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MR3430378 Bondarenko, Andriy; Seip, Kristian Helson's problem for sums of a randommultiplicative function. Mathematika62 (2016), no. 1, 101–110.
MR3430377 Klagsbrun, Zev; Lemke Oliver, Robert J. Thedistribution of 2-Selmer ranks of quadratic twists of elliptic curves withpartial two-torsion. Mathematika 62 (2016), no. 1, 67–78.
MR3430376 Mertens, Michael H.; Ono, Ken Special values of shifted convolutionDirichlet series. Mathematika 62 (2016), no. 1, 47–66.
MR3430375 Chow, Sam Waring's problem with shifts. Mathematika 62 (2016), no. 1, 13–46.
MR3428847 Lee, Min Ho Theta series associated to symmetricmatrices. Complex Var. Elliptic Equ. 61 (2016), no. 1, 15–22.
MR3427651 Böttcher, Albrecht; Fukshansky, Lenny; Garcia, Stephan Ramon; Maharaj, Hiren Lattices from Hermitian functionfields. J. Algebra 447 (2016), 560–579.
MR3427641 Tanaka, Tatsushi; Wakabayashi, Noriko Kawashima's relations for interpolatedmultiple zeta values. J. Algebra447 (2016), 424–431.
MR3425971 Jones, Timothy G. F. An improved incidence bound for fieldsof prime order. European J. Combin. 52 (2016), part A, 136–145.
MR3432583 Treumann, David; Venkatesh, Akshay Functoriality, Smith theory, and theBrauer homomorphism. Ann. of Math. (2) 183 (2016), no. 1, 177–228.
MR3425233 Tsang, Cindy On the Galois module structure of thesquare root of the inverse different in abelian extensions.J. Number Theory 160 (2016), 759–804.
MR3425232 Kosters, Michiel Deterministically generating Picardgroups of hyperelliptic curves over finite fields. J. Number Theory 160 (2016), 739–758.
MR3425231 Berend, D.; Kolesnik, G. Joint distribution of completely q-additive functionsin residue classes. J. Number Theory 160 (2016), 716–738.
MR3425230 Coppola, Giovanni; Murty, M. Ram; Saha, Biswajyoti On the error term in a Parseval typeformula in the theory of Ramanujan expansions II. J. Number Theory 160 (2016), 700–715.
MR3425229 Palm, Marc The character of GL(2) automorphicforms. J. Number Theory 160 (2016), 679–699.
MR3425228 Chara, M.; Toledano, R. On cubic Kummer type towers of Garcia,Stichtenoth and Thomas. J. Number Theory160 (2016), 666–678.
MR3425227 Moree, Pieter; Zumalacárregui, Ana Salajan's conjecture on discriminatingterms in an exponential sequence.J. Number Theory 160 (2016), 646–665.
MR3425226 Mkaouar, M.; Wannes, W. On the normal number of prime factorsof ϕ(n) subject tocertain congruence conditions. J. Number Theory 160 (2016), 629–645.
MR3425225 Chou, Michael Torsion of rational elliptic curvesover quartic Galois number fields. J. Number Theory 160 (2016), 603–628.
MR3425223 Uzun, Mecit Kerem Motivic homology and class field theoryover p-adic fields. J. Number Theory 160 (2016), 566–585.
MR3425222 Tuxanidy, Aleksandr; Wang, Qiang On the number of N-free elements withprescribed trace. J. Number Theory160 (2016), 536–565.
MR3425221 Hegyvári, Norbert Note on character sums of Hilbertcubes. J. Number Theory 160 (2016), 526–535.
MR3425220 Wang, Ruiqing Indecomposable quadratic lattices overglobal function fields. J. Number Theory 160 (2016), 516–525.
MR3425219 Wang, Victor Y. On Hilbert 2-class fields and 2-towersof imaginary quadratic number fields. J. Number Theory160 (2016), 492–515.
MR3425218 Ouyang, Yi; Yang, Jinbang Newton polygons of L functions ofpolynomials xd+ax. J. NumberTheory 160 (2016),478–491.
MR3425217 Kobayashi, Hirotomo Class numbers of pure quintic fields. J.Number Theory 160(2016), 463–477.
MR3425216 Hu, Liqun; Yang, Li On pairs of equations in one prime, twoprime squares and powers of 2. J. Number Theory160 (2016), 451–462.
MR3425215 Breuer, Florian Explicit Drinfeld moduli schemes andAbhyankar's Generalized Iteration Conjecture. J. Number Theory 160 (2016), 432–450.
MR3425213 McKee, James; Yatsyna, Pavlo Salem numbers of trace −2, and a conjecture ofEstes and Guralnick. J. Number Theory 160 (2016), 409–417.
MR3425212 Dixit, Atul; Roy, Arindam; Zaharescu, Alexandru Riesz-type criteria and thetatransformation analogues. J. Number Theory 160 (2016), 385–408.
MR3425211 Glanois, Claire Motivic unipotent fundamental groupoidof Gm∖μN for N=2,3,4,6,8 and Galoisdescents. J. Number Theory 160 (2016), 334–384.
MR3425210 Chen, Hui; Zhang, Tianping On the fourth power mean of theanalogous general Kloosterman sum. J. Number Theory 160 (2016), 326–333.
