的言论,大家来评评他是否够格当“老刺头”。

    第一件事是他与Bill Mcginnis写了一篇史上很牛(如果不是最牛)的书评。这篇书评是为著名的发育生物学家Walter Gehring的作品《Master Control Genes》而写的,发表在《Nature》上。Bill Mcginnis Walter Gehring的博士后,而Peter Lawrence则作为旁观者插了一腿。通常的书评都是把一本书说得很好,然后提一点小意见,但在这篇书评中,两人抨击和嘲讽Walter Gehring在这本书中夸大了自己的贡献,而贬低了他手下博士后的贡献,并且把一些瞎猫碰着死老鼠的发现讲述成福尔摩斯式的动人故事。具体的大家可以去看看。下面摘录了几句:

He takes us on a roller-coaster ride, mainly down into the demanding depths of heavy-duty description, occasionally up to the entertaining heights of lyrical reminiscence, giving us a book that is part primer, part autobiography, part gossip.

It is, of course,a diff icult task to write history when nearly all the participants are still alive.

this book omits the fits and starts, the blind alleys pursued,the struggles with techniques and the endless doubts. It does not illustrate the part that timeliness and luck play in nearly every discovery.


    第二件事是Peter LawrenceThe Scientist网站上批评年轻人Jeffrey Axelrod(斯坦福大学教授)在《Cell》上发表的一篇文章(http://www.the-scientist.com/blog/display/55240/)。他认为Axelrod夸大自己的发现,故意不引用几年前发表的、持相似观点的文章。他批评这种不正之风:“There's a pressure on scientists to publish in these top journals to promote their work as more novel than it really is.

    当然,Peter Lawrence也不总是目中无人的。他是Francis Crick的朋友。他们之间有过一段时间的合作。在克里克去世后,他与Mark Bretscher共同写了一篇讣告,高度评价了克里克的才能和人格。感兴趣的朋友可以看看(http://www.cell.com/current-biology/retrieve/pii/S096098220400586X )。



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