MR3425209 Hou, Xiang-dong On global P-forms. J.Number Theory 160(2016), 307–325.
MR3425208 All, Timothy On Stickelberger elements for Q(ξpn+1)+ and p-adic L-functions. J.Number Theory 160(2016), 287–306.
MR3425207 Yau, Stephen S.-T.; Yuan, Beihui; Zuo, Huaiqing On the polynomial sharp upper estimateconjecture in 7-dimensional simplex. J. Number Theory 160 (2016), 254–286.
MR3425206 Burkhardt, Paula; Chan, Alice Zhuo-Yu; Currier, Gabriel; Garcia, Stephan Ramon; Luca, Florian; Suh, HongVisual properties of generalized Kloostermansums. J. Number Theory 160 (2016), 237–253.
MR3425205 Voutier, Paul M. Thue's Fundamentaltheorem, II: Furtherrefinements and examples. J. Number Theory 160 (2016), 215–236.
MR3425204 Franc, Cameron; Mason, Geoffrey Three-dimensional imprimitiverepresentations of the modular group and their associated modular forms. J.Number Theory 160(2016), 186–214.
MR3425203 Yu, Myungjun Selmer ranks of twists of hyperellipticcurves and superelliptic curves. J. Number Theory 160 (2016), 148–185.
MR3425201 Sun, Zhi-Wei The least modulus for which consecutivepolynomial values are distinct. J. Number Theory 160 (2016), 108–116.
MR3425200 Laishram, Shanta; Nair, Saranya G.; Shorey, T. N. Irreducibility of generalized Laguerrepolynomials L(12+u)n(x)with integer u. J. NumberTheory 160 (2016),76–107.
MR3425199 Merca, Mircea Combinatorial interpretations of arecent convolution for the number of divisors of a positive integer. J.Number Theory 160(2016), 60–75.
MR3425198 Yan, Xiaofei On some exponential sums involvingMaass forms over arithmetic progressions. J. Number Theory160 (2016), 44–59.
MR3425197 Sands, Jonathan W. Twisted zeta functions of quaternionorders. J. Number Theory 160 (2016), 32–43.
MR3425194 Errthum, Eric A division algorithm approach to p-adic Sylvesterexpansions. J. Number Theory 160 (2016), 1–10.
MR3426594 Lara Rodríguez, José Alejandro; Thakur, Dinesh S. Multizeta shuffle relations forfunction fields with non rational infinite place. Finite Fields Appl. 37 (2016), 344–356.
MR3426592 Andrade, Julio Rudnick and Soundararajan's theorem forfunction fields. Finite Fields Appl. 37 (2016), 311–327.
MR3426591 Troupe, Lee Bounded gaps between prime polynomialswith a given primitive root. Finite Fields Appl. 37 (2016), 295–310.
MR3426590 Ouyang, Yi; Zhang, Shenxing Newton polygons of L-functions ofpolynomials xd+axd−1 with p≡−1modd.Finite FieldsAppl. 37 (2016), 285–294.
MR3426587 Bartoli, Daniele; Storme, Leo The second and the third smallestarrangements of hyperplanes in finite projective spaces. Finite FieldsAppl. 37 (2016), 225–239.
MR3426583 Slavov, Kaloyan An algebraic geometry version of theKakeya problem. Finite Fields Appl. 37 (2016), 158–178.
MR3426582 Jang, Youngho; Jeong, Sangtae; Li, Chunlan Criteria of measure-preservation for1-Lipschitz functions onFq[[T]] in terms of thevan der Put basis and its applications. Finite Fields Appl. 37 (2016), 131–157.
MR3426578 Hong, Shaofang; Qin, Xiaoer; Zhao, Wei Necessary conditions for reversedDickson polynomials of the second kind to be permutational. FiniteFields Appl. 37(2016), 54–71.
MR3426575 Bamunoba, Alex Samuel On coefficients of Carlitz cyclotomicpolynomials. Finite Fields Appl. 37 (2016), 28–35.
MR3426574 Fernando, Neranga; Hou, Xiang-dong From r-linearizedpolynomial equations to rm-linearized polynomial equations. FiniteFields Appl. 37(2016), 14–27.
MR3424837 Badziahin, Dzmitry Computation of the infimum in theLittlewood conjecture. Exp. Math. 25 (2016), no. 1, 100–105.
MR3424834 Roure, Eduard; Travesa, Artur Two independent checkings of the weakGoldbach conjecture up to 1027. Exp. Math. 25 (2016), no. 1, 79–82.
MR3424056 Hoffman, J. William; Liang, Zhibin; Sakai, Yukiko; Wang, Haohao Genus 3 curves whose Jacobians haveendomorphisms by Q(ζ7+ζˉˉˉ7). J. SymbolicComput. 74 (2016),561–577.
MR3424043 Rauh, Johannes; Sullivant, Seth Lifting Markov bases and highercodimension toric fiber products. J. Symbolic Comput. 74 (2016), 276–307.
MR3426434 Bravo, Jhon J.; Luca, Florian Factorials and the Ramanujan function. Glasg.Math. J. 58 (2016),no. 1, 177–185.
MR3422686 Choie, YoungJu; Lee, Min Ho Symmetric tensor representations,quasimodular forms, and weak Jacobi forms.Adv. Math. 287 (2016), 567–599.
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